Magetowers extremely over tuned

This is coming from someone who did every single class/spec when it was 1st a thing. But this stuff is ridiculous how over tuned these fights are. Especially the dps challenges. Like yea its supposed to be hard but this is a bit excessive even compared to the original state.


And there it is ladies and gentleman.

Already complaining about nerfing content.

This is exactly why we can’t have nice things.


They just need to not listen to them. Hard content is engaging content. 2 months from now they can reassess


then let others do it and don’t worry about it.


“I can’t steam roll this in first tier of expansion gear, this is to hard because I’m lazy and dont want to work for it”

Fixed it


I haven’t done any dps mage tower challenge, but I hear you. Before the changes, I think Guardian druids challenge was a bit hard for the class, and I tried it again today and it’s so much easier. It feels like how it’s supposed to be now, it still requires skill but a reasonable amount of skill.


Did they nerf it?!?!?!

Dragonflight Guardian Druid is just stronger than how it was in Shadowlands when it comes to the mage tower. They had a lot tied to borrowed power, which is removed in the mage tower. Now that’s not the case and it’s just waaay easier


Yes, you basically just go into the scenario and talk to someone and then kill a mob and they hand you the reward with flowers

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The original mage tower had the built in scaling factor of getting higher ilevel gear. Also, at the very end after the artifact weapons were inactivated, it was scaled again to allow as many people as possible to get in on it before it was removed. So when you comment on difficulty compared to the original, there’s a HUGE range of difficulties which comprise the original.

That said, I will not disagree with you the difficulty level they picked was “belt sander to the face” and that is endlessly disappointing to me. It makes the mage tower something with which the vast majority of the game shouldn’t even bother engaging.

(Note: I am referring to the version re-introduced in Shadowlands. I haven’t felt inclined to bother looking in it’s direction since then.)


I’ve done magetower 1 and 2 on my main classes but this one feels a bit much. For a high heroic low mythic ilvl and 4 set, things seem to be pretty tight in the damage department.


Sounds like people should have kept their BoE and legion gear that makes it pretty trivial.

I found the demonology one really easy. (The three people in the Halls of Valor). Not much to be said there. I just stacked up the three bosses and cleaved them down. Every mechanic was telegraphed and obvious.

Destruction seemed a bit overtuned. The boss melees so hard, which is essentially unavoidable damage since you have to have a felhunter out to kick him. And speaking of which, he casts much more frequently than warlock kick is up. Maybe an oversight? In any case, I had to rely on boss mods to cc him when the cast was off cooldown rather than just kicking as intended. Warlocks had Grimoire when this was first released so you could kick every one.

I remember Affliction being really hard on release and nolifing to try to get it down the first time the mage tower was built. I went in and got to p2 before I got cornered by stuff. This one seems a lot easier now due to the fact that warlocks have an instant cast spammable slow and Vile Taint applies it as well so we can damage the guy without planning out a huge route with gateways and teleports to avoid him.

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Unironically its a skill issue


I have been attempting the one for Outlaw Rogue, Agatha, and it seems like she has far too much health?
I did the Guardian Druid one back in Legion, so I understand the difficulty, but I am looking up videos only a few days ago of her on the PTR and she suddenly has over 400k health when in the videos she has 150k~

It seems very bizarre. No matter how hard I was going with it I was never successful in getting to phase 2 without being overwhelmed by the imps.


I got her to 46%. Best attempt. It was over 5 minutes of combat just for that.


All I need is frost mage and a healer challenge

I did the OG version w every spec in the game. Passed on the second pass, and if what you’re saying is true I’ll prob pass on this too.


Exactly. Same here, I got her JUST about 50% after more than a hand full of constant combat.

It just becomes too much and it seems way too overtuned health wise.

You don’t actually know how it works do you ?

Has nothing to do with “first tier gear” since all gear is downscaled and all bonuses disabled.