Loot council is a joke

Sounds like you’re a trial who is crying about not getting loot.

Seems about right.


Yup which is why loot council is a joke. Weirdly enough ppl on here are already making assumption about me lol

Maybe they were performance based and you averaged a 22 parse so they didn’t give you loot?

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yeah u just explain the flaw of loot council but fail to see it due to big ego lol

Keep telling others about their ego in a thread about you Gquitting because your feelers got hurt over you thinking you deserve something over others

Go ahead



look another comment unrelated to the post.Exposing 1 high ego person at a time :smiley:

I wouldn’t of given him loot either.

Dude averaged a 22 parse in that raid, the other hunter did better.

OP is also 208 ilvl.

i find it amusing how ppl here made so assumption about the raid and me lol. Most assumptions so far contradict one another. Other word ppl here have huge ego and love to speak before they think.

Anyway continue plz

“I deserve loot more than others and you have an ego if you disagree”


I’m gonna find that guild to show them what a bullet they dodged. May god have mercy on whatever guild crosses your path next


funny how u can make some assumption about a class which u dont

The irony of a karen

He has some BiS pieces and a lot of the other gear is ok. He should be doing better. He really needs to research how to play a hunter and the mechanics of the bosses.

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I have a huge feeling that The Guild that did this has a whole different perspective of what actually happened.


crazy, u didnt even see the chat log lol. Again, i expose another person with high ego. Keep it coming. And obviously u gonan try to find tat guild cuz your ego need it.

It sounds like that guild made the right call not giving you anything.


Makes post > Awful points > Clearly in the wrong > Everyone says OP is wrong > OP Gets mad > Replies to all posts > Move the goal post > Continues to defend himself to the death > Unwilling to admit hes a scumbag.

Tale as old as time.


funny how u admit you’re basing your assumption on this “huge feeling”. Seem like majority but five ppl are doing the same.

It it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck…

It’s probably a duck.

If telling you the truth is toxic then sure

Funny how you have no evidence of anything and are only offering your side of what happened.

I’m sure the guild has a different perspective of what actually happened.

This thread was pointless and basing it off what you did how you joined a guild and did 1 raid with them, you shouldn’t of gotten loot period.

You were a trial and I am glad they gave you nothing.

Now go start looking for a new guild to trial with.

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dude… all we can do is make assumptions because you offer no context other than that incoherent rambling in the OP.

your responses are that of an unsophisticated robot that’s been poorly programed with three possible answers: babbling about egos, driveling about assumptions, and something insanely ironic about reading comprehension.

Sadly, I’m now making it my goal to find the GM of this guild and get the real story. Be back soon with the facts!