Marksman on the PTR - AMAZING CHANGE

be careful. Having a optimistic outlook about this spec makes you at target. But I appreciate the response to the thread. And you’re right regardless of what the change is, Hunter is gonna be fine.

They’re giving feedback. That’s why blizzard announced the changes when they did. To get people’s thoughts on it.


It’s a lot more fun to take criticism of the change personally and then throw yourself on the cross about getting bites on your bait thread.


and I would encourage them to make 1000 more threads. I don’t think I’d put any hope or stock in those threads but they are absolutely free to do so. And they have that right just as much as I have this right to make a singular thread, expressing my approval of the changes that I tested for myself. I’m not forcing anybody else to come to my side. I’m simply sharing my story.

  1. it has always been a true long range dps role. nothing changed.
  2. it is not single target. you can talent it to be or cleave or aoe. nothing changed.
  3. it is not a support role. it is a dps role

it is right now currently doing far more dps in terms of dps according to warcraft logs. check yourself. mm is dominating. so your troll comments are just that.

what a joke. leaving mm with the option to summon a pet would change nothing. absolutely nothing. the spec will still arrive with its new sparkle, leaving a pet as an option for mm hunters that played mm with a pet for 20 years would be ok, even if it came with a damage penalty.

its the same spec. i been on ptr all morning. it still plays the same. the only difference is that instead of intimidation for a stun, some random eagle flies in a stuns. oh and we get double tap back, it is baked into trueshot.

keep trolling though.


Thanks for dropping by with your opinion. Stay classy. i’ve responded to enough trolls in this thread.

Personally, I’m not a fan of the Marksman changes having sampled them on PTR.
Feels too sluggish without +8% haste from Steady Shot and I immediately miss having Wailing Arrow and Serpent Sting procs.

I do think it’s kinda lame they didn’t have a split choice node between the spotter eagle and stable pets because I liked having a Misdirection target for setting off people’s add-ons.


i think when you respond to enough people that share similar opinions that differ from your own, then you my friend are the troll.


and I think when I respond to enough people who have different opinions, they love their echo chamber and they are all using vast amounts of copium to deal with the idea of losing their pet. Now I haven’t insulted anybody up to this point, but I’m pretty much over that phase since that’s all you people seem to do is come in here and drop the insults and put words in people‘s mouth. So as far as I’m concerned when this change goes live in five weeks I’m going to enjoy marksman Hunter, even more.

“Players” don’t have a common opinion and the whiners here are certainly not representative so they should follow their vision.

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Really? You’ve repeatedly questioned our sanity and called our pet a crutch. You’ve been carefully toeing the line, but don’t pretend to be innocent.

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any remarks I may have made came on the heels of being insulted by you and your echo chamber.

But you just said you hadn’t insulted anyone at all. Also, it’s hilarious how some people go “someone was mean to me, so that’s my excuse to be mean to everyone else” as if that’s a valid defense.

and when I said, I hadn’t insulted anybody it was true. However, after finally being tired of continuously being insulted, yeah I got a little snippy. So deal with it. Let’s not pretend you’re innocent either.

You literally said that 24 minutes ago at the time of this post.

yeah, it took me 200 posts before I started insulting people unlike you and your echo chamber who started right off the rip. So once again, let’s not pretend that you’re innocent here. Now if you’re wanting to pick a fight, let’s pick a fight so that Blizz can come in here and lock this sucker up. Because I’m really kind of tired of you and your BS.

You went into a thread about people wanting to keep their pets and told them to just shut up and accept the change. Then you created this thread saying you were so amazed at the change. Now you’re crying that people are being “mean” by expressing their opinions.

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never once did I come out and tell somebody to shut up. I came out and told people that I liked the change. They took that as shut up. That’s not my problem. People living in their own reality also not my problem. There’s a change coming in five weeks and I approve of it. Do I think they should remove the pet no. Are they removing the pet? Yes. So you and the rest of your crew can either figure it out or move onto a new game because I didn’t create the change, but I like the change.

Why did you enter a thread titled " Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!" and then tell people to just change spec or to just accept the change? You came in looking for trouble and now you’re whining and moaning that you got what you wanted.


telling people they could accept the change or change their spec is not telling them to shut up. That showing them what their options are in five weeks. Those are also your options in five weeks. And while the rest of you were sitting here, moaning and groaning because the spec I like is going live in five weeks I will be in the game, enjoying it while the rest of you sit here and yell about the pet that got removed. so I’ve never once told anybody to shut up, but I have expressed that the change is coming and they have options. Whether or not they choose those options or bury their head in the sand is entirely up to them. They can make threads all day long begging not to have this pet removed, but it’s not gonna make a lick of difference. it’s in the PTR and it’s going to go live and I’m going to enjoy it.