Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Which once again shows how absolutely tone deaf you guys can be and how we keep hearing the mantra “We’re listening and we’re learning” when clearly you are not.

Let us compare two similar instances where you got it right and where you totally screwed up.

The Mage Tower from Legion and challenge mode dungeons from MoP/WoD are examples of where you put this exclusive, time limited things in. Sure people got mad when you removed them but you were always upfront about this being limited availability from the moment it was put into the game. The only reason we did not know the exact dates when the content was to become unavailable at the time was because, for obvious reasons, you were not able to give us the release dates of Patch 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0. And that is fine.

Where you blew it was with your aborted attempt to remove flight in WoD. The expectation of players was that you would delay it as you had said in the announcements and such. We were willing to go along. Then you decided, out of the blue and without any communication with your paying customers (or even to us), to simply go “Well, we’re gonna take it out permanently because we let a genie out of a bottle and we are going to try to cram it back in again.” And we all know how well that turned out.

And here we have history repeating itself again. You guys are making an arbitrary decision, trying to cram a genie back into the bottle yet again and you are getting backlash for it yet again.

Why is this only being found how now as the expansion moves into the final stages? Why did you not tell us this at release? What did you leave us to find out via a datamine versus having the courage to actually tell us first rather than confirm it later like you had to do?

If you do not want everyone to have an auction house mount in the future, why did you bother to put one in to begin with? You cannot claim ignorance because, and you even cited them yourself, with the Traveler’s Mammoth and the Mega Yak. So you cannot possibly claim ignorance.

The final nail in the coffin is the fact that this is the only brutosaur mount in the game. You cite the aforementioned Mammoth and Yak mounts. Those both had plain variations to them so regardless if they got removed people could still get a yak mount or a mammoth mount. That is not so in this case. And people have been asking for a Brutosaur mount as well.

Does that sound like you’re listening? Does it sound like you’re learning? Not from where I sit. Quite the opposite actually.

Leave. It. Alone.


This is partly why it’s a ridiculous reason. People won’t have to populate capitol cities because of this. They can easily obtain an AH in their personal, instanced garrison.


This info was found out from another source and not directly from Blizz. They really don’t play their own game and look down on their own players. :frowning:


You guys make it harder and harder to see this game as anything but a Whale convenience store.

You guys were way better then this, even with large terrible gameplay directions, not even legendaries in Legion were such a huge middle finger to the player base as the obscene priced items ever since the token system started to exist.

This move, sets Blizzard as just another abusive cashgrab company.

Thanks for the 10 years where gameplay and a cohesive world was not tainted by abuse. The past 5, were just downhill to whaleland.


TLDR - The time to mention something is time limited is when you add it and not later.

Thank you for the clear feedback and information. It is good to see this type of communication coming more often.

However, the time to mention this was when you added the mount not this much later. If you are going to time limit something it’s something you should do at the beginning of that time, not past the middle. The Blackmarket AH listing shoud be …interesting. I do wonder what it will sell for there.

/rant activated

I forewent the easy gold of the honeyback harvester due to playing classic with friends. My choice and I loved the good times. I could have gone less hard and still played with them.

I made choices for how to spend gold based on the belief (because you have not ever done this before) that I had time to make more. I bought multiple copes of Wc3 reforged SOW (1 for me and 1 for my niece), I pay 3 wow subs with gold one of which I could frequently have let lapse (I keep it going so my minor nephew can jump on and play with me when he wants and sometimes that is a month or 2 between occasions). I give my niece gold for tokens when she wants something like a race or faction change, I buy mounts and pets. I’m a good customer and I got screwed by your not telling me the rules on this mount WHEN YOU ADDED IT and that makes me angry/sad/annoyed. Try and do better in the furture please.

/rant deactivated


Let me fix that for you.

“A scant few players are happy to see the decision that was made, only a tiny minority of players believe that exclusive, limited, and prestigious items are good for the game.”


Thats their reasoning… So that it doesnt become so common. Gimme a break. I already see 5 stacked on the mailbox and many more guilds were several members have it. Geez. You guys at hq are really reaching if this is the best you come up with.


Except it will still be available to others through the BMAH. It’ll be rare to get it, just like it’s rare to get various end boss raid mounts after the expansion is over.

It’s one mount that will still be available. I wish people would put this sort of energy whining about the black protodrake so we could get that on the BMAH like we eventually got the plagued protodrake and the previously removed ZG mounts. You know, something that’s actually been removed and is unobtainable in any way at the moment.

How is this fair to those that don’t have 5 million Gold? I mean I never had one million let alone 5.

I ask why are you removing it? For mount collectors that have a difficult time raising money this is a big hit.

So your asking people to buy $560 or so WoW tokens to sell to get this mount? This is exactly why you are losing business your self inflicted wounds are killing you. There is no way someone is going to raise 5 million gold from now till 9.0.1 using ingame methods. I’m not going to break myself buying wow tokens to sell getting 5 million gold.

You need to rethink this and let it stay up. You always do the give and take. Reason why the game is not enjoyable like it used too. The give and take back over and over is getting old.

If it is a limited time thing why isn’t it marked limited edition?


Pretty much, this.

Announcing it with only 9 months left just screams “Don’t miss out on this mount! Play everyday and boost our MAU numbers up, then buy some tokens if you’re a bit shy of 5 mil come Shadowlands pre-patch.”.


Except this isn’t an end boss raid mount. It’s a vendor mount that blizzard just so happens to stand making thousands of dollars with it’s removal from a non limited source.


Not scared enough apparently.

I don’t know that I would want to be the guy getting booed off the stage at blizzcon by the most dedicated fans the game has left. Goes to show that they really don’t care about the quality of the game or the health of the game, only milking it dry and then moving on.


Then you will upset those of us that own this mount already as it is…by putting in a cheaper version of the mount. If there was a cheaper version of this mount in the beginning I would of brought that one instead …I brought the mount for the looks not the AH.

That sounds ridiculous. Just buy the other version and increase your mount count.


People are upset cause Blizzard keeps REMOVING stuff. Why is this being trash canned? Was this mount hurting you? If you leave it in you will get more profit in the long run.

The thing is Blizzard never marks anything as a limited time edition items and just off the wall removes them just for the just cause I can. This upsets people. Your forcing people to buy tokens to purchase this mount if they really want it before the trash can date.

This is unfair to mount collectors cause they never really got a long term warning that it was limited.

Stop taking stuff away at random. And start saying this item or whatever has a limited edition marked in it.


Why not?



Exactly why not? A mobile AH is good for business. Having a mobile AH ensure business and the economy is being reached out beyond city walls.

Is your definition of Economy just sitting in SW all day? Whats the point of a faction if you cannot reach out your business outside your capital city? Having a Mobile AH makes so you can list things on the go and not have to go all the way back to a city.

Is :alarm_clock: not :money_with_wings::moneybag: ?


The mammoth and yak mounts both have versions without the NPCs, so why not the Brutosaur? Sure, it would have made more sense for the plain version to be released at the same time as the AH version, but that doesn’t mean they can’t release it now or some time in the future.


Much like your suggestions to everybody else earlier in this thread, perhaps you should have pulled yourself up by your own bootstraps when that content was relevant and obtained it when it was freely available.



Honestly, your entire post is brilliant. I have to resist the temptation to quote the whole thing. However, I will quote one other extremely potent bit:

I can feel the burn from here. :fire::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::fire: