Many Weekly Quests Did Not Reset

I’m in the same boat with my sub running out soon. If it isn’t addressed by then I don’t plan to continue.

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Ill need to check when i get home. I know i had 5 keys left before i did my weekly world quest.

This is also impacting my warband’s ability to get rep on weekly rares and caches even though the quests are available for one or two of my alts. Some of my alts the caches are yielding keys, but they are alts that I have not played for more than a week.

Up for visibility again still affecting me and tons of others no weekly progression resets = behind of the curve

also loosing out on tons of crests

Still can’t get coffer keys or weekly quests completed.

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Another round of hotfixes, still no communication on this issue or any fix.

Come on, Blizzard. There are like 5 threads about this, probably hundreds of bug reports, and nothing.

they did reply but not here, they said they wont comment here

Ahh, I see. I’ll withdraw my statement about communication then, it does still suck however. I’ll likely outgear the delve rewards I would’ve gotten barring any Delver’s Bounty gear or vault stuff from M+ by the time we get a solution.

Maybe we’ll get some Coffer Keys in compensation, considering how many of us this bug has affected. :dracthyr_shrug:

Bump for visibility still affecting my main character, 2 days until Raid - woo.

Add another body to this pile. This week I have not able to:

-Obtain coffer keys and gear as part of weekly quests
-Get rewards from Awakening the Machine
-Get rewards from Theater
-Do my Blacksmithing Crafting Orders Weekly
-Obtain Slabs for Mining Knowledge
-Obtain Treasures for Blacksmithing Knowledge

And that’s all that I’ve been able to discover so far…

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I am also impacted by this, can’t get coffer keys, do theater quest, the awakening the machine quest, etc. Extremely frustrating, I made a ticket and the response told me to try logging out and logging back in…“surprisingly” did not work. If the fix takes longer than next reset I am willing to bet we will not be compensated for what we lost this week either :confused:

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Blizzard probably thinks if this issue affects everyone, then nobody will feel left behind…

I added my own list in another thread and will copy past it here.

The link : Reporting a list of bugs concerning my account - #2 by Tyrdhal-sargeras

The post:

Sixth: I cannot use treatise of herbalism or alchemy this week.


I don’t know if this helps Blizzard in any way, but did anyone else notice their guild reputation also reset with this bug? That was the first thing I noticed before realizing nothing reset because I did a quest and got guild rep before I checked anything else.

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I have made tickets, forum posts on this topic and nothing, I don’t think blizzard is going to do anything about this.

I thought that was odd too. I was on a remix toon that i had in the guild since remix started and became a main so heavily played. Just noticed yesterday I was getting guild rep and was neutral.

Edit: sorry thought it was resolved. I was on an alt, misclicked the logging.

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The really fun part is that you’ll never receive a response since they don’t have “jurisdiction” over the bug report forum.

Just adding my voice here that I have an affected character as well. It’s disappointing.

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