Loot council is a joke

This is about to be great

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Youre a green parsing hunter in their frist run with a guild, i wouldnt haven given you loot either

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He averaged a 22 in that run.

Bro you are a gray parser. Literally. You’d be perma loot banned in my raid.

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I’m just waiting for the full story

Initial recon indicates the GM doesn’t log in until evenings on a west coast server.

Need more time.

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God bless you, brother.

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It’s ok I’m at work anyway.

We are all waiting for the actual story.

How do you actually perform that poorly as hunter? Excluding trap weaving its literally just keeping up serpent sting and pressing buttons on cooldown (which are all >5s). Your gear is actually really solid too.

My hunter alt is purple parsing and I’m too embarrassed about it that I post on retail alts. I can’t imagine posting on a grey parsing hunter and not feeling ashamed of myself.

This kind of mentality is why blizzard put in personal loot and took out master loot in retail. Blizzard was right to do so as well, because this community doesn’t deserve to choose who gets what. It’s always some guild politics where the GM and officers get all the loot they want, and people outside of their clique are used. If you lick boots or get good boy points then you get scraps no one else needed anyway.
They can’t get any better if they don’t get any loot or help, and most of the time guilds don’t even say when someone is loot banned. Like what happened to the YouTuber ponts/pints.
I hope blizzard implements personal loot into classic. I’m tired of all the scumbag guilds using new players who don’t know any better.

All you need to green parse is to press your basic abilities. If you can’t do that you don’t deserve loot.

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Garbage in, garbage out.

Find a better guild.

Personal loot was so good they removed it in DF.


There are plenty of non LC guilds that use roll or point systems which are “fair” and extremely transparent. Likewise it doesn’t take more than a few weeks and a little brainpower to determine whether a loot council is particularly bad.

With just a little thought and research any player should easily be able to largely avoid loot issues and find something that fits what they they’re looking for.

The game doesn’t need personal loot, it needs players who are capable of taking responsibility for things they care about. If you are really concerned about loot then spend a little time and find something that works. Demanding that Blizzard makes enormous changes so you can dodge personal responsibility is laughable.

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include me in the screamcap

Even blizzard thinks personal loot is crap


Is trial, grey/green parses, expects bis loot, gets mad and gquits when they don’t get it.


We bicker, argue, and hate on each other on these forums.

Today, this guy united all of us.

Thank you for being such a massive idiot that literally everyone can agree on the subject.


Loot council is normal and makes sure scrubs like u dont get bis items before useful players


It’s almost miraculous, in a sense.