Then why don’t my Legion legendaries or my artifact weapon work?
Why can you stand directly on a rune in God Queen’s Fury and it not deactivate
ITT something said by people that had to outgear the one in legion to get a win, either via raid gear or waiting until later patches.
If the ‘new version’ was also tuned mostly around broken gear, enchants, and consumes you probably wouldn’t have gotten it until next year too, if ever. Too bad it’s easier than Legion if you get the broken gear.
If you want to ignore the fact that I had posted in this thread before you did. You seen to have followed me. Am I now not allowed to post on any thread in case you might respond to it later?
lol no.
I believe I got my first one after 7.3? I can’t recall, but I never raided (check my achievements for proof) nor did m+. I struggled on my DK, but passed it easily on Disc priest back in the day.
lol, if broken gear makes this MT easier than in legion then there shouldn’t be any complaints, considering the people above are saying they need their legendaries or conduits to do it.
Thats a good thing, if you could cheat the tower it takes out all the prestige of beating hard content. Can’t say things like its a skill issue if someone can cheese the fights
This needs to be said more, you can’t use an unreliable 3rd party site and use its data as fact
The number is probably higher due to DFA not being accurate, however even if it was I don’t see that as a problem. The mage tower makes up less than 1% of the game so why is a similar completion rate a problem? what completion % should the tower have? and why should it be that?
I don’t think this is true, very few players mythic raid but that doesn’t push players away from the game, same with high keys and high rated pvp. Solo play has desperately needed real, difficult content. Almost all solo content is almost passive, afk style gameplay currently. Sure, blizz doesn’t do a good good giving solo players a wider range of difficulties in solo play but that doesn’t mean all solo content has to cater to the lowest skilled players. This isn’t a problem of the mage tower is to hard. Its a matter of there isn’t enough good solo content for everyone making everyone feel like the mage tower needs to be for them
don’t forget they referred that 1% as for completing the 7 unique bosses.
Meaning the completion rate of just one challenge is much higher.
Wow your blind to reality. Keep living being afraid of the world.
At least when I did it, the smaller it got the smaller the hitbox was. It was a little annoying to get myself to figure that bit out but once it was solved I didn’t struggle with it anymore. Just gotta move the moment they spawn.
A lot of them have already been nerfed since then.
Chances of it being nerfed again does not look like it will happen either which kind of sucks
Should be plenty, because 1) Supposed to be ‘evergreen content’ and 2) It’s farming older gear and paying for enchants, consumes, old craftables, and old trinkets.
And why is that a bad thing?
It is a skill issue. Lining up cds and damage uptime is a skill.
Did you read anything I wrote? I didn’t have gear, and didn’t raid. I didn’t wait either because I didn’t play when it came out and struggled on my DK. My priest was overgeared. Check my achievements, you’ll see no raid nor m+ experience from legion.
Which EU country are you from?
But why do you need this? If you think the gear is so beyond broken, it’s easier than legion
- Wasn’t like that in legion 2) is supposed to be evergreen content and ‘about the challenge’ as people have stated. That goes against both of those.
It’s a gear issue, hence why you throw on tons of gear to outgear it. If it was a ‘skill/challenge issue’ you wouldn’t have bothered. Buh bye~
Did you read anything I wrote? I didn’t have gear, and didn’t raid.
Weird, ‘didn’t wait, just didn’t play…’ excuses… You did wait. until 7.3 to do it.
Read above reasons.
Not sure what relevance this has, you’re the one misunderstanding posts I’ve written.
That sounds like something I didn’t say. If you want to digress then sure, but it is still a skill. Also pretty sure I didn’t overgear the mage tower in legion on my druid which we’ve already gone over.
No, I played other games. This might be a difficult concept for you to understand, but people unsub from time to time to do other things.
??? What are you saying? Is this something you wrote earlier about? What is the relevance?
What reasons? That it’s not a ‘skill’ issue? If it’s not a skill issue but a gear one, then why do so many complain it’s too hard? Why are you in a thread about it being overtuned?
Oh, please explain it in your native tongue then.
Farming gear, using enchants and consumables is standard for most content in this game. You’re delusional if you think people weren’t doing that for legion mage tower.
No no, you don’t understand, that’s OKAY to do in mythics, not in this mage tower, for some reason!