Mages, you all need Tome!

It was nerfed by 20% as well.

Still a good trinket. It was beyond broken.

Because an obviously over tuned trinket was nerfed?

It was so broken that melee dps and tanks were using it.

It was a typo, they won’t be nerfing the damage.

O cool. This trinket is def mage feeling.

I’m surprised it’s not getting an ICD

I did 50 runs of av and finally got it last night.

Did one run with it and it did over 50m damage.

Woke up this morning to the nerf lol.

Didnt even have it for 10 hours and only got to do 1 run.


Congrats though!

If they don’t change the damage (they said they aren’t) and only nerf the # of targets, it’ll still be solid trinket I think. I never trust them to let good stay good.

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Yeah im excited either way to have it.

Arcane can use the aoe help and I love how well it fits the spec vibe

The fracture heart felt underwhelming to me since i started using it.


On this note, I’d love to see the effect from Tome become a talent in our toolkit. Perfect for “improved mirror image” type talent that provides some additional utility to mirror image. The whole theme of the Trinket shouts “arcane mage!”

It’s TOO good. I hope they don’t nerf it. I would say on average it’s 7-12% of my damage in m+. And it’s great on spriest too, doesn’t get quite the same % maybe 5-10. Still farming for Umbreskul on my mage but now I’m wondering if it can actually compete with Tome? Those that have gotten Umbreskul, what is the damage breakdown compared to Tome for you?

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That’s where it gets difficult to compare. Umberskul (or as I call it “heart”) effect of “execute at 5% health” doesn’t get tracked in damage meters and is RNG dependent (needs to be up when mobs get to 5% health), so it’s really tough to get an accurate gage on it’s real impact in number terms. I also noticed it can “execute” bosses that are multi-pack bosses. So, for example, the first boss in Brak, if the stack is on them you can drop them at 5% which is millions of damage there (potentially) in value, but the DPS meter (Details anyway) won’t reflect that number, it can’t “see” it. I also had it trigger on the NO centraurs boss, which was weird, because one “died” while the other stayed alive even though they have a shared health pool. I was worried it was gonna bug out, but it let us finish off the fight, so that was good. Also Heart plays good with Tome, because the ticks/effect can trigger Tome, so that’s something to think about. I would take Tome over Heart, and I’m still searching to see if there is another pair with Tome that works even better. I think it was you that mentioned running Tome and Feather, which honestly might be a perfect combo, so I’d be curious to see if you like Heart better with Tome than Feather with Tome.

They did nerf it but it’s still solid.

Capped at 8 targets. I’m honestly surprised it didn’t get an icd

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im going to get Ashes, i hear its INSANE

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Oh? Of course I just grabbed the ring, what do we pair ashes with?

I’d probably like it better than fragment, so I’ll look for that next. Especially with how frequently I’m near death, Ashes would be fantastic to trigger over and over. I’m envisioning pairing with Tome and that playing out really well.

Yeah no aoe cap was a pretty big oversight. And glad it didn’t get an icd, having essentially 9 mirror images up at the same time with their spell visuals is pretty cool. And they take on any changes to your character from other sources. Paired with the trinket I got from one of the weekly quests on day 1 of season 4 that has a passive chance to polymorph you into various emerald dream like druid forms and give an Int buff was pretty fun to see. That also didn’t have an icd. If I recall it actually consistently had 35%+ uptime, which was kind of crazy. “Pinch of” something it’s called and has the same inventory icon as dreamsurge coalescence.

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Just got my tome today!



Nice! Congrats. I think it’s the best mage ability we got right now, hope it finds its way into the talent tree for TWW.

I’m still trying to find the perfect pairing for it. I’m convinced Furious Ragefeather is the answer, but for now running with Fragment.

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I personally think the tome trinket animation should become the new mirror image animation for arcane. Frost would keep the current frostbolt animation and fire images would cast fireballs. Obviously the damage would be equal as it would be cosmetic flavor.

That said, I wouldn’t be opposed to an actual ability that procs it in the tree. I would just hope for a way for it to be deterministic rather than rng.

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Did you used to be a female human? Lol

While I see the appeal of this, having MI cast frost bolts is really nice as a pvper. Perhaps what the can do is make it a chat option that allows you to decide which school they cast.

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I just gotta say, I am literally only playing this season because I love seeing this trinket proc. We NEED to get these kinds of visuals for player spells and abilities! It’s ridiculous that all of these assets are already in the game but players don’t get access to most of them and the few that we can use, like this trinket, are only ever available for a few months and then they go away forever (unless an M+ dungeon that drops one gets resurrected).

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Ha, yes, thanks for remembering. I grew frustrated with how shoulder armors fit (or didn’t) on the human female model and messed with all the transmog I wanted to run and how small the base model for human female is.

I think I’m in the same boat. I was in for the first week just to see the changes but once I came across this visual I was like “Oh Em Gee, this is the most arcane thing I’ve seen!” I do hope they take visuals across the board up a notch.

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