Adjustment Coming for Tome of Unstable Power

Tomorrow, during scheduled weekly maintenance, we’ll deploy this hotfix:


  • Tome of Unstable Power’s AOE target cap set to 8.

Our goal here is to keep the Tome very strong, while bringing it more in line with other DPS trinkets.


Tome of Unstable Power got nerfed so hard that it’s now Tomb of Unstable Power.


Dude, just don’t. Like, what the heck?

Edit: well at least dmg didn’t get reduced…whatever


Sick, guess I wasted all that time in Azure Vault for nothing.

EDIT: Oh, phew, no damage nerf on top of it. This thing’s still good then.


Updated the OP. There is no damage reduction in this hotfix tomorrow.


Now please do that for brewmaster damage nerfs.


This change made sense, seen that book show up as 30%+ of some healers’ damage for whole dungeons. Uncapped aoe tends to get nuts pretty fast.


What is even the point of this. Its not even that op and you are just killing the trinket. Branch had a similar power level for casters and yet that trinket was all fine. Like stop nerfing just cause people think its op, let them play with it for a little bit…


so it’s the tome of stable power?


I don’t really care about the nerf so much but for the love of the Titans, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I am literally begging here, give Arcane Mages these updated visuals. All of these amazing assets are already in the game and all it would take is to change the spell ID in the game’s code. Our original spells went over a decade before they were updated for the first time in Legion and the “newer” ones like Arcane Orb are now also more than 10 years old! Meanwhile random NPCs and bosses in the Azure Vault have these beautifully updated spells, please just let the players have access to them as well!


You know what would be crazy though is if we could actually just remove target caps that are still unfairly placed on specs and actually balance the game instead of letting devs ruin it by giving no gameplay reason other than “it’s interesting” as to why a spec is still capped :).


I’m really enjoying the revamps that both of the Vault trinkets got. Maybe a bit too much. Kinda reminds me of 8.3 in BfA when more of my damage was coming from stuff like Azerite and corruption instead of my character’s abilities. :sweat_smile:

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It would be. But I respect blizz making the call that they dont know how to balance the game around uncapped aoe of any kind (because they cant, and I know of no other team that could do it either). It shows a level of humility and an effort to achieve gameplay balance even if it is at the cost of some degree of fun. It’s not perfect (nothing is) but this is a good example case of dealing with an unintended outlier.

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Yeah, I got Umbreskul’s and it feels pretty impactful even though you don’t see the execute damage when it happens, though on Details obviously the Tome shows it doing 4~5x the damage because of the AoE functionality of it.

I just like the part when the DoT procs onto something that is near the execute point, and would just have to push it just a bit further to see it pop and spread. Didn’t get a tome yet, though this patch does seem to be curbing some of the insane potential it had for M+.


it also feels pretty impactful when a mob 180s and clobbers you over the head :sob:


Now undo it. Stop trolling.

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I play from a slight range. I only got instant-aggro clobbering when I went in for a tail swipe once. Or when pushing Dragonrage after 5 seconds of waiting for the tank to establish aggro wasn’t enough time.

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usually happens when the tank is running to the next pack and both me and the mobs are running after him

stray too close to a mob following, kaboom

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Yeah, as a healer I will still use it. It was about a consistent 20-24% of my damage. Could spike, but typically stayed in that range.

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The trouble is getting it to drop first lol… think ive run it about 20 times between my characters and havent even seen the thing lol.