Mage Tower

Yup, and that’s not okay with how gimped tank damage actually is in current

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Mage Tower is extremely disappointing!!!

The reddit MT complaints thread is up to 1.2k comments in less than two days, they just keep piling up :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Some people are so upset they considering unsubbing over this poorly tuned rollout/fiasco from Blizzard, here’s a few such posts from the comment section:

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Because you mentioned that phrase.
The difference is, the people not able to get it at launch then could get at it later with more gear or nerfs.

This has not only overtuned challenges for some specs as even proven by a blues but this works against how a time walking event should work.

If this was up all the time or more frequently then c’est la vie but it’s a friggin time walking event. Go sit with the rest of your ‘elitist jerks’.

It’s not a “true” timewalking event. It gets the tag because it’s a feature from a previous expansion. Thus walking back in time “timewalking”

It’s going to be here for the rest of the games life…meaning, if the game lasts another 10 years…the mage tower will be available over those 10 years. It’s not a 2 week ordeal and done for good.

<— filthy casual. Just enjoying the difficulty is all.


I’m against game design that has things tough and only a short period of time.

That’s fine, and you don’t get my complaint so that’s fine as well.

Aside from it being limited to timewalking windows this is pretty darn close to what I would have asked for.

I’d prefer if their gear scaling wasn’t so wonky and bad at overvaluing sockets and old enchantments but that’s not a deal breaker. You can always go get the gear from that expansion or use your own professions to avoid the AH***.

*** or you could if it wasn’t tied to stupid timewalking windows. Seriously that is the biggest unforced error in this situation.

I’d stay subbed and slow play each spec in the tower if it wasn’t limited to timewalking. As it is though I am lucky enough to only have 14 days left and by then I won’t have a use for the sub :frowning:

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No, you’re complaining that it’s not fitting into the “true time walking event” parameters. That is not you talking about “semantics”

It’s not here for a short period of time. It’s here for the continued life of the game. If you’re against this, then that means you’re against any/all time walking events, weekly bonuses (time walking, pvp sets, pet battles). Is that the case?

I understand your complaint. It’s too hard for you in it’s current form. I get it. I haven’t completed anything in it either. It’s hard. It’s supposed to be hard.

But it’s YOU talking about semantics.

It is.

But it’s here against in several months so that justifies it :clown_face:

You still don’t provide a valid rebuttal so when you do, bug me then, 'till then, I’ll be going onward from this hard headed ‘‘has to be tough’’ mentality.

No, it’s not a true time walking event, therefore does not fall under the rules of a time walking event. It’s not semantics. It’s how it was designed.

Yes, that’s the design. Like the original MT was only available every so often and only for 3 days at a time. It being here for 2 weeks and coming back later is on the same scale as it was in Legion.

It was advertised as challenging solo content that’s available for everyone, although not everyone will complete it.

It was meant to be hard from the get go from those who designed it. It’s supposed to be hard.

I actually did unsub over this, as I feel this was a betrayal of what little trust I had remaining.

A game shouldn’t feel like an abusive relationship after all


Awesome design by blizz . Complete a TANK challange with DPS spec !

Git gud scrubs


See I thought I was doing pretty well, I did 10-50 doing almose 100% solo content with the main legion story line (one dungeon run per zone for a total of 4 dungeons in that time), got good at managing how much I’d pull and going ‘hmmm, that’s a bit to much to pull and live’ and actually learning how to manage my health/rage/when to maul or ironfur and the like.

Then I do SL content, get my borrowed power and it’s like ‘dang skippy I can actually do damage now?’ so I pulled bigger cause Convoke makes a massive difference even before you get binds unlocked. I’m having a blast, get to level 60, do a few heroics which we had 0 whipes in and only one death because some one decided not to do the ice dance in Necrowake. Things are good, I’m feeling good. So I decide 'hey, this is my first max level tank, lets que LFR on Denathrius. First time in there as tank, we cleared it, no whipe.

I did die but all the healers were kinda up the pally tanks butt the entire fight lol (I was #4 healer for the raid cause of needing to constantly pop convoke or frenzy regen as soon as off cd and took 38% of the total damage from it for a reference point on that)

Then this came along, something I spent all this time trying to work upto. I pull up a guide, it’s from the ptr, looks managable and doable, no problem I got this.

And then stress, anxiety, irritation…frustrationg…60 pulls…60 got dang pulls and I couldn’t get the first boss lower than 58% despite kicking his casts almost perfectly, and doing everything I can to deal with the nuke adds that are way to tanky for how much of a nuke they are…with the mega bad rng, the bugs that it has all the other issues…

All that time, all that effort, all that patience, completely and utterly invalidated by Blizz’s inability to make things reasonable for non Mythic ‘World first’ racers.

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So instead of fixing the ones that are uber hard they buffed the easier ones AWESOME !

Although I didn’t specify this in my OP, I was actually thinking of the rewards. Most of my friends are saying the rewards aren’t worth the effort this time around. They want a bigger carrot on the stick for that level of challenge.

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The mogs are recolor of a recolor of a recolor ( Black temple /TOS/MT) and some of those arent very appealing . I would have skipped it too but i want the felbear skin which i m startingv to think i wont be able to get coz the game is for 2% players .

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Only reward “worth it” is the Felbear skin, that much is clear just judging by the sheer amount of complaint posts about the Guardian Bear challenge.

I scooped up the original skin after around 35-36 tries back in Legion (reasonable amount of tries for a casual), but this 9.1.5 version is a whole other level of difficulty :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:

I just stopped at around 62-63 attempts this time, just gonna wait for the nerfs rather than waste any more gold on repairs/consumables :laughing:

What are you talking about? Guardian is damn near impossible.

Sure about that? Here’s a few, there’s a bunch more… “we want the opportunity to earn them”