Why can’t they fix the forums to match up with your in-game Avatar. In TBC I had to server change and was forced to name change. So I lost 1,000’s of post as that Avatar on the forums.
Now I race changed in WotLK and Name changed at the same time to only lose 1,000’s of post again as that character. This whole time I’m the same Avatar then have to do it all over again on the forums?!
Here is my recent Avatar and what is weird is the picture shows my Race change now and gear I’m wearing. Except I also changed name so I start over?
This is annoying cause I’m bugged with this generic WoW picture. Is there any help for this. Why can’t the forums have the simple technology to realize you are the same poster and just keep you and everything you have done. Instead of losing tons of threads and discussions when you change server or race/name.
If you want to keep posting using your old forum profile try leveling a toon on the same server with the same name to at least 10 in Wrath. For servers there are gone in Wrath level to 10 in Era. If you’ve name changed within 30 days your old name name will be held for you. So for you make a new Abombshield on Grobbulus and level it to at least 10.
Only name changes or server transfers matter, things like faction changes will let you keep your forum profile.
I’ve done it twice and it works. I suspect the Earthfury Wrath will be taken offline for Cata so I’m leveling this toon on Earthfury Era and it force-switched me over a couple of days back. Yes, the picture changes but I like to keep my posts all in one place, and I like for people with memories to know they’re still talking to the same person from years ago, It’s not even the post count for me.
… and yes if you want to keep posting on that avatar the picture should change eventually.
Yes, it is odd but it works. If you do this it may take a few days for your new character to show, FYI.
Some people won’t get why you care but I do.
For me, keeping everything together makes a lot more sense than starting on totally new and unrecognizable character name/forum profile. I’m not talking about you, and I know there are a lot of reasons for swapping profiles so I’m not hating on that. I’m talking about the people who say stuff like “Oh you must have a mental disorder if you want to keep the same profile.” while I’m aware that they themselves swap forum names on a whim and then go on to talk to the same people and don’t say a word about who they used to post on. So what kind of convoluted, backwater thinking is that?
I did make a character I’ll level it in some spare time to 10 so it switches. Pretty wild we have to do this as a fix. I mean how messed up are these forums. It’s all about being able to see a years worth of threads and see responses to them. As you said keeping it together.
Here we are and my warrior has got to level 10 and the picture reflects my level 80 warrior in game. What a world. At least I got my forum account back just soo sooo stupid this is the fix.
Anyways thanks again for the solution to the problem instead of the other trolls in the thread. Now I can just use this main account again and have access to everything I’ve done.
The other suggestion worked. Made a toon with the same name got him too level 10 and restored my previous account and my level 10 forum pic looks like my level 80 currently in game. That’s how messed up the forums are.
i much prefer the old forums, (i think they changed over either in WoD or BfA idk) cause i remember i could change names, transfer realms and even race/faction change and the forums still knew who i was and kept my old posts, but now the forum character is specifically tied to the server (possibly name and race too idk) so ive lost thousands of posts because my retail guild died at one point so i transferred servers