M+ Critters GONE

take your own advice then and stop asking me to do your own research for you on a topic you know absolutely nothing about

a random anybody writes a guide on priest = they must know everything about every WoW topic! wow!

I genuinely feel so sorry for trolls. Imagine what’s going on that this is how they want to spend their free time. Ah well, it’s provided a lot of laughs. Thanks :smiley:


You realize youre the only one in this thread who holds your beliefs on this matter?

When you have multiple people telling you wrong, with examples of how and why…maybe you should listen?

Whats that about leading a horse to water

Not a random anybody. THE priest guide.

Go look up WoWhead and make the connection

just because you enjoy living in an echochamber life does not mean others do

you haven’t provided any examples

you refuse to do ANY research on your own, and asked ME to do it for you

and yet no one ive ever met in my entire existence on this earth playing WoW has ever followed a WoWhead guide, because they are 100% not accurate all of the time and not worth following

I think what’s happened is you’ve either gotten some words mixed up, or don’t know the word for something and are instead using another incorrectly.

Decisions made surrounding the game acknowledge the one percent, in that they recognise they are people playing the game a certain way. Very rarely do they actually cater to them.

cater to someone/something

to satisfy a need or to provide what is wanted or needed by a particular person or group.


to accept, admit, or recognise something, or truth or existence of something.

Now, given the above definitions. Does the removal of master loot cater to the 1%, or does it acknowledge them?


I could care less about the link. I dont like giving people the answers straight. I like it to be a learning experience for them.

Which is why i told you to go and re-watch it.

Youre running Signet, in m+, which tells me you did not come to that conclusion on your own as there are much better options.

Know who has Signet as one of the best trinkets? WoWhead.

Quite convenient

nvm u mistook for op

I did no such thing. I honestly confused you for the OP who claimed they were running it. But thanks for confirming

As for Spriest, you can change guides based on your content and target count. First guide you come upon is based on Raid ST.

Lol talk about going on a tangent. And being wrong on so many different levels.

And youre nearly 5200 io score?? Thats impressive. Perhaps you should be writing guides

Grizzle-Eredar M+ 1426 70Night ElfFeral Druid Eredar

i know, crazy.

no where did i comment on about raid single target talent trees, what? their mythic+ talent trees are just inherently wrong, which is why not a single person at top level spriest uses the same talent trees as the ones in the guide.

Ah yes, and this level 22 Warrior is your main thata got 5200 io right?

Glad we sorted that out lol

why are u using circle of ascended frost on ur main when the WoWhead guardian druid guide CLEARLY STATES that seal is better? hmm?

is it because… maybe? that guides written on WoWhead are incorrect sometimes? or maybe is it because you are incorrect sometimes, like right now

Didnt you just go on a tangent about looking up people on a third party site and consider it stalking and requiring professional attention?

I do so love when things go full circle lol

Double checked talent trees, nothing out of order. Top key pushers run maddening touch over mind devourer but that’s preference and for the majority of people mind devourer is better because they’re not pulling 4-5 packs at once. Raid stuff is fine.

As for BIS lists, BIS lists don’t really exist. For SEO reasons we end up making them but with how many different items of varying stats you can get at identical ilvl now the reality is there’s about 1000 combinations of items that all perform within variance of eachother, and what you should get depends heavily on what you are already wearing.

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Cross referenced with WCL and we can see the majority are copy paste talents directly over from the guide

uhm I mean battletags are already displayed on their profile. displaying battletags is NOT going to change how hidden profiles work when ignoring them.

battle tags are not displayed.

Not a problem.
Not at all.

Shouldn’t have critters at all in Mythic+.

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I dont think it is a real problem lol