M+ Critters GONE

OK blizzard you have forced my hand. I never post on the forms really but after the recent change you made because shadow priests, exploding critters for link damage you have removed all critters from mythic plus dungeons, resulting in people like me who uses, Signet Brand Not able to maintain our stacks in certain mythic+ dungeons. The trinket has been out since last season, and there was only certain dungeons that we were able to do this, and which was actually kind of nice… You blizzard, decided Instead of resolving the coding behind the damage increase that shadow priests were taking advantage of on the exploit To punish people who use this said trinket… It sucks because my worn doll can maybe be used once per M+.


Why would they do this? Especially now of all times?

Don’t understand this company or its logic

They were deleting entire packs. It was an exploit for sure. People could get title from it. I’m all for allowing cool, fun things to exist, but this was out of control.


Oh please, do you have any logs to back this up? Stuff you did, and not just stuff you saw other people do.

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You’re level 29 , you can’t even do a mythic plus. I cannot take you seriously.

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It’s routine for blizzard to remove critters from m+ they just forgot this time for w/e reason. Now it’s business as usual. If you wanna keep up brand you need to chain pull more.


Aren’t there toys that you can use to maintain stacks?

Shame on you for killing the little baby animals! Next life I sentence you to become a stinky little skunk!


they removed them because as proven REPEATEDLY they tune and create the game for the .000001% players

they have proven this for mythic+
they have proven this for raiding
they have proven this for pvp

every single aspect of end-game in this game… has been completely redesigned around the .000001% of players

they have done this for multiple expansions now

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what’s the logic here? are you suggesting that exploiting this issue was something the vast majority of players were doing to keep up with the top key runners?


Read the post you replied to:

Another reason why mythic plus is crap. I will never forgive it for having arcane torrent silence removed, instead of just disabling racials in mythic plus.

Whoops, posting from a different character I didn’t realize this is my main character smart donkey.

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There is only one… the worn doll. It has like a 30 minute cool down


so THAT’S what that update was last night about.

the logic is that the game is not made for average players

it is made for elitist players who are .000001% of the population of the game. the last… i dont know? 3 expansions proves this. every single raiding adjustment was done FOR players of that caliber

i suggested the opposite if you have any reading comprehension whatsoever

normal average players were not doing this whatsoever

neither were the top m+ players, because it was a clear exploit that was obviously going to get accounts suspended.

so how exactly is this change catering to the elites?


??? the ppl doing it and abusing it were literally the highest keys ever done this season

u have genuinely no idea what ur talking about lmao

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yes and which of them is going to get the title?

none of them, because their accounts will be suspended.

this is not true, as the highest keys ever done this entire season was done because of that exploit, so you are wrong.

hasn’t happened :slight_smile: