Loot council is a joke

Its not 2006 anymore. There’s no reason to accept this as a player. Back in the day when the only access to loot was through guild raiding, they could get away with that.

If you let a guild do this to you now, you deserve to be taken advantage of.

Ran a loot council for all of TBC and Wrath. Worked great for us. We built a steady stable of raiders who learned that they could trust us to do the best thing for the team. Everyone eventually got what they wanted and bosses died.

That’s definitely not for everyone, though…especially if you’re a selfish, entitled goober.


Having to trial for one or two raids before a guild commits you a spot on the raid team is pretty standard.

The idea that a person in their first raid with a new team would be given loot prio on a bis item over a longer term member is absurd. Non bis items or bis items that nobody needs would be a more realistic expectation.

You’re presumably raiding with the guild to gain access to a consistent community. Worrying about loot on the first night usually signals bad intentions.


The idea that a guild fills its last 5-7 spots with people they know they dont have to share loot with every week is pretty absurd to me.

“Recruit hard, because the people we’re abusing are going to leave when they realize it. Its a revolving door.”

When you can just pug your way to being 2-3 items from phase bis in 4 weeks? No thanks.

I joined a guild for week 3 lockout already with bis weapons and 3 tier pieces, and purple logs across the phase, and they were like “hey bench this week but dont get saved in csse we need you. Also you won’t be eligible for loot for a minimum of two weeks” gtfoh with that.

Sounds like you joined a bad guild. The only thing you can do is ask the right questions up front (raid times, loot system, trial requirements if any). If you don’t get consistent or reasonable answers then move on.

Imo, The perils of pugging are far worse then spending a few weeks finding the right guild.

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TLDR op is a retard.


So the system worked exactly as intended and you feel cheated because you didn’t get what you wanted?

Whatever will that guild do without a loot hungry toddle who throws tantrums week 1? Huge red flags from you OP.

Honestly it’s probably a good thing for them they didn’t give you those pants. You’d just quit the next time you felt you deserved more than others. Now at least they get to keep their loot in guild and they don’t lose anything other than an easily replaceable hunter.


TBH guild is probably pumped you’re up front about being a loot goblin rather than waiting awhile.

And to boot, it’s a hunter, one of the most easily-replaced classes ever.

Look at his logs… He’s making a fuss over tier legs which I’m pretty sure aren’t BIS for hunters. Everyone eventually gets their tier tokens but OP probably WTS bracers.

I think it’s a legit Karen

You’re comparing apples to orange.

Obviously you didn’t say exactly that you felt you had priority but you might as well have.

You’re upset because you didn’t get the option to roll on a specific item like the other items being dropped in the raid, so yes you do believe you had priority of the item to some extent.

The very easy explanation is that you should have learned what the loot rules for your guild was, and remember, it’s pixels in a 15 year old game.

You’re spare parts bud.

Most guilds do not fill raids with 5-7 people they “know they won’t have to share loot with”. That would be a crazy turnover and the group as a whole wouldn’t get better. It would also be drama filled and that would suck.

For example, my guild typically raids with the same 22-24 people every week and sometimes life happens or whatever and that’s why it’s not 25 but it’s close. Everyone gets gear.

Granted guilds can go through periods where they need to heavily recruit because they are either new or a lot of their core people leave at the same time. That’s not so much a LC thing though.

So they ask you to sit on the bench one week but yet they are bringing in “5-7 people they don’t have to gear” every week. That sounds off. Like it’s possible but it seems strange.


If you care about overall guild performance and trust your officers LC is great. If you’re a loot hog then just gdkp. People can play the way they like.

Why has Loot Council threads become the new “Someone must post one every day” topic?

Not that I am telling you to stop or that they are duplicates, that is your prerogative and you are free to create them as you wish. But I am curious, why has this become the new hill some people want to die on?

Isn’t the solution to just leave the guild?

Do you really need the forums to tell you this? I feel this is a thread to start drama where none is needed. You know what you need to do, leave the guild and move on. There will always be LC guilds and non-LC guilds. If you personally do not agree with the loot policies of a guild, you leave the guild and find another.

Forum threads like this will not change the guild’s minds nor will it magically get you the loot you wanted given to you.

So what is the end goal? What are you aksing of the forums here? We cannot give you the loot, we cannot change the guild’s loot policies.

Online echo chambers feel good to some. OP’s post and further comments are barely coherent though… difficult to sort through the sludge.

What I cannot understand is this. When you join a guild, the loot rules are available to you. Also, most guilds put new members in a probabtion period for usually 30 days where you are not eligable to BiS drops. This gives people plenty of time to run with the guild and experience the looting policies in action.

If this was a problem for you, you would be able to see this early, before you were even eligable for the drop.

How is this even a problem? If you did not agree with the looting, you should have left during your probabation period when the loot drop would not have mattered anyways.

This truely sounds like a “I wanted the BiS drop and didn’t get it” bootyhurt post.

Also, the OP’s situtaion is typical of LC guilds. Most of the drops in a Raid are not BiS and therefore not the sought after pieces needed to improve the guild. These items are ususally free rolled on. It is the BiS that are the items where the LC steps in. These are the key items the guild seeks to improve the group and therefore have the LC control there distribution.

What is worse is when you join a guild that says they want to do rolls so loot is distributed fairly to those who come to the raid, then mid-tier or next they decide to switch to loot council because it is only fair for those who show up more to get more loot… so now if you don’t like that you need to jump ship and find another guild that will eventually do the same. It’s a pain. The only way to prevent it is to be the leader and master loot and force a roll on each item yourself.

Looks like trial didn’t get loot at first hand and is complaining.

Try DKP, you’ll see that you might not have enough DKP to bid on the item either.


nice input, ty for actual reading unlike some of these folks lol