Lost Deaths Verdict to a prot paladin

Welp I lost Solace to a Boomkin yesterday in a MS run. Boomkin argued it’s a 300dps even though it’s a healing trinket…

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I would’ve personally much preferred a currency drop in the raid for luck protection as well as a nerf to make it accessible to pugs.

And obviously, get rid of the shared drops cause killing Algalon and getting a crossbow you get every week ever on Thorim is the dumbest thing in all of WotLK.


If there is a realistic scenario where the tank item is bis for a situation for a dps, I would not be a greedy turd and tell them they can’t roll on it in a pug.

But again, every paladin tank in every top guild has the trinket, so of course pugs are going to see it and roll on it.

These weirdos be weird dude, it sucks. I hope you get it next time.

Is that why prot paladin guide on wowhead says to yield gear to dps first? If it was that massive of an upgrade, wouldn’t it have said with the exception to DV? Why does every top guild funnel gear to dps first if it’s such a massive upgrade? What am I missing?

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I wouldn’t pay attention to any WoWhead guides or what they say is BiS. It’s a massive upgrade for Prot and BiS for several Prot builds especially in PvP. Any Prot guide by actual Prot’s will say it’s BiS and to roll on it.

What about the Light Club discord saying don’t take it over dps if you are in a guild?

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That’s more of a suggestion. Guilds can do whatever they like with loot.

This thread does kind of highlight part of the reason people prefer GDKPs though… when loot goes to less than optimal spots, you at least get something out of it.


Well yeah. It’s the suggestion if trying to run optimally since DPS gain like what, double the amount prot paladin gets but ToGC is so easy that you really can mess around without issue.

In the guide it does say it is BiS threat and is insane for prot but not as insane as for DPS.

Wish I could at least try a gdkp but alas, I have a daily gold count of under 200 after buying dmc in phase 1 :frowning:

Pure BS. Any decent guide will prio EHP since threat is a joke.

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It’s not.

There is more to this game then threat and EHP.

DV is BiS for Preg and Prot Pal in most builds.

A lot of Prot Wars want ArP Trinkets since they are BiS.

It being huge for prot is still an overall loss for the raid… I ran a heroic 25m togc 5/5 on my undergeared prot paladin and had zero threat issues. It was my first time tanking togc as a paladin too. I feel it’s disingenuous to say that the threat/dmg gain alone justifies them getting DC


I guess the better question to ask is: are prot paladins gonna run DC in ICC? If not… why should they get prio even if it’s bis for them. That trinket is gonna sit in their bags for all of prog and if they don’t have a ret OS. GDKPS are freeroll tho… that’s the rule of the game


Again…I’m not sure if you choose not to read… or just having a conversation with yourself.

It’s not because it’s still BiS for Preg and most Prot Pal builds. The reason they are doing the raid is for that trinket. Also most people raid for BiS for other aspects of the game and it is still their BiS. Not sure why you are ignoring this.

Your trying to do some weird mental gymnastics. It’s not complicated. It really isn’t.

Yeah, anyone who says DV is BiS for prot pals are just weird, prot pals do not have trouble with threat what so ever. That kind of invalidates any reason for getting it, but some people still scream the earth is flat so meh.


I mean you can keep saying that, but you’re wrong.

I’m not sure how many times this has to be said or why people keep bringing up threat.

As someone who has 2 Prot’s threat is very low on my list of importance. There are a lot of other reasons why Prot wants DV.

Also I’ve said many many times. It’s BiS for Preg. You know the Preg spec right.

Except I’m not wrong and nothing has been said to prove that.

Again wrong, you just aren’t listening. You have some weird metric for who gets BiS and there is a lot more to the game then that.


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10 Human Warrior10


I’m not sure how many times this has to be said or why people keep bringing up threat.

Seriously. I thought u were just stubborn and refused to acknowledge you have been owned over and over. Now i can see its more than that. Something is scrammbled in your head.

Why do people keep mentioning threat is not an issue or threat is a joke in wotlk? Why? Take a guess. Could it be because several times simce the start of this thread it has been said that this trinket is BIS for palidans FOR THREAT. Durrrrr. Who cares if it bis for threat. They dont need anymore threat. They have more than enough threat and dont need to ninja this from a dps. Tanks need to tank. Dps needs to dps. Any palidan that takes this over a dps is a total duche.

Unless its in a gdkp. And i agree with what others have said about why this is a perfect example of why gdkps are the best loot system. If a prot palidan wants it that bad, pay for it.


There is a lot more to this game than BiS lists.

Actually I’m level 80 it’s not my fault the forums are messed up. I had to relevel a warrior too level 10 to get my forum account back for my 80. Why does my level 10 forum pic wearing level 80 gear :man_facepalming:

So please just stop with your irrelevant attempt. The forums are obviously not relation to in game activity anymore. It’s just my forum account due to Blizz inability to fix the forums.

I have 2 level 80s as stated a Prot War and Prot Pal.

Again I’m saying it’s BiS and it has nothing to do with Threat. Please scroll up and learn to read.

Wrong it’s BiS for their spec and the reason they are raiding is to roll on their BiS for that MS build. It’s just like the Boomkin taking Solace in the other thread. It’s literally BiS for them. Get over it, these terrible takes are hilarious to read though. They have every right to roll on these BiS items and get them.

It’s Bis for Prot Pal and Preg Pal. Period.
Prot Wars will want ArP trinkets for obvious reasons

Maybe consider you should be happy they are Tanking the raid for you. If they can’t roll on these BiS items then that’s just less tanks. Maybe consider this Prot Pal was a Preg and obviously needs it. There are many reasons for Tanks to roll on these items.