[Main Thread] Patch 8.3.7 - Known Issue with Mouse and Camera Movement Issues

Thank you for taking the time! Seeing a blue pop in here brings some relief! :smiley:

Thanks, will there be a hotfix update notification when its fixed? Just saw i know when to enable my rawmounseinput to 1 again.

But nothing on the mouse jumping and getting stuck?

Mouse is jumping around all over the place is and sluggish upon right clicks, glad to hear Blizzard is aware of the issue.

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But what of the cursor sticking issue? Will this be addressed as well? There are numerous posts about this.

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This is a known bug as well. No update on a fix for that one yet, so hang tight.


OK thank you for the reply. Here’s to hoping it won’t be a long wait.

+1 for the mouse getting jammed after the raw/fix.
Just when you think these $1 devs couldn’t make this xpac any worse…
“But don’t worry…Shadowlands will be great…”

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When I first loaded in with the patch for the mouse “fix” my camera was also acting wonky with my movement keys too, the console command fixed those problems. However now my mouse moves in a way I don’t like since I’m considerably used to how it used to be.

Thank you :slight_smile:

having this exact same issue… they screwed up the mouse. Unplayable in arenas right now.


Nothing mentioned in the hotfixes out today about it. So I guess another day of no play?

Thank you for the update.

Impossible to play arena when your mouse is sticking… Tried several different mice thinking it was hardware, disabled all addons. SAME PROBLEM. Fix that crap blizz…for f sake


tested the fix. rawMouseEnable 1 seems to be fixed back to normal. No weird mouse camera movement when running around. No weird snapping or spinning.

rawMouseEnable 0 seems to have dropped all mouse hijacking all together. It does do a weird visual bug from time to time, but not disruptive to the gameplay what so ever.

For sure having the rubber band/sticky cursor issue, it doesn’t matter what the rawMouseEnable setting is set to.
You don’t even need to interact with anything.
Just click in one spot really quickly for a second or two, then try to move the cursor in a single direction. About 30-40% of the time, mouse cursor will get stuck as long as you keep moving your mouse in the same initial direction.
I was literally able to slowly move my mouse across my entire mousepad, while keeping the cursor stuck in place.

Just tested some more actually, sometimes happens with single click but not as often, so doing a double click or more really increases the chance it happens.

Also having rawMouseEnable set to 1, almost immediately got the camera moving with WASD button thing.

Further edit, agreed with Flamebolt below, doesn’t seem to happen on PTR.

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Adding a post to the thread because I am experiencing similar if not the same issues previously described throughout.

Will attempt the rawmouse trick.
Will not follow up with results.


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So i went to the PTR to see if the issue is happening on there and I am having no rubber banding when spamming right click. Its smooth and back to normal. So whatever build is on the PTR is working normal.

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