The Real Reason to Bring Back Mage Tower Appearances

12 classes, 36 specs

Not everyone was playing the same spec in Legion as they do now.

Not everyone had the time, energy, and masochism to go through Mage Tower on all 12 classes, let alone 36 specs.

Example: A player playing survival hunter in Legion who saw their spec turned upside-down and is now playing a feral druid - sorry about their luck, they didn’t play a druid during Mage Tower and can’t get the druid mage tower appearances now.

Bad FOMO design - way beyond what it should have been. Mage Tower removal only led further down the oppressive FOMO design.

Anyways, bring back Mage Tower appearances, or the Mage Tower altogether, for the simple fact that there were 36 specs and not everyone realistically had the capability to run 36 specs through the tower.


The pro-FOMO people don’t care about your reasoning, and will probably just tell you to suck it up.


Imo, the OP’s reasoning doesn’t seem the best to me. But I’m fine with the sentiment and wouldn’t mind if they brought it back.

I think having more options is always good. Let the elite get their stuff current expansion, but stuff that is several expansions old like this? Who honestly cares if anyone can have the appearances? They’re cool and offer up more variety for those who may have missed out.


Mage Tower was cool and the cosmetics were also cool. I wish the concept was pushed forward into recent expansions in different and unique ways with new stuff so it didn’t feel like people just missed out on it because it was one of the only chances to personally challenge yourself in a class-specific trial for cool rewards.


Unfortunately, one of the biggest things that got a lot of the player base into WoW–if I believe people on this forum–is seeing exclusives that they can no longer get. This is especially true for druid forms.


Yeah same, I have Felo’melorn and Ashbringer’s MT Appearance, but I don’t even play those classes anymore lol.

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That doesn’t even make any sense. Why would people join a game because of something they can’t get in the game?


Or they could have done what a lot of us did, use foresight and get the skins they /would/ want to use while they were available regardless of the state of the spec for future use.


I think they’re saying “people saw this really cool bear form that sold them on WoW, only for them to find out after joining that they can’t get it”


Maybe they will bring them back with some ugly recolors, like they did with the pandaria sets.

Someone needs to make one of those memes where the kid asks for something and the mom is like:

“No, you can’t have the ‘mage tower,’ we already have ‘torghast and covenant transmogs’ at home.”

Wouldn’t surprise me - “we listened to you!”

I think they definitely should bring it back.

Imagine being so sweaty and nerdy and not wanting to allow other ppl the chance who maybe couldn’t do it at the time for w/e reason.

Bring it back say once a year? For a week or two? this might keep the snowflakes at bay because it will still be eXcLuSiVe. It’s all sitting there still. It could happen.


Exclusive stuff is very important to MMO fantasy imo.

Even final fantasy does it iirc


The real reason is they are 36 of some of the best looking weapon models in the entire game and they’re locked away for no reason lol.

This is coming from someone who has every artifact appearance they wanted.

He’s saying people subbed back into WoW to get the items because they wouldn’t have a chance to get them later. Bad logic lol

I’ve never heard of a person quitting WoW because certain items they earned weren’t exclusive. Seems more likely people would quit over items and content being removed than remaining in the game.


Forgive me. It was phrased weirdly.


Jokes on them, I always played survival like spider man.

I remember when I first saw Invincible for the first time, it actually inspired me to get into collections and such.

A new player walking into the game and seeing someone on some exclusive or super rare item is a great sight, and I think it actually does more good than harm.

Example: If/when I play Final Fantasy, I don’t think it would feel right for me to enter their world and act entitled to all the exclusive items veteran players earned years ago. Some of which may have been an expansion specific feature, or seasonal item…there is no reason for seasonal items to not be exclusive imo.

I also want to point out that nobody cares about items/mounts/titles etc. when literally everyone has them. People play mmo’s to make their own mark and stand out from others. If you homogenize the costmetic world, it doesn’t feel worth it.


So the “Real Reason” to bring them back is because not everyone was able to get all possible variations? That’s not a very good reason. In fact, it was sort of the point of the system.

I was expecting something like it would boost subs or something along those lines.

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I’d be fine with it if they made a new mage tower challenge tuned to current iteration of classes and the same difficulty level and it rewarded different colours

Just doing a “legion timewalk mage tower with our current classes as of shadowlands” absolutely does not cut it

And it just can’t be the exact same as the original. Because its not the original challenge completed at its original time

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