M+ Critters GONE

I don’t follow this train of thought…

Surely the people who want critters to be left in keys are the 1% so they can min max their mythic raid trinkets to do optimal dps in their push keys?

Ignoring the bug abusers for a second, removing critters from M+ is reducing the skill cap of M+, something that I would personally consider the opposite of “Catering to the 1%”.


Careful. Using human-grade logic is the #1 method to land on this person’s ignore list


1 group of ppl is “abusing” something, so it is removed from the game

another example, mythic raiders were “abusing” masterloot so it was removed from the game. ion gave his reasoning for removing it from the game as EXACTLY that “mythic raiders are gear trading”

n o o n e else cares that people were doing that EXCEPT the mythic raiders who are the insane minority of the players

this change was also done… for the insane minority of the games players

Wrong. Catering would be leaving it in game as catering isna positive thing. The one group got nerfed essentially. That is the opposite of being catered to.

Thats exactly what that means. Because if one group can do it, then all groups can do it, and it leads to degenerate/exploitive game play and thats bad for the games health

oh okay so just because a small group of players is “abusing” masterloot we should remove it from the game too, even though not a single other person was complaining about that in the first place besides … you guessed it! the .0001%

makes 100% sense

Sorry, let me get this straight.

You think removal of master loot was Beneficial to the 0.1%?

Is there a side B to this?


They werent complaining about it lol it benefitted them.

And ML is not removed

yes? that was what ion himself said in a interview

group 1: “abusing” masterloot to get a IL advantage in the world race
group 2: NOT “abusing” masterloot, and then complaining that it’s unfair

the removal of masterloot was to prevent the .0001% abusing it to geartrade each other w/ alts

he said it was unfair during the world race because you could trade gear, so it was removed even though it did not affect the 99% of players

point proven, AGAIN, that the game is crafted around the not-99% of players

Master loot was also used to ninja gear in pugs. I don’t think pugs are part of the .01%

I think you just don’t know what the word catered means.


Lol he said removing ML was helping thr

Got a link to that?

group 1: “abusing” masterloot to get a IL advantage in the world race
group 2: NOT “abusing” masterloot, and then complaining that it’s unfair

not hard to understand

and no, im not doing your own research for you, it takes 5 seconds to find on youtube as to what ion himself said

i dont think you understand anything at all about the game really but hey who cares, you keep replying about something you clearly know nothing about

Btw for anyone who might need it, no particular reason.


It’s peak degeneracy. I’m going to give this individual the benefit of the doubt because there’s no way anyone is this stupid.

But either they are this stupid or they’re trolling. Those are the only two options

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ignoring someone just because you don’t understand something is interesting

echochambers must be so fun to talk in

I mean like. Can we throw peak irony on top of the peak degeneracy?

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Yes, the priest guide-writer knows nothing lol

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as if that is related to anything we are talking about?

what is your point?

they play priest = they know everything about the game. what is the correlation here?

just because you type out a “guide” doesn’t mean you are correct and/or know anything about what you’re talking about

anyone on this entire earth can write a guide for anything

It’s a great example of why these forums need to use btags so we can ignore this person’s account


Words of the wise:

Do your own research and let me know when it clicks