M+ Critters GONE

oh so obviously the people doing it are strong m+ players who performed well in previous seasons and will do so in future seasons… right?

the point is that they change things based off of what the .00001% are doing, which was proven true because they literally nerfed this as soon as the highest level m+ ppl were abusing it and it was clear on raiderio when they were 2 chesting a +20

your “points” are moot and idk what ur even replying for at this point when you’ve been wrong every time so far

edit: nvm found out why ur replying. 15k posts, u have nothing better to do with ur time clearly

theyre still in the top 25 keys ever done, right now, still not banned btw (theyre still doing keys as of 1 day ago, AFTER the change took effect)

so you’ve been wrong 2x now

it doesnt matter. he KNOWS we can post on ANY of our characters and MANY of us dont use our mains to post with. He has no point to make so he made a pointless point just to be involved…somehow.
that posting character thing is really a noodle burner for me in here lmao

I love the idea of someone who just hur-durs “tHe .01%” on repeat accusing other people of lacking reading comprehension.


because they literally did not read it correctly, hence… they lack reading comprehension

and yes? they literally nerfed it after the .000001% abused this bug to complete +20, 3 chesting it, and it was nerfed instantly after (theyre not banned btw)

You can not use the word “literally” and your message will carry the same meaning. I promise.

To be clear, we’re talking about the removal of critters from dungeons?

So, your claim is that they’re punishing 99.9% of players because they removed critters from dungeons?

Is this the right time to bring up that I wasn’t even aware of abusing critters to gain some sort of advantage in m+?

This change hasn’t impacted me at all. Am I part of the 99% or how do you “.01%” heads allocate various components of the playerbase?


.00001% was abusing a bug, literally

the 99% cannot use this bug, who were not using it in the first place.

they do this for m+, and they do this for mythic raiding. this entire game is catered around the not-99%

not hard to understand! but must be because you lack reading comprehension just like the previous person apparently

So, they removed a bug that only a select group of players were using and the majority of the playerbase weren’t using anyways.

I’m not following how the removal of a bug players weren’t using in any way impacts the players who were not using the bug.

Either you’re trolling or your brain is genuinely a broken record


because anything the .0001% abuses is changed? what

why is this hard for you to understand? the entire point is that the 99% DONT use this bug and they cater the game around whatever the .00001% is abusing/doing

im not “trolling” just because you lack critical thinking skills and basic reading comprehension

Sure, but this doesnt mean the game was designed around these people.

These people are the top because theyre able to think outside the box to their advantage.

Just like the Prot Pally who solo’d the Motherlode on 15 with the use of critters and understanding how their talents worked


Peak degeneracy. Very impressive.

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If they catered to all 10 people who used this “bug”, theyd have left it in the game.

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thats not true, what?

they fix things that the .0001% are abusing even though literally no one else was doing it or even knew that it existed

you not having basic critical thinking skills is not my problem

Cool. Data analytics caught a problem and they corrected it. Problem?

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That is 100% not: “catering”

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“They cater to the .01%”

Describes a situation in which the .01% are nerfed

“You lack reading skills”

Dude’s on another planet


1 group of ppl is abusing something

every single other player has to deal with the removal of the critters now because ONE group of players were abusing it. that is what “catering” is. the bug was removed because of a meaningless # of players were abusing something, when it shouldn’t matter whatsoever. m+ is catered to them, correct.

because i proved that the game is adjusted around what the .0001% does? what? how hard is that to understand for your brain that just because 1 group of players is abusing something doesn’t mean that the other 99% of players should have it removed from the game.

Just cause I want you to type it out.

What got removed from the game, again? What’s this thing that’s gotten you so enraged?

reporting you for trolling at this point & ignoring you since you provide literally 0 iq input to any reply you’ve ever done on this forum so far

have not stayed on topic whatsoever and your own replys on this entire forum are to antagonize others or to be a contrarian for no reason other than trolling

I’ll call it a point of pride to be on the ignore list of such an obvious troll. Thanks :smiley:

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