Mage tower overtuned

If you actually think that you are very naive.

EVERYTHING blizz does to the game is weighted against business metrics.


It’s certainly the “walmart” of the mage towers, ie, horrible quality products and gross buildings, but cheap.

7.2 NH without our legendary or artifact weapon ability that we had in Legion*


and if we could use our covenant abilities, and shadowlands borrowed power, they would be tuned around us having that.

I got the rapier back in legion and I love it, the set now is nice, probably the best variation of slayer rework/recolour.

Yeah its beyond dumb this time around too. And I actually had a great time the first time around playing frost dk, of all things.

You have no idea what you are saying, Blizzard is not so bad at balance that they don’t take into account us not having borrowed power.

Legendaries and artifact weapon double or triple our damage back then, the current MT would be literally impossible if they were actually balance around having those.

Honestly I found the 7/7 undoable till I spent about 30k on full old world gear sets, enchants and consumables. After I had a much smoother time. Couple youtube videos out on this. The the thing that helped the most was persistence. If you go in with a defeatist attitude you will cause your own downfall. The persistent ones get it done.

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I don’t think the missing legendaries is as big a problem as people want it to be. If the over tuned trinkets we had haven’t been touched I’d say they 100% make up the lack of legion leggos. The seed pod nuking the adds in the bear fight and the eye/mecha tinket nuking the boss is a massive dps boost. On my kill I used 2 shield trinkets which means my lack of leggo dps didn’t have the crippling effect thats claimed. These fight while frustrating are 110% doable with practice. Sure, its frustrating to see people clear it faster than you but people beat it on their own time, its a skill issue at the end of the day. Gear can help patch up the holes in skill but you need to press the buttons and do the mechanics right.

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Except now that all the cheaters have had their achievements, mount and transmog items removed, according to Data for Azeroth (which is not 100% correct, but it’s all we have) we can see there is only less than 1% who have completed the 7 unique challenges.

Doable is one thing, but making it possible to be done by enough players to ensure it’s not some stupid rare thing that you never end up seeing and does nothing but push players away from the game, that’s something else.

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so you did mage tower when you’re ubergeared and it was a joke. You never really did it properly. Gotcha

Looking at your achievements you got your original one done during 7.3.5, so you never really done it either.

You are very adorable in gnomeform, I hope you keep it!

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nope I haven’t because I’ve been lazy

Aw thank you

I’m staying mechagnome

I tried going human and it just didn’t fit

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Not only are missing legendaries not the problem, people are forgetting you couldn’t actually pick your legendaries in legion. Your average MT runner didn’t have the ‘wanted’ legendary to beat it. By the time you could get it, you could easily overgear the content at the last patch if you did any raiding. and btw some of them are talents/abilities now. The leggo that made frost mage easier in legion is a talent now, yet nobody is saying frost mage MT is easier today. The idea that legendaries are the difference is a bizarre fabrication.

And yes, the current trinkets you can get are busted compare to legendaries then. Farmable ravaged seed >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> burning wish I had on all my toons.

It’s a challenge, not a 5% threshold, or whatever arbitrary number you believe should be the threshold.

People cheat in raids, do you want raids nerfed too? I also cheated this morning in the darkmoon faire, I used microsoft word for the dance thingy :slight_smile: maybe it should be nerfed?

Like Moon said, at the end of the day it’s a skill issue. Some people go in thinking they’re all that hot because they did a m+ 17 and think they’re the hottest thing in WoW right now, only to find out it’s a bit more complicated.

You can be a mythic raider, you can be 3000 rating, mythic20 do-er, you’ll still wipe if you don’t know mechanics in detail.

Mage tower difficulty lies in understanding it’s mechanics and doing what you gotta do. It doesn’t make you a great player, just requires you to do exact things it requires. Npc does this, you gotta do this, etc.

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A couple of the encounters are entirely luck based if you are a wheelchair, slow class. I remember in Legion, I was only able to clear God Queen’s Fury when I had an encounter where everything went perfectly.

The fact that the Runes, Shield, and Val’kyr charge are one-shot mechanics is incredibly silly, considering that they can happen at the same time and theres not much you can do about it unless they happen to be in the safe line of val’kyr charge

I doubt less than 1% is a pass mark even for Blizzard.