Weekly Resets Broken for the second week

Continuing the discussion from Weekly reset bug prevents players from getting coffer keys, gear etc:

Is there anyone in customer service that can give us a detail? Or at least a confirmation that someone has bothered to ask for an ETA? Being “aware” isn’t so helpful when there have been other bugs that were acknowledge at the start of Dragonflight that are still present. When asking about those issues, I get the same response of “we are aware”.

Even if its something as vague as “sometime in the next month” so I can stop wasting my subscription.


Also have been dealing with this issue and my support tickets have just been getting canned responses. Very frustrating and would like to hear from a human on whether or not we will be getting our loot that we lost or if we should just stop doing weekly quests.

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I’m sorry, but we do not provide ETAs. That is not something that we have done historically across the entire company.

The general difference between most of those is priority and impact. This is preventing some players from completing important tasks that allow the character to progress, so it would be a much higher priority then a side quest doodad having an issue when someone is interacting with it (as an example).


Yes, because our staff is unable to help with bugs. They are not part of QA they do not fix or otherwise investigate potential bugs. They cannot answer hypotheticals on retroactively awarding loot.


But then…?

I appreciate the info, but this has been like pulling teeth.

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So are you saying we are out of luck then on getting our loot? I would just appreciate an answer to this because I don’t want to waste any more of my time completing objectives I will not get the reward for. I’m sure everyone else experiencing this issue would like to know as well.


You’re welcome to infer whatever commentary you wish, but GMs and SFAs just cannot give answers you seek simply because you’re seeking them.

You need to be asking the developers as they are the ones that make those calls. You can reach them over on Twitter at @WarcraftDevs. They are not guaranteed to respond, however.


What kind of issues are best to contact CS for? The current menu funneling for in game issues sends us to CS for these exact problems. I usually just a link to wowhead as a response.They are saying they have no idea and cannot say either way.

I am curious though, what kind of issues are best to reach out to CS for? The current in game issues menu funnel sends you to CS each time. CS then says they can’t do anything about it.

To clarify, what people are experiencing is a bug. A small percentage of players are not able to acquire a quest that should (and largely doesreset every week.

Your two related options via Support are “Stuck on Quest,” which you can’t be stuck on something that you aren’t able to acquire in the first place, and “Report A Bug,” and that directs you to the Bug Report forum.

There is no bug-related option that connects you to a game master.

The Support menu will funnel you to the forums in the event it is not something a game master can assist with, such as the above, among various others.

Customer Support is there for account- and billing-related inquiries, and is generally a central hub for players to assist other players or point them in the direction they need for their situation.

It is not an exhaustive list of scenarios, and there are simply many things a player could be curious and hopeful for that are simply outside the scope of a game master and the CS forum.


Yep and next week will be 3rd week in a row and still wont get a update or anything

It’d be things like account issues (billing, lost email, recovering stolen accounts), payment issues (card not working right, trying to work out what’s wrong with a payment from their end, (rarely) repayment), general support like having issues with other games (GMs work more then WoW).

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That simply not true. If you look at the bug forums you’ll see just how large the impact is. It’s also not just “a quest”. The main content caps that reset each week for keys, shards, gear, and other important events are all broken. This essentially has kept players 2 weeks behind others.

These are small quests. These are the main objectives presented each week that progress your character and have no catch up mechanic.

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The twitter you linked me to has legit not posted since a year from today so it doesn’t seem likely that, that account is very active. It’s just frustrating to not hear any sort of answer on this other than “well we don’t know what’s going on so go reach out to this inactive twitter account for help”.

And then look at the pool of players that aren’t impacted. It was a comparison, and by comparison it is a small percentage. The forums would otherwise be overrun and the bug would be much easier to track down and rectify.

They’re all caches, correct? Caches rewarded by… a quest? A quest that for some reason is currently not being made available for some players? I didn’t say it was “just a quest.” But it is, at its most basic technicality, a quest.

It’s simply clearing up a misunderstanding of how the different systems work at Blizzard.

Being understandably upset about something not working properly is welcome, but it doesn’t invite you to come attacking the people that aren’t involved in their fixing process. If they don’t have answers to give, that is simply the current situation and all anyone can do is wait until that changes.


It’s a means of contact, but they’re not required to reply. Generally speaking, that’s mainly the only direct line to the devs. They’re not able or allowed to talk about a given issue.

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No. At this point I feel like you’re being purposely obtuse. It’s not just caches. You cannot acquire and coffer key shards or whole keys through the world quests, the weekly boss doesn’t drop any gear, the other weekly quest to award shards is locked. I should also mention Awakening the machine, the lamplighter weeklies, and the reputation weekly for the bugs are also broken. I’m sure I forgot about a few others.

Also, I’m pretty sure It’s just fine to be critical of the poor work done handling this issue. I didn’t make any personal attacks.

No, I didn’t say that at all. I said Customer Support wouldn’t have any idea. The folks working on the issue might not know what options they have until the issue is resolved. They often try to correct what issues they can, but it depends on the situation.

Here is an outline of what Customer Support is generally able to assist with.

I’m not sure what options you are selecting but it should direct you to submit a bug report.


if your account was compromised and you are missing items, or experiencing a mechanical issue with the game, etc…

I am missing items from the weekly reset not going through.

Which has nothing to do with an account compromise, now does it? Or a mechanical issue. It’s a bug. Which Support cannot assist with.


I think we’re done here.