Mage tower overtuned

overtuned. in legion there were artifact weapons boosted to hell, a second legendary etc etc. Also the fact that i can have every single add spawn at the exact same time during the next phase change when shes literally to far to get to… I like challenging obstacles not ones that dont make sense. And yes you can get lucky and skip steps because of phase changes.

TL;DR Mage tower overtuned.


Its been a while since one of this type of post. I assume its still difficult then?

I should probably take a toon in and see how long it takes me to die. But I wouldnt claim it was overtuned. I’m just not very good at these challenge things. :sunglasses:


This is 7.2 NH mage tower, not 7.3 Antorus mage tower.


When did you do the Mage Tower?

If it was in 7.3 or 7.3.5, this is harder because you outgeared it.

If it was in early 7.2 in NH gear, this is about as hard.


its the same as it was during 7.2


guess ill just get better. sorry for the QQ thread gents.


I had a similar post. It really is overtuned and needs to be changed in a few places, would be nice if we could use covenants and other expansion related items for mage tower as well. I have completed it three times and let me tell you the other classes are just straight up busted. Bear tank really difficult, Ret paladin nasty nasty, shadow priest no beuno (probably borderline impossible except for elitists). It shouldn’t be casual this challenge, but it also shouldn’t be this ridiculously hard. This is NOT a challenge. This is cancer festering and disguised as a challenge. It is not fun and the three challenges I did complete and get mogs for I really didn’t feel satisfied. All I could think was yeah not doing this garbage again and honestly I wont do it again. If masochists want to play mage tower more power to them…


Well, someone did it on class trials.
I’m not saying it’ll be equally easy for all but it’s clear when Legion was current, as time passed by, the difficulty lessened as power grew and nerfs took place. You also had a lot of help from certain legendaries, and food etc…

They’ve essentially nerfed a lot of the scaled stuff to help, if even cheese said challenge.

Is it overtuned across the board, I donno… but logically looking at it, they did some buffs on the tail end of the PTR that really changed things.

When Legion MT was current, it was a wonky fricken mess.


Dont worry mate, lots of people get frustrated by the Mage Tower. I tend to avoid the whole frustration thing by not doing it…which is sort of a negative approach if you think about it. If you really want to try and do it I’d do lots of research, get the right gear and consumables and such.

Just be prepared that some people have tried hundreds of times. Because you cant do it via carries it puts all the pressure on the individual.


actually surprised this is the first magetower thread I’ve seen since it reopened.


They made it difficult to make it last longer. If it was easy everyone would finish it in a day and never go back


The mage tower for prot paladin has officially beaten me. I am not wasting repair gold any more. You win (waves white flag)


The story and complaining about tier acquisition has pushed mage tower threads out of the number one spot for the moment.

This is one of those things that absolutely doesn’t need to be changed. Let the people who enjoy crazy difficult things have this one.


It’s not. Many players just aren’t as good as they thought they were.


Ain’t that truth lol. I’ve only done one and first night I tried I initially thought F this but ended up getting hooked on it until I eventually beat it.

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It’s hilarious to see the results of giving players a difficult challenge and almost nothing to scapegoat.


… I leave this thread with this

Some of them definitely are a bit overtuned compared to Legion on release, especially if you had a ‘good’ leggo. It becomes even worse if you’re trying to do it on actual level 45’s, which is what it ‘scales’ you down to but you lose a talent row, some abilities, quite a few ability upgrades from 50-60 and some enchants/consumables that would help.

I completed quite a few of the mage tower challenges in Legion around it’s release and that was without ANY raid gear or M+ gear.

People that say “It’s the same as it was during 7.2” are wrong.

Like this one, zero completion of new mage tower. Plus they didn’t complete the Legion one even in the SAME YEAR it came out.

Curiously, you’ve proven to be too scared to post on retail chars to ‘back up’ the claims. Remove the first two letters of your name and it all comes into place, though.

Looking at everyone in this thread that you can even verify, none of them ‘got it’ early when it released and of course there’s no way to know if they were in a bunch of heroic/mythic raid gear when they did it either or ‘which’ challenge they did this time around.


Are you sure about that?