[Main Thread] Memory Leak 08/16/24

I know on EU they were saying it was “mostly Linux” in the blue reply

I think info like OS etc help Just to prove it’s more widespread, and that the issue is on THEIR end

My info:
Windows 10
11th Gen Intel(R) Core™ i7-11700K @ 3.60GHz
16GB Ram
GTX 1660Ti


I haven’t seen this Blue reply. But out of curiosity - did they just say “It’s mostly Linux?” and leave it at that? no mention of a fix? :laughing: Although I use Linux myself I have seen countless Windows users also experiencing the same issue.

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It’s interesting that the symptomology makes the EU CMs think it’s related to Linux. What we see here makes it clear it’s the the Windows client, whether run natively or in Linux.

I hope the devs aren’t fooled by that initial assessment.


Can’t respond to an EU post, so I’ll say it here.

  • On 64 bit Windows.
  • Disabled all addons.
  • Have closed as many other applications as possible.
  • All wow video settings at minimum.
  • Have tried many combinations on video settings in the advanced section for compatibility.

Memory still creeps up until it crashes.

That post by a blue is concerning. I’m guessing we’re going into TWW with an unplayable game. Not a surprise given the extreme number of other bugs that came with patch 11.

Woops. My bad for subscribing for a year last month to try and save a few bucks. Obviously a mistake. Here take a donation I guess.


It felt worse then that. Seems like they replied that it’s more so on the users end vs their game. I don’t run any addons, never had any installed. I use default UI. I never changed anything. I’ve always run WoW with Youtube in the background on Chrome, and yet as of Tuesday’s patch my PC runs out of memory? But only if I am in WoW at the time.


The fact that their reply is to word it like its an “us” problem and claim we haven’t tried everything already lol. That is such a huge slap in the face. I was also gonna say - I may use Linux as an OS, but WoW is technically the “Windows” version as there is no “Linux WoW”


According the EU sounds like something gets triggered and infinite loops, instantly grabbing all the memory.

Which kind puts addons into the usual suspects list.

If someone that gets this consistently can try playing without addons and see if they still get issues it might help.

No addons installed. I’ve never ever used or had addons installed. I don’t install anything, I use default UI.

It’s 100% due to the patch that went through this week. Since it started after login on Tuesday after it downloaded something


Anyone else seeing this crap? Will randomly say to much memory then the game won’t reopen once it closes


Earlier this week my game completely broke and had to fully re-download. It gave me an error every time I tried to fix the game or launch it or anything at all. So I uninstall and re-install

Now 3 times in 3 days it has crashed and needed to be re-scanned.

One time it was a small re-download.

One time it was 40 GB (almost half the game).

Currently it’s scanning again which can take 30-60 minutes then whatever download comes up.

What is happening? Game is almost unplayable I hope I can enjoy launch


It has scanned and now is re-scanning instantly instead of trying a fix.

This also happened last time and I relaunched battle net and it started a download instead of re-scanning.

update 2: Same thing this time instead of letting it re-scan I quit and re-launched bnet and it is downloading a 3.76 GB update (thankfully not 40GB this time)

has there been a blue post about this? if not it’s pretty unacceptable.


Still no blue post on the matter despite there being lots of attention on the issue both here and on the EU forums. Time to start filling out tickets and getting some GM eyes on it.

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Game worked for a bit.

Then I updated some addons.

Restarted computer.

Got a Tac 11 fail for WoW next time I tried to open in.


Adding my voice to the growing chorus of paying customers repeatedly inconvenienced by either Blizzard’s incompetence or malice.

The crash to desktop has happened to me 5+ times today, and I have 32GB of RAM, way more than enough Fix your stupid game you monkeys, or I’m going to start doing bank chargebacks on my sub. Your choice.


Posting another thread for visibility. This started happening to me today. Three times so far.


only once so far for me, but here’s a bump anyway until they post something about this lol…

Having this same exact issue, know of a few people who have also been having it. Seems they broke something with the recent hotfix.

I’ve had this happen twice now. Once yesterday, and now a second time about 5 minutes ago.

I had this happen to me last night. I checked my Task and was only at like 35% with WoW running. So i dunno. This is the first time it’s ever happened with me.

My PC has sent Microsoft so many reports today that they are going to have buy another data warehouse just to keep up with them all.