Make Essences account wide

Essences have literally killed alts I don’t think I need to explain why its super annoying that you have to grind rep - honor- WQ - islands all to just get your essences and then. Boom have to go do it all again on a alt?

Also lets talk about forcing people to pvp for a essences that is literally just bis for alot of classes in pve that don’t like and or enjoy pvp. And vice versa


If this were classic I’d disagree, but in retail we’ve got like a million alts and its actually crazy. For primary BiS I agree that’s just silly, for the secondaries who cares. If you are sub optimal because you don’t play part of the game that’s fine, as long as its not completely crippling.


You don’t need 46 alts. Everything shouldn’t be account wide. It should be per character. Want that essence on your alt? Better grind for it


This is why I am sticking to the easier to get ones on my alts. My bear druid, for instance, will use the M+ specific one that drops in the chest; and for the minors it’ll use (likely) the fireball one and resource ones. While my main-character will shoot for the most-optimal ones possible.

I don’t feel the need to keep my alt pristine and up to par. Just good enough to be functional and get what I want out of it.

My monk will have to endlessly farm honor for the times I have to be a flex fill healer and it’s miserable. I have not enjoyed pvp since my teammates quit ages ago and I have to do it because those essences are above and beyond most of the others. The pvp experience has also majorly deteriorated with all the people trying to afk honor farm and ignoring objectives because of these essences. Not to mention my main (this toon) already has to endlessly farm ap for hers.

It’s hectic and I honestly feel for those who have to upkeep more than two toons for the same purpose. 100k honor is crazy though

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Pretty sure the devs were told this in PTR forums multiple times, no response ever.

They clearly don’t value alts the way some of the community does. I am now down to just 1 toon for the rest of this xpac. It is just too painful to grind every new zone on more than 1 toon.

They did not allow account wide rep or character wide ap in legion, I doubt they even talk about it. I know they don’t communicate about it to the customer.


You didn’t need to comment either.


Im just being real. This is an MMORPG, having every being account bound is stupid. What’s next? Have all gear be account bound too?


To be honest, the only essences that should be account-wide are the Rep ones.

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Main is a Main
Alt is an Alt
Working as intended.


While i get what you are trying to say and the point you’re trying to make, this doesn’t actually fly anymore. This is exactly how Final Fantasy works and it’s doing just fine.

In fact, at a certain point, you can start gearing for other jobs (specs/classes in wow); while playing your main-job.

This isn’t even a unique concept anymore. It’s one of the many reasons a lot of people have jumped ship to Final Fantasy recently. Including many of my best friends whom have played WoW for ages. >.>


How about the pvp ones that are tied to an achievement which IS account wide but the essence isn’t :confused:


The first essence you get, the fire one, isn’t that bad for most classes and specs. I’d argue that’s enough for alts. But yes if you want to min/max on alts that much you might want to do more.

Honestly the whole way we acquire essences is dumb.
Having a few of them tied to quests based on your heart lvl is fine but having different ones from every conceivable activity is damn annoying.
It would have been much better to just have a vendor in the heart chamber that sold all of them for a currency that you get from all the different activities.
That way people could grind out the essences that are best for their playstyle with their preferred activity.

Im lucky that fury warriors can use the easiest ones to get, i don’t want to think about my alts…


I kinda enjoy farming honour for the pvp essence and would do it again on my alts, but unfortunately the PvP island requirement will put a stop to that.

If PvP islands were random queueable i’d be fine, but needing a group of three? i just barely managed for my main.


Honestly, as I posted over here–

I really do think that essences, at the very least ranks 1 & 2, should be account wide. Thinking about having to re-farm them on top of EVERYTHING ELSE if I ever end up changing mains just sounds daunting to me having to re-unlock the basic essences. I would be fine with having to re-earn ranks 3-4 but at least having the basic essences would be kinda nice for alts or if you change up mains.


They have?

looks at server list

Mine seem to still have their digital pulse. :wink:

Yeah this ticks me off.

I agree with this.


Anything that’s part of a characters power progression should not be account wide.

Agreed on them being account wide, tbh. Tank is my favorite role and a much-needed part of the player population, but my tank’s my alt and there’s no way in heck I’m going to go and do all the stuff to get him BiS essences.

Disagreed on the PvP thing, though. If you pretend other players are NPCs, there’s legitimately no difference between PvP and PvE. Buck up and run some epic battlegrounds, kiddo.

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Here is the reason I have a problem with this, it’s all time gated content. If I want to go play my alt, I can’t grind it, I have to do something for 30 minutes then wait a day to do it again for 20 days. For example, lucid dreams daily quests with the follower xp, its 300 per day and I need 6000 for rank 3.(6000/300=20) Personally this completely demotivates me to ever play any of my alts, I already did this repetitive content for over a month, I’m not about to do it for another month just to get my alt viable again.(exalted rep for ert) Another honorable mention is getting denied into +2s for being 20 ilvls below my main(I linked my 1k io season 3 main). This is a great reason why the gear jump shouldn’t have been this high, now there is no way to get into anything as my ilvl is to low. I personally want to see less time gating especially for alts, I would like to be able to grind the game instead of sitting around waiting for next weeks surprise mechanics… I mean weekly chests.