Man this really sucks... Will Blizzard listen? Unofficial Mistweaver support group:

I have been playing MW since MoP and I mainly do rated BGs. I have never been in a position as a healer where I do not get invited to groups. I am 2k+ with 28% vers right now and 1700 groups will not invite because I am a MW., only time I get into a group is with my friends. I am usually top heals but I often die (like others have said) in one hit and I am constantly running out to get a leaf or to drink. Bubble and fortifying are a joke. Being able to cast Soothing while moving would be awesome, but damage in general is just insane. I think Blizz can start there. Ret pally dmg and healing is crazy. I started gearing my hpal because I have Divine Shield, Divine Protection, Aura Mastery, BoP, etc. All of that when MW has Fortifying Brew and a bubble both on a long CD and neither can be used in a stun. Plus, I get invited to groups as hpal and don’t have my presence questioned by everyone in the group. I hope Blizzard does something to improve my favorite class.


I agree. Removing Soothing Mist altogether would feel really bad. Making it channel while moving again would definitely help. I often think they should just split mistweaver and fistweaver into their own specs. It would give them a lot more freedom to really flesh both play styles out and I think fans of monk healer would like it as well.


I don’t pvp but I too have been having more fun with a Holy Paladin right now. Kinda makes me feel guilty lol.

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After this week I give up on this character till there are some changes. I don’t think its impossible to do keys with a mw, or raid or pvp, or anything really. Its just HARDER and less rewarding than with any other healer right now. We are so squishy yet our only viable spec rn requires us to be in melee range. We are great at being healing turrets till we are oom which is like 20 seconds into a fight. I think at this point scrap mw and have monks have 2 specs or MW needs to be completely redone. Because we are such a unpopular class and 8.3 MW was so so strong I don’t really see much happening for us.


please developers fix mistweaver

Wake up Blizz…

Well, they’re getting minor changes but in PvP only:

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Well that sucks…for me anyway. I don’t pvp. Come on Blizzard, this thread is full of awesome suggestions.

Welcome changes for sure but not enough…however I don’t mind Blizz taking the ‘small changes’ approach, as long as they are relatively often. We’ve had back-to-back weeks of tuning so let’s hope it continues.

Cocoon being able to be a 1 min 20 sec CD instead of 1 min 35 sec does mean we can use it for every 1.5 min offensive CDs from certain classes like Avatar, and can use twice for every 3 min CD like Incarn.

Mana regen is a nice passive bonus…along with the Hpal mana regen nerf, now we might be able to dampen and stay in the fight while other healers (except Rsham) have to look for drinks which opens up opportunities.

Obviously we are still not in a great spot as can still die so easily in a stun, we have to cast all our heals and our big CDs are weak…but it’s a start. The concurrent Hpal nerf might see us improve more than our own changes suggest when comparing against other healers overall.

Would be nice though if they buffed Cocoon’s absorb more and reduced Fort Brew’s CD back to 1.5min. Then I think we’d be in a pretty good spot.



The mana regen thing is pretty nice. I have been in 2s before where me and my partner are staying alive and the only thing that kills us when we’re on a team with a h pally is that I go oom and the hpally has full mana.

I dunno, It doesn’t stop us being globaled, mana regen is nice… But mana hasn’t been my main issue in PVP. Let me cast my bubble while being stunned to mitigate damage + the new cocoon affix would be better than nothing.

At least my Life Cocoon will be off cd when I die in a stun. That way I can just blame myself for failing to preempt every single kidney shot/cheap shot the rogue had.

Whilst I’m a fan of small incremental buffs, its pretty clear MW needs more. So lets hope MW this is just the beginning.


What I really want to know is why did the +20% mana regen not roll over to PVE, feelsbadman for the raiders/m+ players.


Cause you don’t need it in PVE!

