Mages, you all need Tome!

It’s funny, whatever the new hotness trinket(s) are, it basically guarantees RNG will not ever allow me to have them. As much as I wanna get either of these, I really have my doubts ill ever see them :slight_smile: (although, i have not run alot yet and have awful experiences with attempting to pug… i’m still going to keep trying and hating every second of not having them)

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Sorry brother, keep hope alive. Still as a consolation there are tons of super good trinkets in the pool right now, from all the raids, so you could pick those up and still do really well.

Yeah, there are… I’ve seen’em drop - but always out rolled. Story of my last couple expansions lol. Not sure who I p*ssed off, but my roll RNG has been awful! So, for now - i have decay idol and last season augury for who knows how long :slight_smile:

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Sadly im on the EU servers but i appriciate the offer pal <3 :wink:

Just doing 2er keys and m0 each id till i get it :smiley:

Atleast i got the Heart at my 3. run or so.

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Just use the bullion and buy off the vendor in Vall.

Ultimately, that’s probably going to be how it plays out. This week I got the Dreambinder, next 4 weeks I’ll go after both rings (since i surely wont see those drop - still never have), then trinkets after most likely



A tank pal went another 2 runs with me and i got it :slight_smile:

Just tested it in LFR and it procs nicely ^^ so much dmg! I love it.
Will do some keys today/tomorrow with it ;D

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Congrats! It’s a lot of fun! Hope you have a good time.

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does our arcane mastery affect the tome spell power damage?

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I haven’t officially tested it, but anecdotal evidence from using it these last few weeks suggests yes. If anyone has a more “math” based answer I welcome it.

Honestly, I would be surprised if it did. When they changed Shifting Power to deal arcane damage they initially forgot to whitelist it to work with the Arcane mastery. The Arcane mastery specifically states “all arcane damage” in the tooltip but it only means mage spells that deal arcane damage for the most part.

You could easily test it by switching specs and seeing that Shifting Power did the same amount of damage with all 3 specs when it should have dealt a considerable amount more as Arcane. I don’t see why the same test wouldn’t work for this as well. I can try it and report back.

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This one is a little muddy, unlike shifting power, it uses an existing spell(arcane barrage) and details seems to even combine them at times, its hard to say, I agree that it seems like it does.

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Just hit 40 runs of av.

Got the fractured heart 3 times, gloves x6 and bracers x 5.

Still no tome.

Ive run av all week and am going to give up soon lol

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Oh man, that was me last season looking for branch. My hope for you is a nice mythic version from the Vault tomorrow.

Yeah, that’s a bug with Details, I reported it but I don’t think it’s a priority, lol. It uses the same name “Arcane Barrage” but it has a different spell ID and uses another icon too (and also looks completely different, obviously). Details, however, reads them together for some reasons and lumps both into the same category under the trinket’s spell ID.

I ran the test I mentioned yesterday and looking at the game’s native logs the procs from the Tome hit and crit for the exact same amount in all 3 specs. If the Arcane Mastery applied to the procs they should obviously deal considerably more damage while you’re in Arcane spec. I tested on the same dummy without changing any gear, just swapping specs.

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Hate to say I called it…I just can’t even right now.

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Of course they’re nerfing it 12 hours after I get it :wink: … but hey, at least it isnt a flat damage nerf, it’s just # of targets, i can live with that since I rarely am in a situation pulling over 8.

Took me 30ish runs of everything from Heroic to +8 just to get 1 of the 2 I’ve been looking for. Fingers crossed, next week I can finally see CH. I still havent seen it drop at all in any run I’ve been in.


I was not awake last nigh when they posted that.

Did they at first even nerf the dmg of it too?

Sad :frowning: but understandable it was very good.

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Yes, they had a 20% dmg nerf on top of the number cap in the original post and I was ready to stop playing, to be honest.

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Pal i like your quick-postings.

We need a Mage poster for news and stuff with the same quality that Kalamazi does for warlocks.

Why don t you start a Youtube-Career? :slight_smile:

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