[Main Thread] Stuck at retrieving realm list/Loading Screen and missing characters 8.28.24

Im having the same issue, searches for realms, then unable to connect.

Yeah, same here. Got past that once, and then it wouldn’t load my characters.

and shows realms down

Same here. No toons will load.

Having same issue. spinning at retrieving character list, blue bar loading.

same here, after a min i get Unable to connect (WOW51900324)

Same here. If you do get past realm list when you try to login to your character it just sits at about 75%.

same here stuck on loading screen at realm list, nothing happens and I dc

Same, whenever I try to login, it says retrieving realm list and just sits there forever. Probably a glitch on their end.

And not 2 mins after I posted this, it magically let me in, though it took a few moments.


So many threads,

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same and when it does get me to the realm list, my realms just like dont exist. i got to the point of being able to actually load the game up once but its refusing to go beyond the loading screen after that. now its back to round one again lmao

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None of the realms that I have characters on are available. But it looks like many other realms are.

EDIT: Looks like they’re back!

EDIT2: They’re down again! :frowning:

I am having the same issue , None of the realms are working and cant load my characters

I just got into the game.


cant logging to the game server


Just recently today 11:11am 8/28/2024, I was logging in and it stayed at retrieve realm list then a list came up to select from, I selected and retrieve char or warband, and it never loaded. Never exp this but there’s always a 1st time for everything. Will they address this?

Here we go again. Been stuck on “Retrieving Character List” for 10 mins.

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I also cannot get in. At least I’m not experiencing the horrendous lag in-game