Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

The fact that you think that can only be taken as “the MAU metric is based on time played” says more about you than me.

I just gave you clarification. I really don’t care how you read it beyond what little I’ve already done.

Many players will continue to play regardless of which change is ever made. That’s not a counter to the notion that some people will come back and play solely for the mount. FOMO is quite literally built around this.

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For all intents and purposes, it is. For instance, how many people do you know with the plagued proto drake? It’s a BMAH only mount now. It was basically removed from the game, because the chance it can show up on the BMAH is ridiculously low.


Oh boy, semantics again.

Let me rephrase this more carefully:

You are arguing to keep the mount on the vendor where it is currently available instead of relocating it to the BMAH. Your argument directly contradicts Blizzard’s argument. Therefore you are arguing against Blizzard now. Glad we’re all on the same page.


“Like all dinosaurs…” literally the only dinosaur getting removed lol


You fail to see the weakness in your analogy… the card game mounts are that rare by design. The number of players who have them is restricted by the number of cards printed. If only 10,000 cards for a particular mount were printed, then only 10,000 people can get that mount maximum. Period.

The spider and brutosaur, while rare at the moment, do not suffer from a limitation like that. It is something Blizzard is stupidly imposing and thus creating an artificial scarcity that serves no purpose except to make people mad.

Why do you think the YouTubers and Streamers were railing Blizzard last year when they “retired” a bunch of pets and mounts from the store? Because they did not need to. The store has limitless “shelf space” and inventory.


So are mounts like the gold dump spider mount and the gold dump dino mount. They aren’t meant for all players, they are meant for rich players. There is a reason why so few have these prestigious mounts.

I also can’t imagine why you think long term goals (that keep players playing… well, long term) are bad, and that encouraging snowflake behaviour isn’t.

“Well this isn’t for you!” sounds like playerbase alienation. That generally (as in, there are a few realistic exceptions) tends to be frowned upon, but because you’re fluent in lawyer I’m sure we’re all curious how you can spin it into a positive.


Too bad this isn’t the stated reason for relocating the mount to the BMAH. The sole reason they have given for limiting access to the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur mount is because of the AH NPC attached to it.



Prove me wrong and buy one if they’re meant for everyone. These high priced mounts were never intended for the regular player to purchase.

How does that prove you wrong? Blizzard didn’t say anything about the mount being relocated because it was meant as an exclusive reward. That’s something you’ve made up entirely on your own. It is purely a figment of your own imagination.

The only reason the mount is being moved is because of it provides AH access.


I didn’t say anything about that being a reason for it being removed from the vendor, you have a habit of twisting words.

I said these high priced mounts were never intended for the regular player, if they were there would be more than 3% of the population that had one.

The Mammoth and Yak were “never intended for the regular player” yet they’re still being sold by vendors.

Your arguments are directly contradicting Blizzard’s concern that the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur would become too common in the future. Your arguments support the mount staying on the vendor. Congratulations on playing yourself.


You realize the spider is still on it’s vendor, right?


If it were up to me the mount would not be placed in the BMAH, Id remove the mount from the game. I believe that exclusive items give players something to strive for and improve themselves.

Yeah, and people still aren’t buying it because most players don’t have millions of excess gold. This 2-3% keeps popping up with expensive items.

Just win arathi comp stomp 25000 times and you will have your gold!

So why should they remove the brutosaur if not many people will get it anyway? Oh, right. Tokens.


Removing items gives people fewer things to strive for. Especially when you believe it won’t become substantially more common.

So again, you are arguing for it to stay right where it’s at.


People keep throwing this token business around. There are still players who are very capable of earning gold without buying it. If you aren’t capable of earning gold on your own there is an insanely large amount of guides and videos that could help. Selling runs is always quick and easy gold too.

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Save up for the next mount then?