I get your point, its not impossible to do content as mistweaver, but it sure is easier to heal m+ on my druid/pally because I’m not drinking every 2-3 mob pulls in m+. Yes, if played perfectly and with a good group, this isn’t necessary, but as far as stupid damage needing oh s*** heals vs any other healer, we are lacking significantly. As far as nice easy instant cast no set up healing, we are lacking. I mean seriously there are 2 playstyles being completely ignored for the botched healing style we are pigeonholed into right now. It just feels clunky vs all other xpacs.

I ask you this, considering just straight channeling soothing and burst healing off of it, if soothing (which does not heal that much) was free, would that be so bad? Would that make you want to go back to the old play style of monk? It is only 200mps, but is a waste of mana in pve. So why not make it free? This would bring back the old healing style that we know and love.

Our class was designed as the turret smart healing class, and that was taken away from us, don’t you remember? Throwing out a statue that was essentially our back up mini healer. Spreading around renewing mist as our hot, without having to be afraid of going oom trying to spread it around. Having an answer for if a player is trying to global you in pvp with megabubble.

I get it, you want to say, “but look at the math,” “Look at my personal guild experience.” Math doesn’t = real situations, and while you are indeed a great monk and I am sure a great healer, the casual player-base and the pug world and the PVP mistweavers are suffering. 3/4ths of your fellow monks are suffering.

While math works, look at the forums, there are so many people desperately trying to get their beloved class back. We are struggling, maybe not in math, but in real situations.

I love you, you are a fellow mistweaver, but I disagree wholeheartedly with your 7 words.


MW buffs are already meme worthy on Reddit, partly due to this one.
They could add +20% healing (in PVP) and MW still sucks b/c they flop in a stun.


I think the scary part here, is Blizzard proved they can balance based on PVP and not both, so why is there such a problem between balance because of PVE, just make things happen differently in PVP. Example “The Hunt” (which hit me for 20k the other day) damage decreased by 50% while engaged with a player.

Great example I could think of is:

“While engaged with a player, under the effects of stun Fortifying Brew reduces damage by an additional 50%.”

This would not be that strong considering the pressure from DPS right now is unreal, it just makes one shot player abilities not a thing."

Our class was designed with fistweaving / mistweaving in mind. They kept mistweaving for the lazy monks.

This whole you can’t play in pugs is completely wrong. I got my AOTC in a pug the second week CN was out. All my keys are done in pugs. I actually avoid my guild tbh. I find pugs do better. I don’t understand how you guys keep coming to the conclusion that we don’t have the healing/mana for pugs. I never really have mana problems in 10+ or higher keys because of prideful. Even in 15’s we have no mana problems.

2 playstyles that we completely ignore?? I am only aware of 2 playstyles we have in general which both are seen in mythic CN and 18+ keys. There’s no other healer who has 2 completely different playstyles in 1 spec.

Did you not play BFA??? I would assume not with this statement. BFA was so boring. We sat there and spammed essence font + RJW + Renewing Mist. That was something close to 70% of our healing. SO BORING.

Why would you use something that is more inefficient then just spamming vivify? It doesn’t make any sense. We had soothing mist so we could generate chi. The old days are over. I don’t think Blizzard will go back as well.

Like I said, I avoid my guild for mythic + keys. I did AOTC before my guild was even 6/10heroic.

No reason to rework a spec because it isn’t meta for 1 season. This is the same spec that was meta in 8.3.

No no no no. Most of the forum monks like to claim they love the spec. When most don’t stick with the spec they “love”. Most don’t even try or realize they aren’t World first raiders nor do any of them do 18+ keys.

Most of these forum monks have no reason to complain PVE when they don’t even do the content they complain about. I can understand complaining about PVP but not PVE.

Not every complaint is about numbers or viability. I’ve been a monk since MOP launch and I prefer the old playstyle with stances and mana tea and healing spheres and uplift. I’m only a heroic raider. That doesn’t invalidate my opinion because it has nothing to do with viability.