[Main Thread] Memory Leak 08/16/24

Just to update, I was frequently having this problem while swapping between servers. After a full system shutdown and restart I have not crashed. (hope I didn’t jinx myself)

Well I haven’t had/seen any issues since the blue post in EU said it was fixed. Though I also haven’t played much and the real test will be the launch

But my friend who was crashing over and over, also stopped crashing. So for some it seems fixed.

Though I notice my PC usually runs 14% memory, yet when I am on WoW it goes up to 60%. I have 16GB of RAM. How do PCs with only 8GB handle this?

Your hard drive is used as memory… Page file as Virtual memory.

I still constantly get memory leak crashes. Started like a week ago and still getting them today

same here. I am not getting any memory leak or memory messages. Screen just freezes after a few minutes in the game. I have no add Ons, have turned all graphics down to low and turned off anything in graphics that could cause crash issues. This is not my processor or graphics card. This started Tuesday after the patch and after I bought the new expansion. I am really tired of having to hard shut down my computer every time I log on to try and fix the problem and crash again after trying everything. The technical support of Blizzard is horrible. The silence is inexcusable.

It might help to create a new thread, your issue likely is not related. A little information such as dxdiag and msinfo would help. Pastebin can be useful if you run into trust level issues.

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Thanks Kozzae, I will try another thread.

Agree. same issue, tried every “solution” i know it isnt me, but i still tried. The game is actually unplayable for me right now, if im not crashing immediately on the load screen i can only stay in the game for a bout a minute before it crashes again. I tihnk the most frustrating part is simply them not even admitting to the problem. I’d be less angry if they said “hey we know but we dont know how to fix it yet” but we dont even get that.

I don’t know which thread it was under, but the solution to the “memory leak” that I found was to turn off all the options that they added in to the graphics menu at the bottom of the screen. Haven’t had an issue with the game until this last “update” where the game is now unplayable due to it being horribly laggy.

started experiencing this issue yesterday…
ryzen 5900x

Error: Not enough memory resources are available to process this command
Description: Requested 1399312 bytes of memory

Line: 1861
ProcessID: 48380
ThreadID: 28052

updated drivers
closed all background apps
reinstalled WoW

no luck

Having this issue as well. For about 2 weeks now game crashing calling it memory leak. Ironically No other game is doing this even cata classic with 10x more addons and weak auras and live logging. It’s insane they havent fixed