Loot Scarcity

you don’t speak for the playerbase, you speak strictly for you.
The majority of players of this game have always been casual not raiders.

The point of the content though is to last until the next tier. The entire reason that accursed TF system existed was to prevent you from being able to reach BiS easily during a tier. They don’t want you to be going into raids and being able to de 90% of the drops.

It also comes with an added bonus of making the content easier over time because loot is actually dropping to make you stronger. One of the things noted in an interview is that when Uldir launched normal and heroic had VERY few upgrades because everyone was already sitting at heroic level loot.

Basically getting loot should never be a thing that stops. Yes the next tier invalidates the previous tier, but that is why you keep getting loot until the next tier and then get loot in that tier. Your goal is to always be as strong in the moment as you can be.

Okay that is not true. Even casuals way back when and even recent xpacs minus BFA had to raid for gear or do some sort of M+.

I didn’t want to start an argument with you, I just wanted to point out that a 181 ILVL character is no where near geared and I dont think you should be commenting on the drops of raids if you dont raid???

Now I will get sarcastic. My Hpal has been 60 for a week and has higher ILVL than you bro. Like idk what your point was I speak for myself and the other 162 people in this specific post arguing the loot sucks.

You just dont have to worry about it because you do not pick up loot from anything but world quests hence you are the people advocating GEAR IS FINE! JUST DO WQUESTS AND GET FREE ILVL.

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exactly! work for the gear. Most of the players complaining are probably ones who were complaining in BFA and Legion gear was too easy to get. Its working just fine. Worker harder to get better gear. that’s the basis of an MMO.

The lack of comment or other response from Blizzard means they are staying with the Status Quo and people should get used to it.

Is almost a month’s worth of raiding and M+ enough “effort” to finally get a weapon? How much more “effort” do one need to put into the game, until it comes to a point to where it’s not worth playing the game?

I’m not saying that loot should be given to everyone all willy nilly, but we also shouldn’t be getting 35 anima for almost a month.


Correct, this expansion as a super casual I have a legendary and 8 purples , usually I have 0 purples much less a legendary with same content. From a casual perspective this expansion is raining gear down from the sky.

That is false man c’mon you know that is false. I played all but legion and have aquired way more relevant gear from every single one. I got 3 pairs of shoulders from TW raid and 2 in my great vault this week all the same stats…

Gear is raining down from the sky for you because all the gear you have is from questing… much more gear rained down last expansion with world quests and gave much better ILVL.

You are commenting on a post about how bad loot DROPS are and you dont do any sort of content that actually drops gear not even PVP where you can buy gear. you quest… again NOTHING wrong with that, but please dont tell me I dont speak for most of the people in the comunity who dislike gearing because you choose not to. Im not compiling research.

Go to your servers outside of your guild see their reactions in trade, go to the forums for posts like this one. If you read you will see, go to reddit go to youtube.

People like some aspects of this expansion like faster pvp games but hate getting 1 shot by convoke, gear is no different. People like doing the content for the most part but dont want to do it 6 times for 1 piece of gear or in my case 5 pieces of the same gear per week.

You sound foolish man.

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I don’t believe this can exist without considering how much time it takes for players to become “geared.”

High drop rates or “guaranteed” loot, unless controlled in other ways, can’t simply cause you to become geared at an accellerated rate. Instead, what will happen is the same kind of incrementalism that happened in Legion and BFA, where you may get gear, but you’ll end up throwing a ton of it away or splitting hairs on secondaries.

Are you saying you like systems that have existed in the past? We’ve seen a lot of variety in how frequently people can acquire loot.


The BFA system with it’s horrendous rng wasn’t much fun nor getting gear that you inevitably trashed. With that being said, getting zero drops when running dungeons probably feels even worse.

So, players are presenting the developers with a choice. Let’s give a little bit more loot and deal with players getting geared quicker, versus getting less for more and getting discouraged and quitting.

At any rate just throwing ideas out. I don’t pretend to have the answers to the problem. Which, may not even be a problem if I had access to the numbers showing just how many players get gear and how often.

Liked your post gave you a like. Thanks for the question.

This just isn’t going to happen. There has to be a carrot.

But i hear you that the inverse of not having a carrot is not getting drops. Thus the question of happy medium.

I think what I see primarily is that people are, in fact, getting geared. They’re just naturally let down when there isn’t a drop or there’s a bad streak. Simultaneously, they’re ignoring every drop and every lucky streak. So we’re just back to where we started - more gear that is of incremental value only, and we’re back to whining over secondary stat value.

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And this is why I do not envy the developers having to come up with these systems to try and insure retention through out a 2 year span.

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BFA was much harder to get gear, after a year of that had way less quality gear than I do in a month of SL


I think the loot system is mostly fine. I would just like to see a pve currency like Valor and Justice points so that pve doesn’t feel like a lottery.

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They’ve already explained it.

It ducks, and I’m sorry you don’t like their answer, but they’ve already explained it.

I’ve cleared CN Normal 3 times. I have one piece of gear from Normal which didn’t even drop in the raid. I got it from the Timewalking quest last week.

The vast majority of my gear is from the vault and M+.

This shouldn’t be the case for someone who has cleared the raid multiple times.


So to clarify, of the 90 pieces of loot that dropped from the raid 0 pieces were yours?

Or, you received loot but it wasn’t an upgrade?

Those are 2 very different things.

No, they don’t. You have no concept of what the word “infinitely” means. Accusing other people of “talking out of their rears” while not having a grasp on the language in which you’re arguing is foolish.

I really wish they could give us expectations.

You’re arguing against an obvious exagerration. Do you correct people who say “literally” incorrectly as well? Maybe flip your dictionary to the hyperbole page and give it a read. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: