Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

At this point I’m just updating with new bugs I’m encountering I think may be related, it’s definitely frustrating but if I choose to salt out and be angry it won’t help anything either.

I’m honestly unsure if the bug affected me the second week as well, but was definitely not receiving harbinger crests from +8 delves and received a bulk amount when I logged in one day.

Maybe the backlog of rep was rewarded as part of that delve? I dont know. I have one weekly left in Hallowfall, and am waiting until Monday to even attempt it in case something similar happens.

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Tried removing addons and renaming the cache and wtf folders, but no luck. Makes sense as I can’t imagine the weekly quests would have anything to do with client-side stuff.

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This is fully Blizzard’s end for where this problem is. The radio silence is unacceptable even days later. We are all just screwed because we were excited to login to our mains on reset day.

It’s affecting everything, coffer keys, profession weekly, the acting troupe weekly, everything. I was super excited to get the reset on all of these things for some weird reason, but instead I’m just stuck in mythic+ because it is literally the only activity I can do.

Edit: I didn’t know when I wrote this that they have responded on the issue, Weekly reset bug prevents players from getting coffer keys, gear etc - #2 by Vrakthris hopefully it gets resolved.


Finally got a reply to my in game ticket from a GM saying the have received multiple reports on this issue, and can confirm that it is a bug on their end and theyre working to fix. Its not ideal, but better than radio silence where I felt like they were going to say Im lying about it something.

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now if only they would learn to quickly post in here same thing … wouldnt have to have 500 topics of the samething…

Now i gain 0 rep so far from few things

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This is much better than the canned response I got yesterday. Hoping for a quick fix before next reset.

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I also didnt get any coffer keys this week and did ALL of the weekly cache quests!!!

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Also got a response acknowledging the bug. Sure hope they fix it and reward the affected with keys & rep, at the least. Fingers-crossed it doesn’t carry over into another week, I’m not going to have enough keys for the vault.

Just received a response from a GM which linked me to this article.

Good news is that it looks like the issue is being fixed but not until next reset. Bad news is that we seem to be out of luck on getting our keys and rewards we missed out on.


Was coming to post the same thing, they really need to make us whole for the ones that missed on loot…

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My leatherworking weekly did not reset and support could do nothing for me, this has to be fixed as i already feel behind other crafters who go their weekly.

Well, at least they actually got around to writing a support article.

Too bad they won’t do more than allow resets to work correctly in the future.

So its fixed this coming reset (so they say), but, as expected, everyone who has been affected is SOL and just permanently behind on the characters it happened to LOL

what a frikkin joke. you call this service? the fix is, well make sure it works fine next week? thats it? WHAT ABOUT THIS WEEK YOU :LKASDJF:LKSJDFLKJNSX

Yeah I got the link stating it is fixed but what about all the keys we missed? Is there a catch-up for it? Or we SOL due to blizzards error?

better than the reply I got this morning (uninstall addons and restart your PC, then if it’s still an issue submit a bug form [again] and oh btw you’re not allowed to reply to us anymore)

Thank you for sharing some positive GM replies, even if not ideal.

I haven’t scrolled through all the comments, so maybe someone has already mentioned this. But I had previously done 2 caches before they “fixed” the issue. I just completed another one that I hadn’t done yet and the bug is still present in case anyone is curious.

I guess we won’t get the fix until next week even for caches we haven’t done yet this week.

Their ‘fix’ is not retroactive. Our characters that are affected by this bug is SoL on the progress we missed. Outrageous this early on in the season.

That’s a shame that we miss out on 4 coffer keys that everyone else gets, but hopefully this issue is actually fixed.

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I saw on a Reddit thread that characters were affected by this if they logged on immediately after maintenance ended. Not sure if this is true but to be safe I’m going to be logging on to a low level alt first on Tuesday just to be completely sure this doesn’t happen again.