Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

This is unnecessary and rude. Harassing and insulting a poster with whom you disagree does nothing to support those of use who are disgusted by Blizz’s decision about the Brutosaur.

I strongly disagree with Yesuna and feel they haven’t supported their thesis in any way beyond saying they like it that way, but they have every right to their opinion.


i still dont understand why people care, like i said 98% of the people complaining will never have the gold regardless if it stays in game or not.

Yeah I expect this type of behavior from F2P games. But from a P2P game with B2P per expansion? Seems extreme to me but it also reinforces that the entire company is in uncharted territory currently.


Pulled that percent out of your ear, did you?

Why I care: I wanted a brutosaur mount. I don’t care about the AH, but that’s the ONLY model in the game so… I worked out a gold-making plan that meshed with the time I have to play and the things I like to do in WoW. I estimated I would amass the required funds by the end of the next expansion. That seemed like a nice long-term goal, so I committed myself to my plan.


Well, maybe it wasn’t that drastic, but it did feel a bit like a kick in the gut when their nasty plan was uncovered. I don’t know how many other people were on track to earn themselves a brutosaur, I only know that Blizzard decided I wasn’t worthy of owning one.

Their only reason given is they don’t want to see piles of AH mounts in future years. :roll_eyes:

Tell ya what, Blizz, make a non-AH brutosaur available from the vendor and we’re good. K?



The players who said “Well it’s just a mount feature, and it’s not TECHNICALLY gone!” are now going “Whoa wait a sec, now it’s an entire mount…”

Of course we have players saying “Well it’s only one mount, and it’s not TECHNICALLY gone!” but I’m detecting a really ugly pattern here, and eventually they won’t have any players left who care about what is or isn’t in a game. It’s unbelievable the kind of resistance and backlash they get, and ignore. They’re so ridiculously arrogant. I know it’s their game, but come on. A company can’t just ignore its customers and stay afloat.

Well, their argument is that there WILL be an ocean of players all using nothing but brutosaurs, so your comment actually proves our point against theirs.


This is old news.

I have Tyrael’s Charger. If everyone woke up tomorrow and was gifted one in their mailbox, I’d still use mine. I don’t need to be noticed, I don’t need my ego stroked. I bet maybe two players in the hundreds I run past even notice it, much less care.

I also use one of the most common drakes with regularity - the albino drake. I use the mounts that I like, the ones that work with my mog or class or spec. I don’t care how others feel about what mount I use, and I can’t wrap my head around how badly you need to flex to other players.

I don’t have the brutosaur. I probably won’t be able to save enough before it’s (“NoT tEcHnIcAlLy!!!11”) removed. I’m aware this is 100% on me. And I’m not jealous, or impressed by anyone who does, and I bet I’m far from alone (yes, including the ones that run past you on yours).


Careful, I called them out earlier in this thread and got a brief vacation for my trouble.

Clearly brainless brown-nosing has its perks on these forums :roll_eyes:


Oh, that’s just Cladis, you can ignore him.


I wonder if there’s any emotional response whatsoever in a blizzard employees mind when they see thousands of negative responses with only a few token shills and trolls pretending to like it?

200+ replies to the original trainwreck blue post, and only 34 likes. That’s a pretty shocking ratio.


Imo they should add another Brutosaur mount without the AH, they can also charge it 2mill gold keeping the “prestige” of it similiar to the spider mount. Without the AH, it doesnt feel mandatory and keeps it still as a long term goal


Wanted to edit this in but got booted out but I definitely regret buying the spider mount now. Since i had an alt parked next to an AH, I could hold off on the brutosaur and get the spider mount first and work on getting the 5mil later.

Didnt realise they were going to remove it from the vendor :frowning:


Blizz meeting:

Blizz 1: The posts hating our vision are being liked more than our vision itself!

Blizz 2: How can we fix this? Make the game fun again? Stop removing things they worked for? Stop removing long term goals?

Blizz 3: “We need to remove likes on the forums!”


Thank you. I actually came out of my forum “retirement” to write it.

But if there was one sentence to quote above all others, you picked the perfect one. Because it is not like the senior developers are all new. Ion has been there for a decade now so it is not like institutional memory has been lost. He, and a few others, have seen this stuff.

The thing they never seem to learn is that once they let these genies out, they will not go back into the bottle. And all their attempts to do so serve no purpose except to antagonize the people who are paying them. They need to really think things through before they implement certain things. And once they implement those things, they need to leave it alone unless it actually breaks the game. Removing it, especially at this stage in the expansion without warning, just alienates paying customers.

And throwing it onto the Black Market Auction House is just pouring salt in the wound. Because it ensures that people who play casually, do not buy $100s in WoW tokens, and so forth will never be able to get this mount. Because now instead of it costing 5,000,000 gold, it will now cost 9,600,000 which is the theoretical max bid (Can anyone confirm this?).

One example I forgot to mention was the removal of the Plagued and Black Protodrake mounts from the Tier 7 “Glory of…” raiding achievements. A month or so after their removal, with the opening of Ulduar, they reversed the policy of removing those achievements but they never put those mounts in. Sure the Plagued one is on the BMAH but, like the Brutosaur, it now will cost them twice as much gold to get it.

As RuPaul would say, the library is open :smiling_imp:

No, they have done it before. When Mists of Pandaria launched, they said that the Challenge Mode Dungeon meta achievements were going to become Feats of Strength when 6.0 rolled as was the “… of the Black Harvest” title for Warlocks who completed the Green Fire quest. The same thing for WoD when 7.0 rolled. The Mage Tower was also advertised as limited-time content. The key difference is that these time limits were announced upon release.

The other key difference, something I forgot to mention in my original post was that the CM dungeons, Warlock Green Fire Quest, and Mage Tower also had systemic nerfs to them as the expansion progressed. Gear upgrades, class buffs, etc. all factored in.


You’re in luck! For the low, low price of $560 USD (at the time of this post), you too! Can own your very own Dino. Why wait! Order now!

But that’s not all, order in the next 20 days, and you’ll get the great feeling of knowing you helped boost Q4’s numbers; for a company already ranking in billion. - TOTALLY FREE! That’s a [worthless] value!

So, don’t wait, supplies are limitless [because it’s a digital item; and putting limits on them is retarded]!


Playing everyday or once a month equals the same MAU number. The MAU metric is not a time played metric like the forum strives to believe.

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You’re arguing against a point I never made. That was not an insinuation that MAU is based on playtime. The context I provided matters.

That is a statement about how people will be playing every day from now until Shadowlands, even some who originally had no interest in returning yet, just to be able to afford the mount in time. Those players will boost the MAU numbers. Playing everyday also means playing every month.

You did, in fact, try to make that point when you said “play everyday and boost our MAU numbers up”. It’s a horrible argument that is fairly common on this forum.

Many players will continue to play everyday and it has nothing to do with the mount. Only 3% of the players own this mount, 2-3% own any card game mount, and only 3% own the spider mount. These mounts aren’t meant for the casual player. It’s doubtful that many will come up with the gold to buy this mount by playing normally anyway. The players that can afford it and will be able to afford it are the AH players and players that sell runs.

Its really that easy.

You seem to be arguing in favor of keeping the mount now since that’s the opposite point Blizzard was trying to make.


They are keeping it, it’s not being removed from the game.