[Main Thread] Stuck at retrieving realm list/Loading Screen and missing characters 8.28.24

stuck at retrieving realm list


Stuck at retrieving characters list…


Same issue for me, I got to character retrieval once but not beyond there.

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Same. Attempting to login and getting held up at the realm retrieval screen. First attempt got me in and upon “entering game”, I was disconnected after a short time, maybe three to five minutes. Now I’m stuck at retrieving realms.


Me too! Cant get in!
I have cause to believe that Azeroth had an extinction level event! :slight_smile:


Same thing here.

I’m in! Let’s see for how long lol!

Same for me

I am stuck at the Retrieving Realm List screen, now I have received the following error:
Unable to connect. Please try again later. If the problem persists, please contact technical support at (XYZ link).

I have done the following:
Closed the game, shut down the Blizz launcher, reset everything, re-opened the launcher and re-launched the game.
I have sat and allowed the game to wait and load fully, but then receive the same error (different WOW code each time I try though).
I have then repeated this process a couple more times, but continue to have the same results.

I see the message at least about the AH and Crafting Orders now experiencing issues… lets work on the logging in issue first, please. :slight_smile:

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Same here…got to the Warband screen…clicked on character and then hung up at Realm list

It’s almost like they had a longer than anticipated “emergency down time” and rather than just extend it (since it’s still broken) they’re allowing people to “try” to get in. Some will, some won’t. Incredibly frustrating and stupid. If you need to have a 6 hour down time every day, just say so and let us decide if this game is worth paying as much as we do for it.

Oh and yes, I’m also encountering this “bug” that they’ve created with their absolute hackneyed approach to server maintenance. It is astonishing that after 20 years of doing this, they still can’t figure out how to do it well.


So we had maintenance downtime Tuesday and now Wednesday we have more maintenance that they extended and now still doesn’t work.
Its not a good start for an expansion that needs to stop the game from dying.


Funniest part about all of this to me is that they had zero problems during early access, but when it is finally opened to the rest of the players, suddenly they can’t get the system to work.

Wild, in my opinion, that they didn’t run into whatever this two-days down issue is until AFTER early access ended. Absolutely wild.
(Btw, I PAID for early access myself - so I can actually speak to the fact this all seems a taaaad bit odd)


Dramatic much?

Let me into the game Blizz! I was in, got disconnected and now I’m here complaining on the forums. Such is life of a WoW release. See you all soon when they fix it.

Same issue tired evrything others have posted above, still no dice. for the price tag we payed this is getting obnoxious. Launch week should be all hands on deck till everything is running smooth even if you need to hire additional help.

Hey everyone!

We are aware of this issue and digging into. Please continue to try ever so often and I’ll post if we need any additional information.

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I just got in. Thanks for the quick work!

What the title says. North America realms.