Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

I just heard that MM hunter will not have a pet in the new release. I have spent the same amount of time and effort to learn to tame all the different types like everyone else. This will be very unfair to me and everyone else who has played MM hunter as a main for years. I will seriously have to consider if it is now time unsub.


That’s your right, to unsub that is.

Just like it’s Blizzards right to make changes to their game.

Also, while you’re freaking out, they’ve also already announced they will be looking to find a way to bring Lone Wolf and pets back for MM, but their current idea is something different.

Leave the game if you want, the small amount of MM players that currently exist aren’t going to make a dent in their bank account so it’s doubtful they’d even notice you leaving. But y’all’s complaints have already impacted their decision, complaining more isn’t going to do you any good unless Blizz decides to back out of backing out and commits to taking away Lone Wolf and Pets.


(While I agree OP)

You’ll take your eagle and be happy with it!


MM still has a pet which is funny, the petless hunters are gonna hate that dumb bird


I know I’m either not going to play my Hunter (I chose MM because they don’t use pets) or switch to BM if I decide I want to play a pet class.

But, I only leveled one to have one, I’ve never truly enjoyed Hunter Gameplay so I might even give the new MM a shot before setting it back down.

I seriously love how Hunters and Shamans are constantly complaining about their classes where I rarely see DH’s complain about our extremely limited spec options :rofl: if they change havoc and I don’t like it my only option is tanking, which I don’t mind, but at least they still have two options if they don’t like new MM.

But, shamans have been doing such since Vanilla so they’re kinda grandfathered in and more of a meme than taken serious

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Then why didn’t you roll BM, which can tame all types, instead of the many MM can’t?

Unfair how?

I’m willing to bet your pet likely sat in the Stables most of the time.


I’m sure the MM hunters would be a bit more excepting of the change if they can change the appearance of the eagle.

I welcome the changes, I normally do not use pets, unless I really need a tank. Which is the only thing I’m worried about.


And you would lose that bet. And I can tame all pet types, which takes a lot of effort, and it is for naught now.


Players just need to check out the new MM Hunter spec before rushing to judgement. All this fear mongering is really unnecessary.


Really, this is my biggest complaint. Guuah wouldn’t have an eagle, he’d have a mechanical thing of his own design. Outside of that? The changes are a huge positive.

You click on a beast and stand still for 10 seconds. If that’s ‘effort’ then I’m sorry.

You also only have so much space in your Stables. I don’t know why you’d just keep taming pets when you can’t even really use them.


Not talking about taming pets. It is about learning how to tame different pet types.


Then, again, why wouldn’t you go BM? Which actually uses said pets?

It’s not making much in the way of sense. And before you say ‘i don’t like the rotation’ let’s not pretend MM’s rotation is a complex work of art.


Blizzard takes note that one class in particular is seen as bait by the overall community. Given an awful pet name (Huntard) because they attract new players who don’t understand pet mechanics.

Blizzard realizes there are still two specs that rely on their pet, as BM has access to incredible pet classes and Survival works in tandem with their pet in battle. So they decide, one spec creates a lot of problems because new players. They come up with a solution, seeing as most good MM hunters took Lone Wolf, it’s easy to surmise that overall MM hunters are ok without a pet. So, they create a new spell that gives the hunter an RNG chance to have a pet provide a little back up for a bit without the player having to worry about pet mechanics.

But, OH GOD, they don’t let you name your eagle so that alone makes it a trash idea.

Man, if we as a community are great at one thing, we overreact with the best of them and resort to extremism at a moments notice. How can you judge something before you even see it? You have no idea how the spec feels to play in the new format, all you’re worried about is I can’t name my eagle some corny/nerdy name.


It’s just confusing to me. With BM you can tame all pets and they’re a major part of your combat. With Survival you carve things up all close and personal with your pet.

With MM, your pet is an autoattack bot. That is it. People have used the argument of ‘I have a close personal connection with my pet’ and…do you? You don’t even use the thing.

I want to customize the eagle, that’s it, but there are solutions for people who want a pet and if they don’t want to use it, that’s on them.


their current idea is a joke. they want to remove hunter pets by adding a non-interactable pet. a passive pet. a pet you cannot control or use misdirect on. sounds very moronic and redundant to me. either get rid of pets altogether or leave it as an option with some sort of damage penalty. just make lone wolf work as an untalented passive that only takes effect if you have a pet out in which turn will give a damage penalty. win win for everyone.

melee survival is an almost 10 year long running joke and bm is just boring. mm is great in m+ and raid with no pet but when you are out doing solo content and farming it is nice to have your little target dummy pet to md on. and removing it is just dumb as it has been a staple of the hunter class since release.


That’s exactly what I like about the change.


Could not have said it better.

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I repeat, again, on the large MM hunters take Lone Wolf.

Meaning they don’t even have a pet active. So, they never cared about having a pet in battle to begin with. This is a general statement, but those are how Blizz makes decisions. They don’t care a small handful of MM players didn’t take Lone Wolf, they care that the majority of MM hunters don’t play with a pet as it stands. Adding an RNG chance that a pet swoops in temporarily does nothing to change how a MM currently plays… Because Lone Wolf is being baked into MM.

So, y’all can argue until your blue in the face, because the rest of us have long since realized this complaint is centered around the fact y’all won’t be able to name the eagle. While failing to realize you didn’t have a pet to begin with, even though you had the choice to use one.

Also, both other specs interact with pets much much better than MM ever did.


but as mm we play without our pets now. so the new changes, change nothing. but leaving the call pet as an option also changes nothing. the spec can still be reimagined, as blizzard calls it.

exactly. changes nothing. so blizzard wants to remove pets from mm by adding a non-interactive pet. the most moronic thing i heard since i logged into this game back in 2004 on launch day.


Oh yea, because this is gonna be the ONLY example of something being summoned based on RNG. Or the ONLY DPS mechanic that leans into RNG.

Also, let’s mention how the new design of MM was seemingly intended to interact with the new tier set bonuses in 11.1

This is extremism reactions in the purest form. Oh God they’re redesigning my class. I’m going to lose my mind now and make it the communities problem. Even though I have no idea how it feels to actually play.

Or the fact MM would have been extremely strong at the beginning of 11.1 every time something like this happens it’s overturned and extremely strong then Blizz nerfs it down to normal levels. Y’all literally complained your way out of being the strongest class at some point in this Expac and that’s hilarious to me.

I promise, that eagle was going to be a nuke when it popped it, but now they have decided they are going to undo their plans and leave MM the vanilla boring class it currently is so y’all can stable 200 pets with insane

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