[Main Thread] Memory Leak 08/16/24

Also experiencing this issue. WoW is the only thing running on my PC and it still happens. My best friend is also complaining about the same thing.

Also having the same issue… Let’s hope this gets fixed soon.

Yeah. I wish we knew if they were aware of the problem and working on it. I think I saw an MVP say they do know, but I haven’t found any blue posts about it.

Same problem, was learning ensembles in remix and blam error


The game has been unplayable. I crash every 15 minutes after a sudden spike that takes up all of my 32GB of RAM. Wasn’t a problem until the last 8ish hour maintenance a couple days ago. I’ve turned down all of my graphics settings and enabled a swap file, but I still crash after it freaks out.


Also having an issue, after a few times crashing I ran the game with System monitoring and performance monitoring in game. Played about 10mins before the Out of Memory box game up.
I was able to continue playing as long as I didn’t close the error box, closing the error box closes the game.
There were no Memory spikes in the in game performance, and nothing registered in System memory with over 7gigs still free. What I did see in the crash log is WoW isn’t seeing any Virtual Memory even though there is almost 10gigs available to it. The last crash shows this:
Error: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command.
Description: Requested 11185008 bytes of memory
File: D:\BuildServer\B\work-git\wow\Engine\Source\ObjectAlloc\ObjectAlloc.cpp

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getting the same issue, wasn’t happening before last patch…something new

I’ve had this problem a couple times too today. Never had this problem before. Looks like something new is going on and causing trouble.

I’ve had two crashes so far. Just sitting in Stormwind. No idea what is going on.

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me too having the same problem when i hearthed back to teh shrine city in MOP REMIX

Disabled all addons, updated all drivers.

Still memory leaks every 5 mins.

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Just had it happen again after switching to DirectX 11 as a test. Curiously, this time it didn’t crash, but WoW is using 28 GB of ram after a minute long hang. The game still plays for a while after, but this is really taxing on my system since it just filled my page file with 20+GB of garbage. I ran /console gxrestart and the WoW is STILL using the 28 GB of memory unfortunately, so it isn’t as easy to come back from as the leak from November: Memory Leak - #17 by Rommax-1333

EDIT: The longer I play like the the more my page file gets used. I’m at 40 GB in my page file now (up from 20 GB), and WoW.exe still only claims it’s using 26ish GB. I’m only running WoW and a system monitor.

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I am also experiencing this issue. Backed up and deleted Interface, WTF, and Cache but the issue persists. Please fix asap.

I just got this too. I am running a new laptop with 32gb ram and 4060 (6 vram if I remember correctly).

What gives?

Just want to add to this -

I’m on Windows with more than enough RAM. I’ve disabled addons, updated drivers, cleared cache etc.

There’s also a thread on this on EU:

Not enough memory message and crashing since 11.0 patch - Support / Technical Support - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

https://www.windowslatest.com/2024/08/16/windows-11-kb5041585-ipv6-patch-slows-down-pcs-breaks-vanguard-fails-to-install/ This may be a problem related to the latest Windows Update if you’re using windows.

This is not a Windows specific issue - I use Linux and am also experiencing the crashes.

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I am having a 3 months of problem where the wow keep crashing itself - sometimes only the program, and sometimes the computer itself. When the program crashes I get the error string : 6D05BC0D-F810-4215-831A-D72C998735C8
I asked blizzard for support but they just told me to reinstall which wasn’t helpful. I also see the window error message ‘invalid memory at 0xblablabla’. Is there any way to fix it? I reinstalled everything but there still is. My fps exceeds 100, and cpu/gpu load is 70%/20% each but it crashes all the sudden.

I have more than one guild bank I deal with and items are getting stuck in the bank. Not moveable or removable. Not sure if it is related to the memory leak

Not likely, I think. I don’t own any personal guild banks, and I still get the out of memory crash occasionally.