[Main Thread] Memory Leak 08/16/24

Even though a lot of players haven’t been able to play since Tuesday’s patch.

And the silence on the issue is very telling.

Or they act like it’s on your end/your PC even though there’s quite a few reports.

Really starting to think I may just want a refund for War Within and walk away from this game, especially if this is how they handle issues. Game has been so broken since pre-patch, and it seems like it is getting worse, not better.


How do you know it’s a memory leak issue?

Which is it? Are they not saying anything or are they blaming players’ pc’s?


It’s not a memory leak issue, but the pop up box when the game freezes claims it is. Tons of bug reports about it since Tuesday.

DX11 or 12 doesn’t seem to matter for some, either. Mine was doing it on DX12 with 32gb memory and showing no massive amounts of memory usage.

I did some messing around with settings and deleted my cache folder. After a few times dealing with it yesterday, I’ve only seen it happen once today. Not that that’s much better… but…

NA forums no reply to all the reports. EU forum got a reply, but with a bunch of steps basically acting like it was on the users end

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Ohhhh, gotcha. I haven’t any issues myself yet, but I also have like 32 GB of RAM so that’s probably why.

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As do I, yet it’s happening to me.


Are you on an intel or amd processor?

Been getting minor game stutters that are new experience for this game.

You can watch on resource monitor, no idea if that’s what they were doing. Might be getting out of memory errors also.

Tech support would be a better place for this.

Also how much ram do you have, SSD or hard drive?

The game can get by on some really old specs if you have 16 gigs of ram and an SSD.

I don’t think the amount of RAM you have matters…

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Have you tried sacrificing your first born to the PC gods?

Would delay how long it takes to fill up from a memory leak. I don’t play for more than a couple hours at a time so it might not fill up from the leak in that time. :man_shrugging:

If the game is crashing or freezing badly turn off all new Graphics features added in last patch. There are five check boxes at the bottom of the settings page. The first one is the worst offender.

Sure. But a lot of us at this point are frustrated. It’s FRIDAY, this issue started on TUESDAY. They haven’t even replied to a single post about “we know about it” “we’re working on it” etc.

Like will game even be playable on 22nd? 26th? No answers…


I had issues with 8 back in BfA.

It’s not a memory leak, though. People have been monitoring when it happens and nothing is happening. The game completely freezes up and the pop up claims it’s a memory leak… but there is no actual memory leak. It’s not a computer issue. It’s something that messed up since Tuesday.

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I mean when it comes to an alleged memory leak like the topic at hand.

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They know about it and are working on it.

I have seen a spike, it even made my Chrome tell me I didn’t have the memory. But it only lasts for a split second. So it’s easy to miss.

Source? I don’t use X.

Most of the discussions I’ve seen on it, people are closely monitoring and seeing nothing. It seems to be hit or miss.

Ok looks like there is a thread on this issue.

Best to go into a thread like that with your system specs and see if there is something specific in common.

Millions of player and it could be system set up that only a few hundred people have, and devs can’t really trouble shot it until they can reproduce it.