Please make essences account wide!

Many of us players want to keep decent quality alts, but with essences not being account wide requires a ridiculous amount of time grinding which does not provide AP or gear. I understand your philosophy that you get AP, gear, or essences but this philosophy carrying over to alts creates a very alt unfriendly situation.


My last like, I give to you my friend. Keep fighting the good fight never surrender.

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I’d like to see everything account wide. Or at least faction wide. Rep, gold, other currencies, and bank space.

Yeah, im just sitting here thinking on how if Vulpera get announced as a race in the future and there is a very high chance they cant be Paladins…

Thats a soul crushingly large amount of work im not going to want to do again in terms of Essences…

It would be kinda nice if Essences, at least ranks 1&2, were account wide to ease things up a bit for alts.

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Yeah even just rank 1-2 or even the base rank and you can then choose from there. Many players like myself play this game at a fairly competitive level and like to on alts but with the current implementation this feels impossible or like a daunting feat to have decent essences with them.