Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

Still not fixed. Got a reply from a GM this morning finally, but all they did was give me the link to wowhead for where to find the NPCs that give the quest that didn’t reset. womp womp.

reopening ticket and linking to these forum posts next I guess.

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I hadn’t, but you’re right!

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Don’t know if it’s related at all, but even at near max weaponsmithing I’m unable to use the PvP heraldy as a reagent for crafting Algari pvp gear.

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Still impacted by this. I think. Not sure if this is the best way of doing this, but I’ve been checking the Theater NPC for a quest marker and I’m not seeing it. I know I haven’t done that weekly yet. Kind of scared to play this character at all in case I run out of caches to get keys from for the week whenever they fix it, as I’m not sure they’ll be able to retroactively give keys to the caches I’ve already opened.

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Still not fixed…

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It sure would be nice if Blizzard would give this any attention, losing out on a full week of content really sucks.

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I know what you mean. I basically had to declare myself as a “Raid logger” since I dont want to jeopardize anything else should (I HOPE) they fix it. I am able to get gear from raids and I would assume keys. But thats it.

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Still bugged

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I got a response in game! It was a link to a wowhead guide for a quest lmao.


got a reply saying to make a report after summinit all 10+ links to EVERY POST on the forums about the issue and also telling me to check wowhead…

we all know next week will be week 3 and we wont reset again seeing they clearly dont read anything we post or report in the first place

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They closed my ticket with an automated message about loot eligibility.


Same thing happening to me.

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Still bugged for me too. Wonder given the lack of acknowledgment that all these characters are just bricked for the expansion at this point. Maybe we can hope during 11.0.5 it resets something? Doom and gloom to the moon on this.


Bumping again, for some kind of response from blizz

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Bumping again, put in a ticket but no response. Not sure what else to do just to get a simple response from Blizzard at least acknowledging the bug,


Bumping before I submit my own report


might as well bump though they dont care


Bump, this is my exact problem…


yep effecting a lot of people 2nd week in a row next week will be 3 because we all know it wont be fixed…they busy fixing all the main guilds doing RWF and focusing on there issues

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