Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1)

Which once again shows how absolutely tone deaf you guys can be and how we keep hearing the mantra “We’re listening and we’re learning” when clearly you are not.

Let us compare two similar instances where you got it right and where you totally screwed up.

The Mage Tower from Legion and challenge mode dungeons from MoP/WoD are examples of where you put this exclusive, time limited things in. Sure people got mad when you removed them but you were always upfront about this being limited availability from the moment it was put into the game. The only reason we did not know the exact dates when the content was to become unavailable at the time was because, for obvious reasons, you were not able to give us the release dates of Patch 6.0, 7.0, and 8.0. And that is fine.

Where you blew it was with your aborted attempt to remove flight in WoD. The expectation of players was that you would delay it as you had said in the announcements and such. We were willing to go along. Then you decided, out of the blue and without any communication with your paying customers (or even to us), to simply go “Well, we’re gonna take it out permanently because we let a genie out of a bottle and we are going to try to cram it back in again.” And we all know how well that turned out.

And here we have history repeating itself again. You guys are making an arbitrary decision, trying to cram a genie back into the bottle yet again and you are getting backlash for it yet again.

Why is this only being found how now as the expansion moves into the final stages? Why did you not tell us this at release? What did you leave us to find out via a datamine versus having the courage to actually tell us first rather than confirm it later like you had to do?

If you do not want everyone to have an auction house mount in the future, why did you bother to put one in to begin with? You cannot claim ignorance because, and you even cited them yourself, with the Traveler’s Mammoth and the Mega Yak. So you cannot possibly claim ignorance.

The final nail in the coffin is the fact that this is the only brutosaur mount in the game. You cite the aforementioned Mammoth and Yak mounts. Those both had plain variations to them so regardless if they got removed people could still get a yak mount or a mammoth mount. That is not so in this case. And people have been asking for a Brutosaur mount as well.

Does that sound like you’re listening? Does it sound like you’re learning? Not from where I sit. Quite the opposite actually.

Leave. It. Alone.