Lost Deaths Verdict to a prot paladin

cuz no1 wanted to run togc 3-4x, so they made norm and heroic share lockouts. then they made the trinkets unique because of the massive conflict of interest that would create. some ppl would want to do norm some heroic. massive infighting

They also made it so normal and heroic share a lockout, so you can’t run both in a week.

ToC was the only raid that kind of trinket stacking was possible, so they just axed it along with the lockout change.

Edit: didn’t see this was already said.

Just because something is BiS for your class doesn’t mean that the class deserves it more than other classes, items like those should be prio’d/rolled on by the DPS not the tanks as it’s much more valuable on a DPS.

PvP shouldn’t be a MS roll, it just seems like raid nepotism.

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Well of course that depends on how good it is and other options for trinkets. Death’s verdict is a massive upgrade for Prot. Just how it is.

Again, I don’t see how it’s more valuable for Dps than for the Tank. Others have pointed that out as well.

Raid trinkets, Tier Sets, Weapons, Jewelry are BiS in PvP. If you want to be competitive you are Raiding for PvP. Which is good for PvE. It’s one of the reasons why the old game is healthier. You need to play the overall game.

If BiS PvP isn’t in the raid then there is no reason to Raid for a lot of people. Which is another reason why Retail is doing so bad. People want Shadowmourne for PvP to own it up. They want Arm Pen and Tier sets so their burst pops! When that got removed that was just a reason to not Raid anymore.

The only reason I would do a dungeon or Raid as Prot is because it has PvP items in there. We all are after that sexy gear to have fun in the aspect of the game we love.

Yes, but imagine if PvP gear was drops that had to be distributed rather than individual items with no loot competition.
You wouldn’t want a raider who only casually PvPs or because some PvP item is raid bis taking your PvP item from you just because it’s good for raiding for them.

As a tank who wants DV a lot, it’s absolutely more valuable for DPS because tanks aren’t always using threat trinkets whereas a DPS wouldn’t unequip it all.

I didn’t use my DMCG on early Algalon progression, but DPS did.
This is going to be the case for a lot of ICC. Tanks will be running double tank trinkets for a lot of it, early on at least. And there are some pretty big dps checks in ICC as well.

Hey mate, hold on mate, tanks are primarily tanks, if a pally tank needs it for threat , then what ever I’m not gonna argue that gravity exists with yawl. Heck go on and take the healers gear.

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Tanks will, if we need it. We have an insatiable need to attain power.

I mean I always try to stack some Dps stats to do damage as Prot. A lot of players do in builds as once mitigation is met and dying isn’t a problem. All that matters is damage. Which means faster clearing and never losing threat. Or just some fun YEETS in PvP.

I think there is a big misconception that Tanks are meat shields and they are far more than that. They are supposed to be Aoe damage gods and have tools for every situation.

I think that ill be rolling on tank BiS, cause it will make me live longer, there fore I can dps more, there fore I can say BiS when I roll for it.


Here is the thing, I think that is fine if it legitimately helps you for the content you do or helps your build. I really have no argument with that. I don’t see a problem with a Dps wanting a Giga stam trinket or some niche item for something they do. I mean you play the game and have builds you want to put together.

Personally I’d like to see a Dps decked out in Tank gear or some interesting build. That’s why old WoW is fun.

Again I only do PvE for PvP items like a lot of people. So all is fair in what you need in the content you do.

Silence peasant, I wont allow your tom fooolery here. Go back to the abyss of CrackBiS-Wack and roll on dps items.

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Thanks for invalidating your opinion on item allocation.


Nothing was invalidated. Raiding is where a lot of BiS items are. It’s literally the reason we go in there. It’s not that complicated.

Nerfs no longer matter.

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I wish that was true.

But it is, trinkets, cloaks, rings and necks from Ulduar hardmodes have been added to the vendor.

Which goes against the intent of buffing the ilvl in Ulduar entirely as absolutely no one is going to be running that anymore, but you know.

They really should just nerf it instead.

With the buff they added a literal achievement to Ulduar that required you to kill everything in there “pre-nerf” which makes absolutely no sense unless the nerf actually happens.

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Ulduar is a great raid, from the lore to the boss fights. Its just too damn long of a raid lmao.

I just want people to experience it and for it to be possible to pug without spending half a week looking for members you know have done it already honestly.

I don’t see the point of it still being in it’s buffed state, but I guess I’m pretty much alone in this.

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The pre-nerf version of the raid annoyed me in the first place (as it did in tier 5). That was never the most fun or enjoyable version of the raid, and I really don’t care if hyper optimized raid groups find content too easy.

The fact that they just left Ulduar like that is just extra annoying, and made me want to continue doing that place even less.


The intent was for people to keep running Ulduar during TOGC, not during ICC

I like this change as it gets rid of the RNG aspect. I do think it should be nerfed as well but a nerf doesn’t just make the item drop.

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Who cares if it is to0 for threat. Since when do tanks need more threat than this expansion alredy gave them. In tbc it may have made sense for a warrior tank. But in wotlk, that is an absolutely rediculous argument to claim for taking it over a dps.

If a palidan tank is having that much of a threqt issue that they need to screw over a dps class, then they need to step aside, or sit down, and let a DK show them how to tank.

My main is a tank btw. Palidans can also cast salv on a dps that is creeping up on them, again, if they are that bad to begin with.

Instead of this trinket they should consider adding some hit gems or exp gems. This is nothing more than a ninja steal. Done out of ignorance. Its like a noob rogue taking a bis ranged weapon from a hunter because its an upgrade for them.

Durrr its bis for threat. Should dps start rolling on stam teinkets cause they are bis for stam for them?