Loot Scarcity

It really is, this easy:

Meaningful loot is good loot. Getting showered in garbage is a waste of time.

I’ll repeat what I said in response to you earlier when you posted the same thing

"Also just wanted to point out that I guess when the same items drop more frequently they’re “Garbage” but suddenly when scarcity is introduced to the same items they’re “Meaningful” right?

So, the same items go from “Garbage” to “Meaningful” just because of drop rate?"

Can you please explain this to me? How do the same items (Essentially just Stats) go from Garbage to Meaningful?


Dude, the loot is just fine. Im sorry it is a lot less than before and not to you liking.

It isnt that hard to understand the new loot system. Less, but better loot.

You and others like you can start saying “Loot scarcity” like it means something. But keep going, this is a good read.

Because there are no longer modifiers. No runeforging and all of that waste of time. I really cannot believe how you dont understand.

I think you are being difficult just to argue.

I’m enjoying the loot system through PvP so I’m fine, it’s the PvE focused players I made this thread for and I think it’s insane and they’re being shafted.

That is all.

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There’s actually more of a chance that you won’t get any meaningful loot because of scarcity, because you have less of a chance to still get a piece that you have to… throw away, because it doesn’t have the right stats.

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202 ilvl, I must’ve done over 30 mythic+, still haven’t gotten a weapon yet, blacklisted from the guilds heroic raids… Its starting to have that Korean mmo feel to it, might as well go play Blade & Soul Lol

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I feel like this was the response you’re asking for.


Are these numbers per person or for the groups? Because that is not how it is panning out. You are neglecting duplicate items. Items poorly itemized for a spec. Items for a slot where you have a legendary. The past 2 weeks I have gone 10/10 Nathria and 10 M+. I have gotten between the 2 weeks, 3 upgrades, and 2 vault items. 2 of the upgrades were traded to me. 2 of the drops I got were duplicate items.

These state, based on my experience, are not representative of loot drop rates.

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i have been after ilvl 200 shoulders from sang 7-9s for weeks and have chained atleast 25 in a row now: no shoulders yet. and out of all those runs i have gotten a total of 3 drops. it even hasn’t dropped for other leather wearers i have run with. yay?

i am curious on how many runs should it take to get an upgrade? 50? 100? all that so i can increase my ilvl so i can do it all again in order to progress to higher keys. yay?

loot scarcity is a real drag.


This is misleading. Going in you have a guaranteed 60% chance to not receive anything. Now the 20% to get an item if you dont time, and 40% chance if you do. This is to get an item. Now if the item is poorly itemized, or a duplicate, or for a legendary slot, essentially its as good as not getting a reward.

Take Theatre of Pain. 4 Rings Drop from there. If you are trying to get your BiS stat ring from there, and you time the key ( Im going to use this char as a reference) out of all available loot to drop for me, 11 items for ele are available. So I have a 9.1% chance of seeing the ring if I get loot. So all in there is a 3.64% chance to get the ring I wanted as an upgrade.

That is too low a chance to really target a drop from a M+. And when its broken down this way, you cant really target loot upgrades from M+ and be efficient. When loot is more plentiful, you are able to target loot to progress your character. And gearing alts, having multiple mains becomes easier. And getting loot feels good. It also makes gearing up multiple specs easier so you can fill more roles and have a diversity in how you play.


What scarcity? Covenants give you a full armor set, A tiny bit of PvP gives you your weapons. I’m sitting over 190 and haven’t done a single M+, more than about 4 hours of PvP, and have run LFR like 4 times max.

The response is “working as intended.”

These are the expected numbers per person

Yes, some of the loot will be duplicates.

Yes, some people will get less loot but that also means others will get more which will drive the average back to the expected rate.

Ion response quick picker.

  1. Working as intended.
  2. We are happy with how this is working.
  3. This is how we want it, but may review it in the future.
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plus not to offend you, but the 8/8 is bad ILVL. Its fine for the argument that is going around of if World quests and heroic dungeons are all you do then you dont need higher gear!

I personally think that is crap but unless posting on a main that has a higher cap renown then possibly available and even then the 8/8 set and blues you have are not rewarding gear. BGs would eventually allow you do upgrade past that and thats unrated content as well.

I think people want to be rewarded eventually without having to spam a million mythics or get a crap 550 conq a week for pvp in order to play what THEY like.

Again no offense to gear, mine isnt much better but I accept 200 Ilvl is not good and want to push for a change in gear. I dont want mythic raiding gear I just want gear that is comparable maybe a % or 2 less viable than that gear.

There is no reason loot drops should be low and the person who got all the pieces from RNG and a high ilvl weapon should crush PVE meters or PVP due to luck.

just my 2 cents and again Im not flaming your gear, it just isnt the right mentality most have. Covenants are kind of crap tbh but thats a whole other story.

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As all I plan to do is heroic dungeons and LFR and maybe step into a mythic 0 at some point it’s extremely rewarding gear for me. 190iLevel (and getting 180+ from world quests now) is fine (and will be higher next week when get covenant up ) . I’m not raiding normals or higher and just want to do LFR for the story more than anything else.

So far have max LW/Skinning/Fishing/Cooking and 33% of the way through to rank 2 legendary.

I just did some math to help elaborate why loot scarcity feels bad. Im going to use timing a M+ theatre of pain as an example. I am trying to target my BiS elemental ring from there. There are 11 drops total on the loot table for elemental. If I time the key I have a 40% chance to see a drop. And the ring is a 9.1% chance out of the 11 possible drops. So at the end of the run, I have a 3.6% chance to get the ring each time I run Theatre of Pain M+ and time the key.

In my opinion, that eliminates the ability to target the ring as an upgrade from there, unless the group stacks every run to funnel me the ring and increase my chances. 3.5% Drop is in the realm of rare mount farming. Not gearing.

BfA was a little too free with the drops, but it allowed you to target M+ drops.


Yaaaaa, I’ll be surprised if we get an answer. Blizzard isn’t known for their communication anymore.

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That is almost exactly what i said you do word for word, my point still stands that your gear (nor mine) is good Ilvl (this is kind of my main). You wont be able to progress any further with the gear you have and will me bored in no time doing the same things not seeing gear drop other than maybe a +2 mythic that gives the welfare epics im wearing.

I said the gear you have for very casual play is great! Unfortunately it will not go higher with what you are doing for a long while and you will not be competitive in any form of content any time soon if you don’t try for better gear (i know that prolly doesnt matter to you, it shouldnt!) but the player base is angry because they do want to play more than very casually maybe SEMI-CASUAL and the gear they get from raids and 1 piece from vault that can be a duplicate is absolute trash.

I am happy you are enjoying the game tho no troll intended. Like I said I never wanted to insult your gear, it just isnt good.

Oh for sure.

My math is simply showing the expected number of loot items a person should see overall per week/month to include duplicates.

When you start looking at someone’s ability to target 1 item like in your example, the odds are very very low.