Lost Deaths Verdict to a prot paladin

Tanks swap trinkets out almost every fight. Consensus is that there are BiS ehp, BiS threat, BiS mitigation. Not just one BiS and it can be fight specific like anub, a level 60 res trinket is amazing for p3 of that fight.

Preg it’s BiS for sure and if you guild is letting pvp or the raid is letting pvp rolls, that’s fine but it’s not just a consensus BiS trinkets.

It’s a bit scewed this phase because raid fights are easy but still, there is BiS ehp, BiS mitigation, and BiS threat. Not just consensus this is BiS for prot paladin.

For DPS, you don’t change trinkets because you choose whatever is the most dps because that is your job. Dps. So consensus is easier to come up with in terms of dps BiS lists but tanks, and some healers, their BiS trinkets change based on fights.

GDKP is fine for them to take because they have to spend money they earned and it’s usually a lot and the DPS who don’t get it still get something out of it.

PvE and PvP rolls are the same. It’s honestly irrelevant since the reason you are raiding in the first place is for that item. You have to realize the reason we Raid is for gear and it doesn’t matter what content that gear is for. All that matters is that it’s BiS and the reason they are in there. So they should have equal opportunity to roll on it.

If a Dps build requires a Tank trinkets for BiS in their build. They 100% should roll on it. If a Dps requires a Healing trinkets as BiS… Like that Boomkin and Solace. They 100% should roll on it and get it “IF” they win.

The excuses why it shouldn’t go to the Prot are not acceptable. Period. It’s BiS for that build and they are doing to raid to get that item. So roll on it. They won, Congrats to the Prot Pal for getting BiS. As for that Dps better luck next time.

This is just another reason why WotLK is awesome.

I think we are miscommunicating on this and let me know if I am still missing something.

Prio for DV in pve setting unless specified otherwise is DPS as they gain more out of it for optimal setup.

If in a hardcore guild, everyone gets BiS so it doesn’t really matter who gets it because everyone will.

If in a guild run that pugs people, it should be noted that they will be rolling on it for threat BiS (as pve have multiple trinkets that are BiS for prot paladin).

If in a guild and they don’t care, grab it and try to beat that BM hunter.

If I a pug, I have no clue how toxic they are anymore so go for it and grab a cup to drink those dps tears for a massive threat boost.

If in a gdkp, let them spend gold.

If raiding for pvp, go for it but if you are pugging, need to make note of that because people get uppity if it wasn’t clearly stated since most people play the game for raiding only.

In the post, it sounds like he joined a guild run as a pug and wasn’t told that because it is BiS threat that the pve prot paladin would be rolling. If it was stated and he joined, he may have been fine with it or may have found a different one. If it was stated and he wasn’t fine with it, that’s just him being mad.

If it was the number one trinket for pve prot, then everyone will understand (just like when last laugh was BiS for dks. Everyone that was at least competent knew dks would roll on it and same with enhance shamans weapons) when it goes to them but if it’s number one for a specific scenario, i.e. threat, gotta have a little decency when dealing with other people.


You just typed out a lot for something that isn’t complicated. There aren’t all these variables.

It’s really just this.

I then followed it up by saying… since there is also a Boomkin Solace thread.

It’s this simple.

If an item is BiS and you are joining a Raid doesn’t matter if it’s Pug, Guild or what. The reason you are raiding is for that item. It’s BiS. That is the main takeaway that people are missing. We don’t need to complicate this because it’s not complicated. Hope this helps.

Can you send the link that says it’s BiS for every set? I am having trouble finding it.

What are you talking about :man_shrugging: :rofl:

This isn’t complicated. You either get it or you don’t apparently.

Sometimes it’s just a simple as 2+2 is 4. It’s just that simple.

Yeah I should stop thinking since 1+3=4 as well and now it’s getting too complicated.

I’ll stick with consensus and the data from people smarter than me. If no data, can’t trust it.

Where did i say anything about you saying it?

It was said 3 times in the first 5 posts alone. You learn to read.

There are guns/bows that are bis for melee classes but they would be jerks if they took one over a hunter.

And answer this? What purpose does it provide a prot palidan? I bet you ignore this question. Haha. You just got owned. Unless you also want to admit the only benifit it provides is threat.

Durr i never said it was bis for threat. I just said it was bis. Lmao.

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Nm my previous post. I can see you have no ability to comprehend when one class gets 100% more value from an item regardless of of its bis for both. You are a selfish player and my guess is u started playing as a hunter rolling need on melee weapons and are still trying to justify it.


BiS is BiS. If who it benefits more is a concern then join a guild, pugs aren’t going to care

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As i said. U dont get it and never will. Good luck getting kicked and being made fun of. You have earned it.

This is literally the first time I’ve spoken to you…

I don’t join pugs and am very respectful of the gear priority my raid group has. But thank you for your concern

Mhhhmmmm, “you think you do but you dont” .

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And you’re bringing up spurious arguments to justify “bis is bis” - the OP is understandably angry even if it wasn’t entirely reasonable for him to expect certain loot rules.

Wrong! The OP has no reason to be angry. His reasons for being angry are wrong. For some reason he thinks they have priority over someone else for this trinket. Which has been clearly proven wrong. So they got angry for no reason.

Then asks us for our thoughts and doesn’t like finding out he is still wrong. That is what most of this thread is about. A Prot rolled on a BiS trinket and won. Can’t get mad at that. Gratz to the Prot and better luck next time to the OP.

Dude you have the swag of a gas lighter, I congratulate you for making it so far in life. You are wrong, deal with it.

Man… Groo was the worst character in that show.

Cant wait for cata when they stop allowing all classes to roll on any gear. At least in dungeons we will be protected from these clowns.

Still waiting for your answer. How does a prot palidan benifit from this trinket? Just say it.

Nooooo, don’t say that. Was there even a bad character on that show?