Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

is snoring and doesnt care about us, the issue real issue is if this was effecting the guilds doing RWF you bet they would be ALLL over this and fixing it right away and or giving those guilds the items they lost out on for 2 weeks

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Question for anyone to sound off on that has personally experienced it - Has anyone had this happen and then the following week things were fine? or are we looking at a scenario where once this happens to your toon, it is borked in all subsequent weeks?

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its broken after the first week you do itā€¦ so
Week 1 you do events
week 2 You get no events
Week 3 You still get no events

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This experience isnā€™t what I am asking for, Seen plenty of reports of people being broken for several weeks. Iā€™m looking for anyone with anecdotal experience where it was busted and then not busted the following week.


you wont find thatā€¦ unless someone trys what i said earler

faction change to horde/alliance

this is prob only way to fix the issueā€¦

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Bump, this is incredibly frustrating. This isnā€™t even an issue restricted to a single character for me, it seems that my whole account hasnā€™t reset for rep from open world rares or most weekly events. I did Awakening the Machine, the weekly 10 wax turn-in, and Spreading the Light on an alt and was able to complete the quests (unlike on my main) but still got none of the associated rep.

I was hoping to at least be able to get some renown progress this week but this is probably going to cause me to be unable to hit Renown 24 for the Enchanted Crest reward as I was expecting to next reset.

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Up for visibilityā€¦again.

Only one weekly left, no coffer keys, nothing has reset, donā€™t want to do the weekly in the hopes that something will get adjusted and my rep / coffer keys and veteran gear would be given.

Who knows. Guess this isnā€™t too much of an issue as long as itā€™s only affecting like 100,000 of us right?

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wont care until it effects RWF guilds until then we will keep being ignored

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This is what I got from posting it to customer service page.

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Adding myself as another user plagued with this bug. I opened a ticket but got a canned response that didnā€™t answer my question. This is an extremely frustrating bug and even more so knowing now that people have been having it for multiple weeks.

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Being ā€œawareā€ is a cop out: Weekly Resets Broken for the second week

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still havent recieved my coffer keys or spark.

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i canā€™t even vantus rune, are they going to fix this anytime soon?

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Went to gather for the first time this week and looks like the knowledge points from gathering also did not reset. So now Iā€™m behind a whole week on skill points. Very cool.

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Yep if this was effecting RWF it would of been fixed and everyone would get there spark and 8 keys as well

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I couldnā€™t even Vantus in my Mythic raid tonight. :frowning:

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I actually wasnā€™t affected week 1, but was affected week 2.

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Hey! First time this has affected something that could potentially hit RWF folks. Maybe thatā€™ll help?

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Donā€™t know if itā€™s related, I just ran a world soul to get a bountiful key.

I then ran Dread Pit, and received 3125 Rep for Severed Threads / 437 for General, Vizier, and The Weaver.

I havenā€™t receieved a delverā€™s bounty since the initial one given at the start of delve release, and run around 10 or so bountiful delves since then because I had stockpiled keys initially.

Could this be related to using so many keys in a single day or something and getting no rep before? I dont know just frustrated at this point.

***Also have not received any curio upgrades.

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Until it effects one of the teams onlythen would blizzard look into it and fix it ā€¦next week when it happens again itll be week 3 in a row for me