Mage tower overtuned

You doubleplusungood.

That’s not how things work. Just because a piece of content only makes up less than 1% it does not mean only less than 1% of people should have the content completed.

Basically everyone I know cheesed the fights in some way, be it using some mechanic that has since been fixed or using some OP trinket combination that does half of their damage. Very rarely did I ever see reports of people doing any of the challenges both legit and also by using SL gear.

I can almost guarantee you a good portion of players farm the Ishkar and first boss EN trinkets if their class could use them or the Mechagon trinket and than used some dodgy setup with lower iLVL gear and OP enchants.

Even I done this for guardian druid, I got the Ishakr and Mechagon trinket, used a lower iLVL neck piece and the OP enchant, went and farmed old world gear with multiple sockets so I could end up having better secondary stats. Between both trinkets, the neck enchant and my potion I had easy half of my damage done for me and ended up hitting I think the 5th tank buster spell.

Without trying to cheese it I would have had no chance because whilst I was tanky enough to survive, I could not get enough damage on my own, not even close. Without that setup I could not even get past P1 without summoning 4 elementals.


people always complain that old content isn’t relevant. this makes it more relevant. that sounds like a good thing to me

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Recently, or the first time around, using double crusader enchant, which has been nerfed into the ground?

In the same way going back for ‘transmog’ made old content relevant, so in reality I guess ‘old content’ was always relevant if you follow your line of thinking. Which, isn’t at all what said people were saying in the first place so again: no.

GOT IT DONE. Took couple hunder thousand gold, easily over 100 runs. Honestly, it took RNG. There were a few times that I literally couldnt do it because of weird spawn times/timer. But got it done.



Excellent work.

My comment there wasn’t trying to say only 1% should beat it, but that since it takes up such a tiny portion of the game it doesn’t need to be easily beatable. Exclusive content has been in wow since vanilla, I really don’t see why its a problem now

basically everyone I know didn’t. Anecdotal accounts don’t prove things

I think timewalking sets have been BIS since timewalking came out. I understand the frustration of needing to farm a set but I got mine in like 3 days. Like it or not the MT is timewalking content now and getting the set is a part of it

I think in like 95% of the complaints this is the #1 issue. I had a TW set with 0 dps trinkets and I killed him before the 4th annihilate, I had varris at 10% when the 2nd infernal came down. Without seeing a video of your fight its hard to say whats going wrong but you are clearly making large rotational mistakes on your attempts. Maybe you have an uptime problem, or maybe you’re not doing the rotation correctly but with the OP trinkets, pot and TW gear you should be doing way more damage. Its frustrating to see people flock to the forums to complain the fights to hard when they are making massive mistakes in the fight. This is a meme now but its literally a skill issue thats keeping you off the kill. And before I get the “I shouldn’t have to be a sweaty no lifer” comments I had never played bear before my attempts and got the kill. The difference between people like me and the forum complainers is we spent our time practicing and getting better instead of quitting and complaining on the forums


There is a right way to do it. Case in point: Shadowlands professions are oh so relevant right now and the player base loves it…

that dude is cringe man, just ignore the troll. level 45 no gear, no enchants or you cheated is hilarious

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Cheesing fights does not mean things like stopping the boss from spawning the black circle around them, but it can be as simple as taking the two best trinkets that do all the damage for you instead of using skill and effort to complete it.

And whilst TW gear for TW events is the best, why should we need to farm old gear with 2-3 sockets and use these fancy trinkets that do all that additional damage? We have never had to for any other TW content, what makes this do different?

I’ve had players who are better than me do significantly worse because they were using normal SL gear and almost every comment I see here when players bring up that point is responded to by telling them to farm better gear, we should not have to.

You don’t have to.

It’s just an option if you aren’t able to do the fights normally.


So far I have 2 people I have found in the last couple of days telling me this same crap, “Don’t farm old gear, you can do it in current gear”, but than someone like you comes along going “Oh yeh I done the 7 challenges in any old gear super easy within the first couple of days”.

Sure you did. 100% you either cheated, cheesed or are just straight out lying. It’s the same garbage that was spouted back when MT first came back, all these people coming out of the woodwork telling us MT is easy and some even going as far as saying “I’m not that good and if I can do it so can you” and some people who had the mount didn’t have any decent achievements, no mythic raiding, no high keys, nothing.

But what happened after the last MT? There was a ban wave and all those people last time who said it was easy, where are they? Why are they not here trying to defend their precious MT and trying to stop it being nerfed? Where those people cheating and got caught now cannot defend their achievements?

Fact is this I know people who cheated and were not caught, I can’t trust anyone who comes along like “Yeh man super easy, no need for TW gear” because that’s a lie, that is the same crap I heard from people who cheated last time. There was even some dude here telling everyone they are bad because “Look at my warrior, I don’t even really play them, I’m not that good”, but they were using double crusader enchants before the nerf, which was just a free win that did take no effort.

Anyone who is that good and genuinely that good to get the harder challenges done without anything special, they won’t be here telling us to ‘Git gud’, they don’t care. In fact I could wager that anyone who is that good would be nice enough to want to help others and would instead want people to get the rewards rather than doing what you are doing.

Probably complaining about how the challenges are overtuned, haha.

Yeah, it was a fun little side thing for a cosmetic set on a few alts. I wish that they had made it al little more difficult seeing as it’s kind of a “one and done” thing, you know?

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first of all, why did you ignore my entire comment about your rotational mistakes? that’s 100% the reason you’re failing and no realistic tuning on blizzards part can fix that for you.

you’ve also ignored the part where I stated I didn’t use any of those trinkets and nuked both bosses. why did you ignore that? the fight doesn’t require the OP trinkets but they help if you lack mechanical ability

The mage tower is a challenge mode while normal timewalking is just normal dungeons, for the timewalking mythic + you also needed appropriate gear but nobody complained about that.

wasn’t this the same in legion though? in 7.2 everyone struggled but when 7.3 came out it was easy. Get better gear was the answer to legions complaining why should it be different now?

don’t you have both OP trinkets??? shouldn’t that be a GG EZ win for you? no skill or effort just gear, right? why hasn’t the gear made the MT faceroll for you? because no trinket or timewalking set can erase the needed skill to beat the tower


I think the dps checks are a bit overtuned, mechanically they are all doable, but kruul’s first phase is just such a slog compared to when the MT first came out.

why is this an issue?

oh, so you’re doing something wrong. its not a gear issue. its user error.

oh, so you’re doing something wrong. its user error.

I’m happy to tell you that you don’t need magical gear, you are just unoptimized in your playstyle, totally fixable.


Its all hackers

I’ve seen videos of bears on legion kruul and TW kruul. they aren’t all that different.


It’s an issue for a different reason: there’s so many bad trinkets that never get a buff that we have to resort to something scaled up from two expansions ago.

Current raids trinkets are terribad for tanks, so a mythic aegis is still bis.

Maybe, prot war and brew are definitely slower, though.

This was a plausible argument when it was time limited back in January… Its now permanent, there are no more excuses.

Go get the items you need to make it easier, and spend some time learning, adapting & overcoming.

Good luck

git gud OP