Mage tower is too easy now

It’s old content. Blizzard isn’t gonna put a lot of resources balancing it.

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As a digital participation trophy… was meaningless day 1.

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There’s one, I can find more if you’d like.

Here’s another for you :slight_smile:

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the very first post in that thread

Actually no. The original premise was that players who were not geared enough when it was released could eventually outgear it and do it.

If you’re talking about when it was re-released in Shadowlands, then you’re talking about after it was used as a come on to sucker in average players to resub to do that content, and it was made much harder without notification at the last minute, I guess.

But that is certainly not in the spirit of the original mage tower.

You mean you’d rather lots of people do hundreds of pulls and quit over this, as actually happened in Shadowlands.

It’s not “evergreen” if it’s only intended for a tiny percentage of players to do.

Well, that’s my opinion. If you want to take away content in this expansion that is pretty light on it anyway, why do you want to hurt the game?


Read other posts as well as the second one I posted. Difficulty is relative.

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if they quit, then they didnt really care that much about it to begin with and it doesn’t matter to them.

the very first reply to your other linked thread

Ah, the “the game doesn’t need players, I think they should all quit” lame rationale.

No. If other people in the game don’t matter to you, and you want the overwhelming majority to be forced out of your game over content you probably were too lazy to do yourself, why do you hate the game so much and want it to fail?

Here, have a quit moment, as you hide behind a classic character that has never been played, probably on an account that has never been played.

Take 2, they’re small. Take a million if it’ll make you happy. Just you and the other forumbots left, no players.

Every quit moment counts. Every character that intentionally tries to increase the toxicity of the playerbase, like you, is responsible for falling player participation.

Good job.


i did the mage tower challenges in shadowlands… what nonsense are you even talking about?

Try reading more than one post, thanks. Mage tower is fine, QQ more.


I hate the werebear appearance (all of them) and refuse to use it.

  • If I can do the content = It is faceroll

  • If I cannot do the content = It’s overtuned


there are many more posts in those threads you linked that explain mage tower is too easy lol… take your own advice?

Sure you did. That’s why you are hiding behind an untraceable classic character, because you’re so proud of your accomplishments in retail.

Whatever you think makes you a more effective propagandist, I guess.


what have you done to be proud of?

if i didn’t do the mage tower already and put in the effort when it was challenging, why would i even care that its easy now? lol, you literally make zero sense

I mean, it is marginally less cool when everyone has it. I’m not sure why that’s controversial. We live in a world where certain cars are “cool” just because they’re absurdly expensive.

I’m not bawling my eyes out that Monster Energy Bear is more common, as I still like the form a lot and also it hasn’t undermined my achievement because I know when I did it (pre-pre-nerf), but it is marginally less cool when everyone has it. “Rarity breeds value” is pretty much what most of the world revolves around to be quite honest.

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when i first did mage tower, it took me a long time… i never cried that it was overtuned… i enjoyed finally completing it after working at it for so long.

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The misdirect…


Funny you say that, I two shot a few of them in legion. Sounds to me like it’s in a perfect spot

Honestly, is there a more troll statement?