Mages, you all need Tome!

can you link this magical item google only has a crappy blue

Same, it actually makes us competitive for once. I even had a hunter call out in chat “dang!”

It is still a little RNG dependent and position dependent. A good tank makes a HUGE difference on whether it hits or not. But a big stack of mobs pulled tight and multiple procs and BLAM!!! it is solid gold.

This is it on WOWhead:

Which, be careful, WOWHead (maybe one of their ads) is totally crashing my computer today for some reason.

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Made me curious and checking my last run, it was 9.30% of my damage, which is nice!

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I think your onto something, i also never liked nether tempest, because a dot does not fit well, but outside the burst it makes sense to have a low cost ability with a chance for high RNG damage. Could almost be an interesting baseline playstyle choice, built into NT

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Probably gonna be me. I am at 8 runs now plus a M0 and still haven’t gotten it, haven’t even seen it drop for anyone. It also doesn’t help that the loot pool in AV is diluted with 10 possible drops whereas other dungeons have only 5 or 6. That and of course the fact that because I want it and am actively farming for it means the game knows not to drop it because RNGesus is a vindictive mofo. /sigh :upside_down_face:

This is why we need ALL gear to be on vendors but Blizzard are too pigheaded to let it happen even though they already have the data showing them that the dinars/bouillon which are a limited version of that have been a massive success with players.

But even if they nerf it, which would be weird since they randomly went through all the trouble of redesigning it completely like a month ago, I will probably still use it just because it looks cool and reminds me of the ONLY good memory I had of Choregast i.e. an army of nuking mirror images.

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Keep going, the visual is payoff enough. It’s a beauty.

After you get some time playing with it, I fully expect you to start a thread declaring this trinket needs to be a new talent in arcane’s tree (improved mirror image perhaps), which it does.

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Haha…ofc i got it on my minidragon aka Evoker.

It procs from time to time. Tested it with Dev-Spec in a +4 key it did overall something bout 7, x% dmg. Not bad not bad.

But the illusions of me irritated me at first :smiley:

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Gotta work that Mog!

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Finally got it! First thing I did was max it out and then took it to the dummies. The very first time it proced all 3 came out and all crit, did over 1mil! Seems like it’s a 1 ppm rate though, I thought it would be more. Still very nice, I don’t foresee changing it.

P.S. Absolutely looooove that they salute you before they go, cracks me up every time. Reminds me of Archmage Vargoth’s illusion yelling “Hit me with your best shot, dumbass!” when you called him out for the buff in Legion. :joy:


So at first I thought those spinning rune circles were what does the damage but apparently they shoot out a projectile that looks like an arcane bolt of some kind which is what actually hits the target. However, I can’t tell if the projectiles track or just shoot in the middle and explode like a Shadow Priest’s Shadow Crash spell. The projectiles have an incredibly fast travel time so it’s very difficult to spot in combat and dummies obviously don’t move. Not sure how to test it.

If it tracks the target that’s incredibly good but if it just shoots at the ground there is a lot of potential for misses. At the end of the day I don’t really care because it looks so cool. Once again makes me incredibly resentful that there are all of these cool arcane visuals on trinkets and NPC spells that we don’t get access to as Arcane mages. /fumes in arcane

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Congrats! It’s pure joy. If you discovery any nuance to making it more effective, do share.

So far, I just found that for max effect, keep NT up as much as you can. For some reason it loves to proc off NT (for me anyway). If you’re still running heart with it, that’s a good combo, though Fragment definitely comes out in ST/boss fights where you have clean surge times.

i have champion version of both i hope to get a mythic in my vault i love this so much!

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Yea, mythic version would be super awesome! I would love to see it!

It seems to proc a ton from the crystal sickness DoT and DoTs in general.


I totally want to pair it with Unbral Heart again, but Fragment is just too significant during surge, I’m torn, because more procs from heart would be awesome.

People say the proc rate from dots is so high it could make Affliction meta lol

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It’s hot! If they want me to never play again, they will nerf it. So I expect that to happen at some point.

Yay finally some love for Afflis :slight_smile: <3

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Another few runs with my mage.

Nothing :< no tome +sigh+ ^^

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Keep going! I’ll run with you. I just did a run and heart dropped so I gave it away.

Running Tome and Heart today and I REALLY love both of them. Heart’s 5% health execution doesn’t get picked up by dmg meters, but it can be very impactful on Fort weeks like this. Tome is just all around awesome. They love to proc off each other which is perfect compliment. On tyrant weeks probly need Fragment again, but maybe not, I’d be happy to keep running these two together. Maybe stack mastery and haste???

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