Memory Leak

It’s much worse today than it was yesterday. At first I was able to play up to an hour before the game crashed. Today the longest I have played is 20 minutes and it causes my PC to lock up, requiring a power down.

At least this has convinced me NOT to waste money on the next expansion. If they aren’t going to fix memory leaks from two patches ago, then I doubt they will bother with this one either.

Good thing LoTRO launched a new expansion this week too, so I got something to play.

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Just to be clear, it’s not same leak
That’s my tweet btw.
I was also one of first to find this leak though, although at time i thought it was macOs only but seeing some windows reports now.


Yeah, I’m aware.

It’s a note on how this xpac keeps piling up leaks.

Like… how there’s a crafting ui leak (that leaks upon each individual item created) that’s been there since DF launch unfixed and leaks multiple GBs per hour. If you put a wotlk chef’s hat toy on and click create all for something like pebbled rock salts or assorted spices you’ll hit something like 5GB per hour leak versus 1.5GB per hour with default speed.

We’re starting a memory leak bug queue line here…
Mine being Crafting UI Leaks Memory A Lot since launch day.

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Keeps getting worse every day. Can’t play more than 10 minutes today before all my memory has been eaten up by WOW. I noticed that there were almost no other players in the new zone last night or today. I wonder if other people have given up on the game because of this bug. Never seen interest in a patch die off so fast.


So strange, I ended up fixing it by going to direct X12 from Direct X11. This has brought my memory use back to around 5gb. Many have said that by changing to Direct X11 from 12 was their fix, no idea how this works, but hey …

We’ve identified and are working on a fix for unbounded memory growth that’s affecting Windows users using DX11 and all Mac users.

We should ideally have a hotfix build deployed early next week with the fix.

In the meantime, typing /console gxrestart in chat should cause the client to jump back down to normal memory usage (but will keep growing again after).
On Windows, using DX12 or DX11 Legacy backends should avoid the bug all together.

For those curious about the code side of things, the bug was an std::deque::clear() call that was incorrectly placed in a code block that is only compiled in for internal clients. That made it so the bug never happened for us in internal testing but had the unbounded growth in public clients.


Yes - thank you finally!

I’m married, so I may have to check with my wife first, but as an early announcement, I may love you (Disclaimer: All declarations of love are subject to approval by spouse of the house. No guarantees or promises should not be inferred until such time an approval has been obtained).


This is not the case on windows unfortunately. I can’t avoid the memory leak by using any DX version. Thank you for the gxrestart command though, I’ll give that a try in the meantime.


If you don’t mind, while y’all are at it, please fix the leak in the client app too. For macOS I mean. And compile as a Universal Binary too for those of us on M-series arm64. Watching Agent suck all the memory up is awful.

This is happening with DX12 too.


Those saying they are seeing it with DX12, have you confirmed it’s an actual memory leak and not just a separate crash bug? None of tech mvps or blizzard have been able to find a memory leak on dx12 at all. I’d be curious to see some crash logs from your “errors” folder or maybe screen shot of memory usage wow has that indicates a leak.

the contents of the gx.log would also be helpful

I ask for that constantly, but bnet is a completely different team, in fact they don’t even read the forums really outside of the actual bnet specific forums. rommax likely has nothing to do with that specific team or it’s issues so probably worth posting in bnet forums.

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I’m running DX12 as well as some of the others, and just got through around 5 hours of play before my whole system spazzed out and I got the out of memory warning. This was the first time I have been on the game since patch. I have 16 gigs of Ram, and just launching the game and sitting on the character select screen I jump from 41% memory usage to 58%, actually logging into a character jumps it to 71% and climbs the longer that I have the game up. This is only in retail as well, I have checked with all versions of classic too, and the jump is not even 10%.


Thank you, that explains a lot to me, my system is quite advanced with 64gigs of ram, while playing it froze up a couple of times and i had to reboot. That had never happened before. once again thanks

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what about mac, I am playing using a m1pro macbook pro.

I was going pretty nervous, now I know its not on my end.

Can this damage my PC?..Sorry, not a tech savy at all.

I’ll try all the solutions above in the mean time.

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Ah, good point. Keep up the good fight Omegal :slight_smile:

im having this issue on my demon hunter but no other class i have two computers one old and one new and im having the issue on both im using dx12 and having memory leak too with my demon hunter

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assuming hotfix going in as part of weekly reset tomorrow?