i’m not unhappy about their opinion. I’m unhappy about continually being attacked by that opinion. I’ve expressed mine they’ve expressed theirs and yet somehow they have to continue to beat me over the head with their opinion claiming it’s the only way this game can possibly thrive. That’s great you love having a tanking pet. I applaud you. I love that for you. I happen to like the change that’s coming. We all have opinions and those opinions are going to differ. We all have mileage and that mileage is going to vary. I’m just tired of defending an opinion to a bunch of people who when I don’t start agreeing with them, simply want to lash out and insult me. So you’ll excuse me if I don’t take their opinion to heart and change my mind.
See, here’s the problem again. You keep acting like these changes require that we lose our pet. You refuse to separate the damage change and the pet change.
do I think it’s possible to change the spec without taking away the pet? Yes. Is that what’s happening? No. So am I OK with the changes as they stand so that I can have a new flavor on this spec? Yes. That’s my opinion. I’m not the one taking away the pet. I don’t have some thread somewhere saying hey blizzard make sure you take away the pet to improve the spec. i’m the person who said I’m willing to try to change and I like the change even if the pet has to go away. So your biggest problem with me is the fact that I’m willing to accept change. what I’m not willing to just idly standby and accept is being insulted.
You were being condescending and derisive from the opening post. Don’t act like an innocent victim when you very obviously created this thread just to rile people up.
yeah, it’s called an opinion. And after 200 posts, I’ve paid for that opinion.
You mean, you’re willing to accept change if it means you do more DPS. You don’t care what change or what class, just that your numbers go up.
My alpaca doesn’t like your opinion, not because it’s an opinion but because of what it has caused.
That being said… anyone got any suggestions for some adventures I can have with my alpaca before I lose her? I hear Pandaria’s nice… they got any snacks there?
that is correct. They took away my water elemental, and my mage damage went through the roof. i’ve been through this before. I’ll go through it again. The game changes. I’m not sitting here demanding that blizzard do it but what I am doing is sitting here excepting the fact that they’re doing it. If I don’t like it, I’ll walk away from it. If I continue to enjoy it, I’ll keep playing it.
Taking away the pet didn’t make your damage go up. Them buffing your damage abilities made your damage go up.
actually, yes. Outland Negrand was one of my favorite places to go as a hunter, especially at night. The sky is amazing and the flying rock waterfalls are beautiful.
I shall keep this suggestion in mind, but it won’t make my alpaca like your opinion. No matter how nice Nagrand may be. shrug
condescending friend. earth mother watch over you.
well, that’s her entitlement. She doesn’t have to like my opinion. But hopefully she likes my suggestion. And hopefully she enjoys coming out for the occasional meal while you’re in a different spec.
Its ok to express an opinion but some of your word choices come across as a bit off. Saying things like
which comes across as a putdown, as if somehow people who like using a pet need a ‘crutch’ to help them play. It was a bad way to start the conversation.
You keep saying its just an opinion but then say
Opinion is not facts. Frankly, testing something on a target dummy is entirely subjective and hardly proof. A target dummy sits there and does nothing to stop you from shooting as often as you like. It is not a realistic combat test.
Anyhow, I’ve had my say. Blizzard can and has made bad decisions in the past. This is another one of them when there were alternatives. They are quite good at shooting themselves in the foot and hitting us with the ricochet.
considering what I’ve been called in four other threads because of my opinion, that was me being kind. and it’s still just an opinion.
so you said it is a good thing the pets are being removed
calling the change to the spec a good thing and advocating for the removal of the pet are two different things. People with perspective understand that. people who grasp at straws do not.
you dont need to advocate for it, if already happened, you are praising the removal all the same, you are playing semantics
And you are playing the victim, since you made the topic trying to clown people with a fake thread, saying iT iS aN aMaZinG cHaNgE, dont pretend otherwise.
i’m not trying to calm anybody down because I know those people can’t be calmed down. They’ve basically been losing their minds since this was announced. And now they’re going to even more extreme now that the time is getting closer and closer and blizzard hasn’t changed their mind about the change. so now they’re getting super desperate and willing to attack anyone who actually likes the change. Personally, I don’t care what had to transpire in order to make the change happen, but after testing it on the PTR, I am pleased with the result. So if that means having to switch back over to beastmaster, so I can do open world content then so be it. but it’s just further evidence that you and the others who are having a problem accepting the change, have no other choice, but to resort to personal attacks. It’s sad actually. Because in about five weeks when I log into my marksman Hunter, I’m gonna be enjoying myself. What will you be doing in five weeks? Oh yeah, playing your main spec and forgetting all about this change.
MM will be fine, regardless.
It already kills rares and elites without a pet in the open world and in Delves it plays just like every other ranged DPS that just walks and picks up potions when they get hurt or could even just play as a safer, ranged version of rogue with freezing trap instead of sap.