If DF is so good then why

Some of the responses were on topic.

No one ever said they were a dps priest of any sort but I know you know that.

But reallyā€¦ Imagine living such a loveless and unfulfilled life that youre this predictably pathetic. I mean just wow. Im sorry man. I know earlier I said it gets better but for youā€¦ for you maybe not. :disappointed_relieved:

Imagine thinking you can decipher someoneā€™s real life based off a forum post.

When you have nothing to add I guess thatā€™s what you resort to.

Letā€™s break it down your way tho.

Youā€™re posting on an under leveled alt that isnā€™t even in your mains guild Iā€™m guessing, most likely to hide how truly bad you are at the game.

Those failureā€™s embarrass you enough to feel the need to hide and maybe that stems from your failure in life and how inadequate you feel in what you pursue.

Like this game your success is no where to be found so you try to belittle the real life of others because as long as others are losers youā€™re ok with failing and it makes you feel good enough to get thru the day.

Keep your head up friend, your food stamps will be here soon.

Not A forum post. Thousands of forum posts spanning literal years. But alsoā€¦ youre not that complicated or hard to read. Youre literally a stereotype.

No man. I actually play Faerlina alliance. Totally. You really solved the caper there Jr. Detective. :man_facepalming: :rofl:

Like you Iā€™m just going to assume im right.

Has there ever been a bigger self-own? I mean really. OOOOOF :face_exhaling: :face_exhaling:
And I only went back about 2 weeks before stopping. And keep in mind these are all different threads and different people heā€™s replying to.


Now put the context behind it and show why those responses were there.

Tell the full story not half of it.

You turned a thread about game balancing into this?

You sure youā€™re not the pathetic sad one?

Stay down kid.

And those are links to the threads. Anyone can click on them and read the context. But trust meā€¦ it doesnā€™t make you look any less pathetic. More so in many cases because of how much of a non-sequitur it was.

ā€œSo I went to Naxx for the first time yesterday!ā€

ā€œyOu gOt a 15 parse! Did you know I got straight 99ā€™s? WHY DO YOU EVEN WAKE UP IN THE MORNING?ā€

Clearly a portrait of a balanced individual. :grimacing: :grimacing:

Iā€™m always up.

When people say youā€™re madā€¦ this is what theyā€™re referring to. :grimacing:

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No, thatā€™s showing you how bad the company is at testing that they rely solely on the players to do it.

Fire mage getting a huge buff on like half their spell rofl

Thatā€™s good but this should have all been seen before it was launchedā€¦

Thatā€™s kind of the point

This also isnā€™t even about mages itā€™s about everybody at the bottom whoā€™s that far behind the top

Retail really lives rent free in the heads of Classic players doesnā€™t it

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You expect too much. Itā€™s hard to balance around both high skill competitive PvP which is retails big bread winner and Mythic raiding.

Guardian Druid was a good example of this. Top rated PvP spec yet bottom PvE tank spec.

You expect to little.

How can FF14 balance a game so weā€™ll in pve and they dont even have a PTR, the game literally is balanced before itā€™s put out so well it rarely ever gets touched again.

Wow community deserves better.

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Because they donā€™t have to balance for PvP cus their PvP side is dead and massacred over the years.

Now thatā€™s cap

Except the pvp isnā€™t even balanced.

Literally no aspect of retail is ever balanced.

Not sure why people keep giving them a free pass.

Pretty sure weā€™ve been crapping on them since 2008 only reason people are praising WoW at all is because they finally released a good expac rofl

Shadowlands was also ā€œgoodā€ at the start.

Donā€™t be quick to judge.