Loot Scarcity

I feel like we deserve a response in regards to whether or not anything is planned to change the current “Loot Scarcity” design philosophy that is clearly not going well with the majority of the player base.

We’d greatly appreciate not being left in the dark and having some sort of heads up as to what your plans are or if this is what you’re sticking with. This will help a lot of us determine if WoW is the game for us or not anymore.

Thank You.

EDIT: I feel I may have forgotten something quite important in regards to this whole subject and that is simply rewards in general. What I am asking for it not just a response to “Loot Scarcity” but “Reward Scarcity”. When I say “Reward Scarcity” I am referring to the 35 Anima, even if you don’t get loot there should be SOMETHING the player receives for their time and effort.

Moderator: Edited thread title to remove callout to Blizzard. Use of “Blizzard,” “Devs,” “Blue,” and similar words to call attention to your thread is prohibited by the forum rules.


Pretty sure their response is "Working as intended "


Most likely, but I think we deserve at least a blue response to confirm on deny this.


Care to share the numbers?


Why would they need to respond on something that is intended? Sorry free heroic raiding ilvl gear isn’t raining down from the sky for you doing little to no work like it has in the past expansions. You actually have to put in time and effort this expansion. I know crazy huh? An MMO making you work for gear instead of just saying, “Here you go. Your participation reward gear for playing the game.”

Loot is fine.


It’s an anti-casual (and to some extent, anti-hardcore) design philosophy that conflicts with the core design of Retail WoW. I don’t have the numbers but I’m pretty sure that the majority of players do not like this new approach.


The best is when the ones complaining are ilvl 200+


Communication has not been a key word of blizzard for a while now, any hard question directed to them will be immediately dodged or misdirected to some unrelated/related topic.

Wait and see or unsubscribe and wait seems to be the only options not satisfied players have these days.


I am pretty sure the majority of the players do like this approach. See I can say it too. No you don’t have the numbers and the forums make up a drop in the bucket of the active players.


Core design of retail wow? No… Only for the previous few expansions has loot been so plentiful.

As for whether the majority like / dislike it - sure, the “I want it now” crowd hates it when they don’t get their participation ribbons, but I think most people are okay with.

They are trying to make loot meaningful again, and they are accomplishing that. I personally think it is a good change and I’m very casual.


Why does the ilvl of the person complaining matter? Im 205 and I still hate the scarcity of loot. If I get no loot from my raid tonight that would be two weeks without even one drop. I dont care if its a upgrade or even something I already have but the loot could be bumped up. 3 pieces for a 20 man raid is horrid imo.

To be on topic I would assume this is how they want it after they nerfed the timewalking raid loot drops.


Even before loot scarcity you get to a point where your only upgrade comes from the weekly chest anyway so it’s really not much different than previous expansions…

For the life of me I cannot grasp this mentality of “free heroic raiding gear” being what people want. Here are the facts,

  1. 35 Anima feels awful and should scale with the difficulty of content, it’s not an item but it is something that has use.

  2. Raids being on a weekly lockout should not have a lower drop rate than M+

  3. Items are not designed to be very unique or rewarding with the exception of a few trinkets maybe. Loot Scarcity design only works if the items are indeed unique.

  4. Time and Effort is Random. Believe it or not even in Legion you could go months without getting that Trinket from Antorus despite more loot dropping. All this new approach does is drag out the gearing process on gear that, and I need to emphasize this… Gear That Will Be Replaced Next Tier (Unlike Other / Old School MMO’s

  5. PvP Gearing is currently the most fun and rewarding system in the game and PvE’rs are getting shafted for the most part.


youre ilvl206 and doing weak dungeons (not even 8/8 yet).

you’re ilvl 206, only 10 ilvl behind some of the top ilvl players… yet you say you dont get enough loot.

you’re already near the top… and you’re barely trying.


I’ve been in Castle Nathria three or four times. I’ve never done anything higher than a +2. My ilevel is over 200. It really isn’t as bad as people think.


I accidently posted on the wrong character, no idea why people care about such things but if they look at my main (this toon) they’ll see I mostly gear through PvP as it’s the only fun and rewarding thing to do ATM IMO.

I just feel like those who don’t PvP are getting shafted here, I guess people assume I’m trying to ask for Welfare Epics for myself or something.


Its not about having heroic level gear raining from the sky. Its about running a stupid amount of mythic 0s and m+, as well as CN and not getting anything but 35 anima for it. It sucks. I get that RNG is RNG, but maybe tune the RNG a little to actually reward people with relevant reward for doing relevant content. It gets pretty disheartening.


I could be wrong, but I thought they sent the “Working As Intended” message loud and clear this week by nerfing the amount of loot from TW raids.


nah we raid CN for the BIS 32 slot bag we can already make


How is loot “meaningful” again? I’d love for you to explain that to me please because from what I can see, it’s just stats.

Taking an Item that does not affect your gameplay or how your play a character in anyway and making it drop less does not make it more meaningful. This was the design mentality that got us Warforging and Titanforging remember?